Hydaelyn Role-Players
Been out of game for a bit - Printable Version

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Been out of game for a bit - Erik Mynhier - 04-21-2014

So I have been out of game for over a week now. A friend offered to explain my absence with an ic plot of my character being kidnapped.

The reason for all this is I resently went home to Holland to see a kinswoman off to her death. She had cancer and I wanted to be there to see to her soul. As some of you know I am a chaplin in real life, for my family especially. She passed today and I will to her cremation and funeral as she had no children and it is my place. I will be back in the States by Monday though I may jump into the game before then, since I brought my game with me.

Sorry if this troubles some in their storylines, though I know they understand as those I rp with are good people.

Tot kijk.

RE: Been out of game for a bit - Melkire - 04-22-2014

May she rest in peace.

I can somewhat relate, as my grandfather passed away little more than a year ago (old age, in his case). Don't worry about the game; family comes first, always.

Be seeing you soon. Best wishes.

RE: Been out of game for a bit - Ashianna - 04-22-2014

I know I'm not involved in anything at present with your character, but I still wanted to take the time to let you know my thoughts are with you. I think there are many here that can relate in one way or another and I am sure those you rp with will understand. It is awesome you were able to be there for her.