Hydaelyn Role-Players
He Hahs'to Return. (Closed plot RP) - Printable Version

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He Hahs'to Return. (Closed plot RP) - Knight Kat - 04-13-2014

In the midst of mid-day, Kiht Jakkya, contrary to her Keeper culture, sat in the Shriekshroom Moon-Keeper's camp grounds in Greentear while fully awake. Most of the group were sleeping in their dark tents; soon to rise at dusk for a night's hunt. She sat on a stump while she pondered.

“They know about you.” Xydane had said during her first meeting with him. Words that haunted Kiht's thoughts; words that echoed in her mind ever since. The success she has had at uniting the "Exiles" depended on the assassins not knowing about her. Yet, that is what Xydane said. Was he sure, or was he just assuming? Kiht wondered. Her name wasn't on the list. IF they knew about her, why did they not strike at her while she was alone. Even with her family, she could be vulnerable. Her group were hunters, and forest nomads. They weren't primitive by Gridanian standards, but they were not ideal for fighting assassins.

If the Faces of Mercy knew Kiht was the leader of the "Exiles", there should be no reason why they wouldn't seek out the Shriekshroom Moon-keepers with a small army of mercenaries at their backs, and obliterate the Keeper group along with Kiht. The thought scared her. She -had- to tell the group. It was the right thing to do.

In the end, she did not regret her decision. The group Matriarch understood. “A woman must make her own decisions; choose her own path, and lead the life she chooses to success.” The Matriarch had said. They were encouraging words. However, most of the group were worried for Kiht. Many of the Kaatah family wanted Kiht to stop helping the "Exiles" because she was putting the group in danger.

Kiht had considered not being around them until the assassin threat was dealt with. However, it did not matter in the end. Not only would it be hard for a family-oriented Keeper to stay away from her group, but the assassins still might attack the group just because there was a possibility that Kiht would be amongst them. If they were going to be in danger, Kiht would stay around them as much as possible.

Most females Kiht's age would be starting to plan their future, but Kiht was already taking on a task that most would expect a veteran Twin Adder officer to take on. Kiht was amazed that the "Exiles" would even follow her.

A gentle breeze rustled the brush and tree branches as birds chirped from unknown perches hidden high in the canopies. The Sun was beginning to set as the bottom of it touched the horizon. The sky grew orange, and a nearby Fungar realized that he was probably in a bad location, so he took shape and tried to quietly scamper off before the group lived up to their namesake. All seemed normal in the Black Shroud.....

“To arms!” A female voice shattered the silence of the forest.

One of the Kaatah sisters who was out on patrol came charging into the campgrounds. She gripped her bow in one hand with an arrow in the other. She was gasping for breath as she tried to shout as loudly as she could. She was in an absolute panic.

“To arms kin!” She shouted again.

Kiht stood up quickly. Groans started emanating from the tents as many of the group were now being awakened by the shouting.

“What is amiss, Kaatah sister?” Kiht asked calmly but in a loud voice.

The Kaatah sister looked to Kiht with wide eyes full of fear. “Cloaked figures approaching the camp grounds!”

“Everyone to the ready!” Kiht shouted at the awakening Keepers; her voice loud but it betrayed that she was a lot more calm than the panicked Kaatah sister. Most of them were disoriented, but they made for their weapons. Some grabbed spears while most grabbed short-bows. They scrambled around and mumbled questioningly.

“Are they armed?” Kiht asked.

“Yes! By the Twelve, they are not far behind me! We must prepare, or flee, or something!” The Kaatah sister shouted in a very worried tone. She quickly ran to a tree trunk and tried to knock an arrow to her bowstring. However, her hands quivered too much, and she could not quite get it ready.

Raih'a Kaatah stepped up close to where Kiht stood. His eyes were tired, and he grumbled a complaint. He had a leather-worker's hammer in one hand, and a bow in the other. It was an odd combination that was probably a result of his disorientation.

