Hydaelyn Role-Players
Maki Rui - Printable Version

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Maki Rui - Evaleigh - 04-15-2014

I. Basic Info 
  • Characters:Maki Rui, Twilight Orchid, Gudo Budo and many more. (Addict!)
  • Primary character:Maki Rui
  • Linkshells:Driftwood Coast, Berserk, OWLS
  • Primary RP linkshell:(I don't really like to rp in linkshell)
II. RP Style 
  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
    Medium - Heavy.  If in the game I am always In-Character unless otherwise stated.  I'll do OOC runs and things to get better at the game but for the most part I make decisions based on the character, for the character, by the character.  (e.g. Maki Rui as a character was raised a hunter and for that reason began as an Archer. Unless something ICly happens to make her want to pursue magic she will probably never become a Black Mage).  I have a lot of characters created just for the sake of being roleplay plot devices.

    I really enjoy emersive, gritty mature roleplay, both as a player and a storyteller.  If you are on Gilgamesh or Balmung and have need for a mature, intelligent roleplayer that has no qualms over being a plot device or a bad guy keep me in mind!  If you have a path you want to take your character but need a villain to help you get there throw me a shout!  If you are a villain and need a place to stretch your legs, let me know!  Everyone likes to play the hero... it takes a genius to pull off the antihero!

  • Views on RP combat and injuries:
    I love RP combat with people who are mature.  I don't like RP combat with the people that can do backflips in full plate on the back of a chocobo while hurtling a javelin dodging every arrow matrix style.  (I have nothing against losing a fight, I just really get annoyed at cheap unrealistic moves)

  • Views on IC romance:
    If it is appropriate for the character.  I am a mature roleplayer, I prefer to play things out however the pieces may lie.  From the sweet to the dark and everywhere in between.  I am a very character-driven roleplayer so whether or not my character would be open to romance depends on their personality.  I have some who lack the ability to 'settle down' but may be free spirited otherwise and some, like Maki, who are ferociously loyal and would sooner gut a person than consider a stain on her honor.

  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
    Same with IC romance.  I love it all. Friendships, family, kinship, comraderie, etc.  In fact I'd say I much prefer the grittier, lets get down in the mud and battle us some Dodo's over the "oh snookems wuvvle bear let us sip champagne and watch the sunset!"

  • Views on lore:
    I like to incorporate lore as much as possible.  FFXIV I think did a great job at creating an atmosphere with a lot of wiggle room.

  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
    I prefer to roleplay in /say or /party.  I can tolerate /linkshell but I prefer to not roleplay in it as though we're standing face to face when we are not.  I would rather roleplay over Skype in that instance.
III. Other Info 
  • Country:USA
  • Timezone:Eastern
  • Contact info:PM here, Maki Rui on Gilgamesh.  I will share Skype and YIM with those who ask for it (but not going to advertise it here for the world to add me to their spam).

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