Hydaelyn Role-Players
Pleased to meet you all! I'm Misha! - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Pleased to meet you all! I'm Misha! (/showthread.php?tid=6757)

Pleased to meet you all! I'm Misha! - Misha_Sachjia - 03-25-2014

Hello everyone, I'm Misha. It's nice to meet you. 

   I'm not sure where to start, but, I'll do my best. 

   I came here because I met a very nice young lady in Duty Finder, and found she was on the same server as I was. We got to talking, and I had expressed my discontent at being able to find role players. I know, I'm on Balmung, you'd think I would be able to find something, right? 

  Well, truth is, I used to role play religiously back in the day. (When Yahoo had private chat rooms) but things happened, and real life too priority. Now that things have calmed down, and I'm having fun with my friends in Eorzea, I thought it might be fun to get back into it. 

  I'm not a fighter, though. I'm a merchant. Information, product, sword and wares, I can sell anything. I like the idea of being that kind of person. Sort of natural, down to earth, and like me, very shy unless we're talking about money. I admit I was a romantic player, back in those days. And while I'd love to do all of that, I want to incorporate more meat in my story too. (I'll assume you know Balmung's reputation) I do like group role playing, but I am -much- more comfortable with one on one. I can do two too, but, any more just makes me a little nervous until I get to know the people, you know? 

  My preferences lie with other males, I don't know if that's a thing or not, but.. there it is. Like I said I'm new at this, so don't throw me to the lions. Tongue I work with the elderly at a retirement home for the work side of my life. And because I'm in a retirement home, my hours are long, and I don't get home until early night. 

   Well, anyway.. I'm not sure what else I should write. I read all the welcome tags before I posted, so.. this all seems proper. Ahm.. Well. If you ever want to chat, RP or just maybe need a helping hand in game, my player name is still Misha Sachjia. ^_^ I love making new friends, first and foremost. And you all seem like really nice people, so I look forward to making a lot of them. 

   Thanks for having me! 

RE: Pleased to meet you all! I'm Misha! - Zhavi - 03-25-2014

(03-25-2014, 04:35 PM)Misha_Sachjia Wrote:   I'm not a fighter, though. I'm a merchant. Information, product, sword and wares, I can sell anything. I like the idea of being that kind of person. Sort of natural, down to earth, and like me, very shy unless we're talking about money. I admit I was a romantic player, back in those days. And while I'd love to do all of that, I want to incorporate more meat in my story too. (I'll assume you know Balmung's reputation) I do like group role playing, but I am -much- more comfortable with one on one. I can do two too, but, any more just makes me a little nervous until I get to know the people, you know? 

Information? Yes please! I love love love those types of characters! Also, hi! Nice to meet you and cheers for buffing up your story and broadening your horizons.

(03-25-2014, 04:35 PM)Misha_Sachjia Wrote:   My preferences lie with other males, I don't know if that's a thing or not, but.. there it is. Like I said I'm new at this, so don't throw me to the lions.    

If you mean by 'thing' what I think you mean, I've happily encountered few closeminded rp communities. Indeed, rpers are usually more openminded than most online in my experience.

I hope you're able to find what you're looking for! If you ever want to do some forum rp with the information trade, I would be so down. Politics (maybe especially low-down gritty street politics) is one of my favorite things to rp.

RE: Pleased to meet you all! I'm Misha! - Misha_Sachjia - 03-25-2014

Well thank you Zhavi. ^_^ It's really nice to meet you. I don't think I've ever done forum RP before. Is it like chat/MMO RP? Same deal, building a book with someone? I kind of envision it like playing chess with someone overseas via snail mail.  

And thank you for your support on the whole orientation thing. It actually means a lot to me. I don't really hide it, but I feel like if I don't make it clear, I'll continue to get a load of girls hitting on me. (Balmung, you know.. land of ERP lol)

Ahm, actually I'm in the process of building my character. I have some bases down, but I think it could use a lot of refining, you know? Smile

RE: Pleased to meet you all! I'm Misha! - Zhavi - 03-25-2014

Hahaha, I hear you -- at the end of the day, it's about what makes you comfortable.

Forum rp is sorta like that, yeah -- maybe more like chess by email? It's almost always slower than mmo/chat rp, but there's a bit more freedom in terms of how much you can write in one go. In my case, it's a way to do ffxiv rp for now until the semester is over, until I can reliably be in game for more than short spurts of time.

Ooooh, yeah, my character can use more refining too (I actually just came back a few days ago after a looong time gone) -- characters are ever a work in progress, eh? I really look forward to seeing the evolution of your character!

RE: Pleased to meet you all! I'm Misha! - Ragnar - 03-25-2014

Welcome Misha! I hope joining the RPC helps you find more RP. If you want to RP sometime shoot me a message or come on over if you see me in game.

RE: Pleased to meet you all! I'm Misha! - TheLastCandle - 03-28-2014

Hi, Misha, and welcome to the RPC! I believe we were in an FC together close to ARR's launch, back when I played Teveriel Anduin. In any case, glad to have you here. Smile