“Now, how do you know that--” Raih'a paused mid-sentence as his mouth went agape, and his eyes went wide. He stared off in the distance at something. Kiht followed his gaze to what looked like a dozen figures in dark cloaks, approaching from the distance. They were too far away for the Keepers to make out their features, but close enough to where they would arrive at the camp grounds in less than a couple minutes.

Kiht began to panic. She began looking around at her group members as they prepared for battle. Her expression betrayed her deep concern. She wasn't as worried about herself; she just didn't want any of her kin getting hurt. If the twelve figures approaching were indeed Faces of Mercy, they could wipe out her whole clan in minutes.

“Only twelve?! They underestimate us!” A loud female voice erupted from the clamoring group. It was the Matriarch. Her tone was fierce and surprisingly loud for an old woman's voice. “We will not be defeated in our own home!”

Kiht looked to the Matriarch with a desperate expression. She shook her head furiously. “No! Please! This is my fight! It is me they want! Let them have me, and none of you will be harmed!” Kiht shouted, to the group Matriarch.

Kiht had her Yarzonshell Harpoon, but she wore her forest leathers. She was not ideally dressed for battle with assassins. However, she did not expect to win, anyways. She didn't want her kin getting slaughtered.

“Nay! They will not take one of the last of the Jakkyas. You are ours, young one.” The Matriarch responded in a determined tone.

The rest of the group let out shouts and battle cries to the Twelve as they charged at the cloaked figures. Kiht thought about calling to the "Exiles", but a fight would be over in but a few minutes.

Even if the Exiles rallied a force, and used aetheryte travel to get to Bentbranch Meadows, it would take twenty minutes of non-stop sprinting, or ten minutes on a sprinting Chocobo to get to the camp grounds. Despite the futility of it all, Kiht put her finger to her ear, and shouted over the linkshell.

“If anyone can hear me! My group and I are under attack in Greentear! At least twelve hostiles!” Kiht shouted the short message.

She gripped her harpoon firmly in her hands and charged along with her group members. She made a silent prayer to Halone. Her kin could not be stopped now, so she would fight along with them, and likely die along with them.

RE: He Hahs'to Return. (Closed plot RP) - Knight Kat - 04-13-2014

Something was amiss. Why were the cloaked figures just standing there? Kiht wondered. They were out in the open; approaching as a group. That didn't seem like an assassin method. Perhaps it was trick? An ambush? Kiht suddenly thought right before reaching the the figures who were just standing there.

“Hold! Everyone hold!” Kiht shouted as she staggered to a stop. She shouted as loudly as she could, but her words fell on deaf ears. Her group members were already in the charge, and they were intent to follow through. There was nothing Kiht could do.

One of the cloaked people stepped forward, threw off his cowl and held out his hands. Other cloaked figures started......Cowering? Some knelt and started praying, some staggered back and some started waving their hands frantically in front of them.

The group members may have been in a charge, but they hadn't lost all sense. It was mostly the one in the front that gave them pause. The one who stepped forward and threw off his cowl was a Miqo'te! His skin had a slight blue hue and his hair was black; his eyes were blue Moon-keeper eyes and he had a teardrop tattoo on his forehead!

“I know that you all missed me, but this is overreacting, is it not?” The male Moon-keeper said with a nervous smile on his face.

The group had come to a halt. Some members lowered their weapons while others kept their weapons at the ready, but they all looked awestruck. Their eyes were wide, and their mouths agape as if they were staring at a ghost.

“Um, don't you recognize me?” The male Moon-keeper asked. He then regarded Kiht.

“Little Kiht! You.....Haven’t grown at all” He said to Kiht with a teasing grin on his face.

Kiht's expression suddenly grew even more awestruck. “H-Hahs'to?” Kiht stuttered.

Everyone thought he was dead, but Hahs'to Jakkya stood before his group. The cloaked figures all stood up once they realized that they weren't going to be attacked. They pulled back their cowls. The eight other individuals were a combination of all the races of Eorzea. There was even a Lalafell who Kiht hadn't noticed before. Upon closer inspection, they were not armed with very deadly weapons. Many had canes, crooks, wands and scepters. None of them carried bows, blades or lances. They relaxed, but still looked worried as they regarded the armed Keepers.

However, the eight unknown individuals were not the concern of the group at that moment. They all suddenly recognized Hahs'to. What started as a charge into battle suddenly turned into a charge of celebration as every one of the group members dropped their weapons, and ran to gather around the male. It was a chaotic eruption of embraces and voices. Kiht ran directly to Hahs'to; she grew an expression of joy that she hadn't displayed in a long time.

“How??” Kiht asked him.

“Long story, I will tell you later. I am glad to see you, little Kiht.” Hahs'to responded.

“Tell me now, male!” Kiht said in an irritated tone, but she still bore a jubilant grin.

“Fine! Gods, you are still the crazy cousin I remember, aren't you?” He retorted, but still smirked at her.

It was then that Kiht put her finger to her ear. She had some explaining to do. “My apologies, but it was a misunderstanding. My group and I are not under attack. Everything is well.” Kiht said over the linkshell.

Hahs'to regarded her with a curious expression as she talked over the linkpearl. “What trouble are you involved in now, little Kiht?” Hahs'to asked her in a teasing tone.

“I have a long story to tell you as well, Hahs'to.” Kiht answered then paused for a moment. “However, you must first understand, I am not 'little Kiht' anymore. Life has changed me, Moon-brother.” Kiht said as she returned his smirk.

RE: He Hahs'to Return. (Closed plot RP) - Knight Kat - 04-18-2014

It turned out that the men in cloaks were traveling friars who would pilgrimage to the Godstones, and the Sanctum of the Twelve, every year. Hahs'to met up with these sympathetic friars, and joined the group for a time. After the Matriarch apologized for scaring the friars, they bid the group farewell, and left.

Three suns later, the group was still in high spirits; except for, the Matriarch and Matron of the Kaatah family.

It wasn't long until Kiht was asked to talk with Matriarch Raih Kaatah, and Matron Talha, alone. This was unusual because the small group never kept secrets from any of the members. Meetings were always held in front of the entire group. This made Kiht wary when she arrived at a secluded location not far from the Greentear campgrounds.

The Matriarch and Talha were already there when Kiht arrived. She looked to the two of them curiously as they all stared at her with solemn expressions.

“Um, what is amiss?” Kiht asked them.

“I will get straight to the point, young one. The group is disbanding....” The Matriarch said in a neutral tone that only hinted at sadness.

Kiht chuckled at first as she was sure the Matriarch was joking. However, Raih looked to Kiht with a serious expression, and when a tear ran down the Matriarch's cheek, Kiht's expression suddenly went from an amused smile to an expression of utter shock and dismay.

“Y-you are serious?!” Was all Kiht could think to ask.

“Indeed, young one.”

“Why?! Kiht exclaimed.

“You have brought an issue to this group, Kiht.” Talha interjected. “However, Hahs'to's return is very fortunate, and I feel joy for you and your kin. But, the group disbanding has nothing to do with that.”

“My kin?? You -are- my kin, Matron! Why do you talk as if the Kaatah and the Jakkya family do not belong to the same group?” Kiht asked Talha.

“Kiht, the Kaatah family is tired. For six years we have been attacked, chased, persecuted, harassed and worked to exhaustion. There hasn't been a single wandering male who has wanted to join our pathetic little group in six years.... That -male-, Lyn Konge, does not count since he refuses to take any other females as mates, other than you.” Talha responded.

Kiht clenched her fists, and was very ready to strike the old woman, but would not do so in front of the Matriarch. “There are too few traditional wandering males left! It has nothing to do with how pathetic you think our group is! And Lyn has proven himself time and again! How dare yo-” Kiht's heated response was cut short by the Matriarch suddenly bursting into a coughing fit. Kiht regarded her for a moment, but didn't think too much into it. She quickly locked her gaze back on Talha.

Talha raised her head in an obstinate gesture. “Lyn has proven time and again that he is a fool who does not consider the consequences of his actions. He has also insulted our family and females of our group by refusing to take any of them as mates. It is as if he is saying that my daughters are not good enough for him!” Talha said in a bitter tone.

“That is not the case! Lyn is simply influenced by Hyur and Lalafell culture. He will adapt to the traditional ways.” Kiht retorted.

“You do not know what it is like to have daughters, Jakkya.” Talha said as her voice cracked. Her tone was suddenly more sad and gentle. “My girls are not getting any younger, and I see the sadness in their expressions. Half the time they are lonely, and wonder if they will ever have children while the other half of the time they quiver in fear of what ever horrors will come to the group next.” Talha paused and shook her head. “Ixal, Wood Wailers, slavers and now assassins? We cannot take this any longer.”

“You underestimate your own family! And, what other choice is there? If we disband, we will be even more vulnerable.” Kiht responded.

Talha shook her head again. “Our group has made peace with the Gridanians. It is about the one and only good thing you have done for us. The group has been given an offer. If we accept the cleansing of Woodsin, we will be allowed to become Gridania citizens.”

Kiht's mouth went agape as her expression betrayed her surprise. However, she quickly grew a scowl as her brows furrowed. She was about to say something to Talha, but she quickly jerked her gaze to the Matriarch instead.

“Matriarch, you have chosen this?!” Kiht asked her. The Matriarch tried to talk, but was stopped by another fit of coughing.

“Nay, but I..... The decision will be out of my hands soon, young one.” Raih answered.

Kiht quickly shook her head. “The Kaatah family would sooner listen to you than Talha! Make them understand. If they submit to the Gridanians, they will be made to worship the Elementals. They will be treated like second-rate citizens. Their every tradition and activity will be regulated. They will be made to bow to the horned Hyur while the Elezen scoff at their every move. They will loose their independence.” Kiht lectured.

“Bah, now you are being hypocritical, Jakkya! You who now leads mostly Hyur and Elezen exiles.” Talha retorted.

“The -exiles- are the very victims of the arrogance and self-righteous attitude that is prevalent in their own kind. Do not mistake me; I have learned to judge an individual by their own deeds, but I have seen Eorzea! Our kind are almost always at the bottom of the ranks.” Kiht said as she crossed her arms.

“Indeed!” The weary Matriarch said in a voice as loud as she could muster. “Listen Kiht, what I meant, is I will soon no longer be able to continue as Matriarch....I am stepping down...”

“You mustn’t, we need you now more than-”

“I am dying....” The Matriarch cut Kiht off, mid-sentence.

“But....Why?...How?” Kiht asked in a saddened tone.

Talha was quick to interject. “Indeed, and she deserves to spend her final Suns in comfort and safety.”

“Gridania is not so bad, is it? Indeed we will have to adapt to their ways, and we will have to stand up from under the pressures of their bigotry. But it is not impossible. The Kaatah family will rise up to form our own place in Gridanian society. We will do so with the benefits of security and prosperity that our daughters and sisters deserve.” Talha said with a tone of finality.

Kiht went quiet. She didn't know what to say. Even though she disagreed, she could tell there was no changing Talha's mind. “It had already been decided before now, hadn't it?” Kiht asked.

“While you were off with your exiles, we have been discussing the fate of the group.” Talha said then paused. “The old ways are done, and so is the Shriekshroom Moon-keepers.” Talha concluded, nodded her head then walked off to rejoin the group at the campgrounds.

Kiht looked to the Matriarch for confirmation. A sad frown had grown on her face and it took all the discipline she had to prevent her eyes from welling up with tears. The Matriarch looked back to Kiht with a weary stare. “Young Kiht, I must apologize for Talha... However, what the Kaatah are doing is acting on a decision they have all made. Regardless of my condition, the group would still be disbanding.” The Matriarch responded to Kiht's unasked question.

“Tell me, please, why are you dying? How do you know?” Kiht asked in an insistent tone.

It was then that the Matriarch explained that she had a disease. It was something common amongst older people, and it was incurable except maybe with Pajal Magic. However, the Gridanians would not help. Matriarch Raih Kaatah had lived a life that they saw in disservice to the Elementals. However, she would be allowed to live out her final days in Gridania, and her family would be allowed to become citizens. In a way, it was a generous offer. As long as people followed the strict and rigid laws of the Elementals, Gridania was a rather safe and peaceful place.

After the Matriarch was done explaining her condition to Kiht, she looked to her and asked one question. “What will the Jakkya family do?”

Kiht took a moment to think. The Jakkya family would be vulnerable on their own, but Kiht refused to surrender tradition. She did not want to give up her people's freedom and honor. However, she had to consider the well-being of everyone in her family.

“I can not make the decision right now. I need one sun to explore our options.” Kiht finally said after a long moment of thinking.

Kiht turned, and was ready to storm off. “Wait...” The Matriarch said to her then began yet another coughing fit. This time, the coughing fit was so intense that the Matriarch almost fell over. Kiht stopped, and turned around to regard the Matriarch.

“Kiht, there is something you should know before you decide what the Jakkya family will do.” Raih said as she reached into her robe and pulled out a small leather-bound book. She handed it to Kiht with a shaky hand.

Kiht grabbed the book as her expression grew curious. It was a very old book that had no symbols or writing on the cover. She slowly examined the book and gently rubber her fingers along the leather. “Is this Jakkya leather-work?” Kiht asked.

The Matriarch nodded her head. “It is more than a book made by a Jakkya... It is your grandmother's lore book.”

Kiht's eyes grew wide with awe. “Why am I only being given this now?” Kiht asked.

“My deepest apologies for only giving you this now... I did not want to have the knowledge in that book corrupting the Jakkya family.” Raih responded. Before Kiht could ask the next series of questions that would appropriately follow, the Matriarch started to speak again. “You see...The Jakkya family joined with the Kaatah during your mother's lifetime.... They were not always part of the Shriekshroom Moon-keepers.”

“Then who...” Kiht asked.

“The Jakkya family was once part of a group that is now known today as the Raptor Poachers....” Raih answered.

“You can not be serious!” Kiht said with an expression of utter shock.

“Listen...” Raih said as she struggled to prevent herself from coughing again. “The Jakkya family had only been in our Shriekshroom group since your mother joined as a adolescent. That book documents their history before the joining with the Kaatah family. It documents their old traditions, their way of life, their joys and their horrors. It is stated that half of the Jakkya family could not bear their destructive way of life any longer...... Half the family split and joined with the Kaatah family while the other half stayed with poachers.” Raih managed to finish before she let herself go, and began coughing once more.

Kiht gripped the book firmly in her hands as her expression was locked in shock. She had planned on reading every word in the damn thing. However, she had a major decision that she would soon need to make. The book would have to wait, for now.

“Kiht.... I did not tell you because I was afraid you would seek out the Raptor poachers if you knew. You must not go to them. Our Shriekshroom group were called poachers because we hunted a few animals that were legally protected species. That is nothing compared to the Raptor Poachers... They are ruthless, and act more akin to pirates. They are what gives Moon-keepers our bad reputation.” Raih said then paused. “However, I now believe you have a right to know. The book is yours now. May Menphina guide your decision, Kiht....”

RE: He Hahs'to Return. (Closed plot RP) - Knight Kat - 04-24-2014

((This post has been cleared for retcon purposes. After the Jakkya family split with the Kaatah family, Kiht took the title of family matron, and joined the family with the "Morbolvine Clan". However, after many months, the family once again joined a different group.))