Before the Fall [Closed] - Printable Version +- Hydaelyn Role-Players ( +-- Forum: Role-Play ( +--- Forum: Town Square (IC) ( +--- Thread: Before the Fall [Closed] (/showthread.php?tid=7169) |
Before the Fall [Closed] - Ja'ren A'lenthin - 05-15-2014 ~Red = my Ja'ren || Â Ja'ren Tia = the kid Ja' thought of as his 'brother' || Also - the color'd text notes auras in some cases~
Reference pics for Ja'teeh, Min'iah, and Ja'ren Tia. <--Ja'teeh <-- Min'iah <--Ja'ren
"Hey! It's the freak!"
A small, light-blonde haired mi'qote child pointed at the figure trudging into camp, behind a large adult male. The adult was carrying a mass of small, dead animals for the nights dinner. The small figure following him had dirty blonde hair with red highlights and black ear tips, but that wasn't what the other child was pointing at. The child was pointing directly at the small figure's red left eye. "Don't get near him or you'll catch his bad luck! Just like Ja'teeh!" The other children snickered, and began their usual name-calling. This had become a normal routine whenever the red-eye'd child came into camp. The small boy's figure hunched over, as if trying to hide from the slew of names being hurled at him, and just when it looked like he'd turn and bolt out of camp, the adult leaned over to whisper: "Go wait at the usual place. I shall bring you your portion momentarily." As the child looked up, big round eyes slowly welling up with tears, the adult smiled gently, the kindness in that face caused the boy to sniffle, nod, and wearily march over to his spot by the fire. He was joined by another small child, who sat down right beside him and held out a tiny harp. "Hey Red! Did it go well today? Wanna play something like you normally do?" Side-by-side, the two boys looked almost identical, except for their eyes and different face markings. One was a Keeper, the other a Seeker, the Seeker being the one holding out the small harp to the other boy. The names forgotten, the Keeper nodded, a grin forming on his face as he took the harp from the other child. "Sure. I'll play something - and yeah, it went well. I was able to kill things with one shot today, Ja'ren!" Red beamed at his best friend, and began playing a lively tune as his tiny fingers danced over the harp strings. Ja'ren smiled in return, and stood up to dance in time with the music, clapping his hands and wiggling his ears to try and cheer his friend up as best he could. The two children talked and laughed well into the night before parting ways - Red to his small shack well outside of camp, and Ja'ren to his family's home within the center of the compound. RE: Before the Fall [Closed] - Ja'ren A'lenthin - 05-15-2014 ~A few days later~
"Tis' but a scratch, Min'iah, I doubt it will do much harm." The large male Red had come into camp with a few days prior was being tended to by a smaller female, his wife. Her face was scrunched up in annoyance and fear - her husband had a long gash across his chest, a result from the days hunting. There was a salve already applied to the wound, and she was just beginning to apply a bandage when she replied. "A scratch?! You call THIS a scratch?! What happened? It was -that boy- wasn't it? Don't lie to me and say it wasn't. We all know a dark cloud follows him." The large male sighed, shaking his head, "I am unsure what happened. We had the beast, but somehow it escaped the trap and managed to graze me during its mad dash to freedom. -That boy- as you call him, is the reason the creature did not escape entirely. He's the one that brought it down with a well placed shot." Ja'teeh sat still while Min'iah finished wrapping his chest with the bandage, but once she finished, he stood up to prepare Red's portion of the days meal. "Why do you continue to allow him to hunt with the group? After what happened the first time? Now, this has happened, what happens next time when it kills you, love? The boy is cursed. Send him away, please, before it costs you or another in the tribe their life." Ja'teeh continued preparing the meal, though his tail had begun to twitch in annoyance. This was not the first, nor last time, Min'iah had pleaded with him to send the boy away. In fact, almost everyone in the tribe had come to him at some point with that request, and he always gave them the same response: "The boy deserves to live like any other. I will not send him away without at least teaching him how to survive on his own. What if I had sent -you- away, rather than allowing you to remain here and grow? Why does he not get the same chance everyone else here did?" That response made Min'iah look away in shame. She had known what the response would be - having heard it many times over, but she always thought Ja'teeh was just giving her lip service. "I do not want to see you harmed, Ja'- you know that. Nor do I want to see our son harmed. You've seen how much they play together. I worry the boy's luck will rub off on him." Ja'teeh paused, before bursting into laughter - it was a jolly laugh, one that would make anyone within earshot suddenly find themselves laughing along without knowing why. "And -you- know our son has enough good luck to outweigh the boy's bad. Let them play. I see no harm in it." The meal completed, Ja'teeh gave a meaningful look back to Min'iah, signaling that the discussion was over, the decision made, for good or ill. He picked up the food, and began the trek to the small shack outside of the camp - where Red awaited. RE: Before the Fall [Closed] - Ja'ren A'lenthin - 05-15-2014 ~The day after~
"Why! Why did you not listen! I -told- you to send him away! That he was cursed! Wh-" Unable to contain herself any longer, Min'iah breaks off into heart-wrenching sobs. She is held by another of the tribe, a female, and led away from the body of her deceased husband, Ja'teeh. Those left began the arduous process of preparing the body for burning. They did not like burying bodies, what with the possibility of a wild animal eating it as it decomposed, so this tribe burned the deceased and scattered their ashes to the four winds. Allowing the soul of the departed to watch over the land and those living within it. Red watched the proceedings from afar, and received many angry looks because he would dare to pay his respects to the only adult to give him a moments time - and save his life. The boy's face was wet with tears, and he was sniffling uncontrollably. He had seen everything. How Ja'teeh had jumped infront of the raging wild-cat that had been about to rip Red to shreds. Seen the beasts teeth and claws rip Ja'teeh's face and skin from his body. That sight alone had reduced the boy to a whimpering pile of tears. The images played over and over in his mind - he had SEEN the beast coming long before the others. Had tried to warn them. But the other hunters knew of Red's "strange sight" and believe the boy partially mad - and thus payed no heed to the warning. It was Ja'teeh who had listened, come running when another hunter startled the beast and Ja'teeh who had leaped to save Red when the boy tried to kill the wild-cat, but only succeeded it making it angry as it turned to kill whatever thing had DARED to shoot an arrow at it. "So..rry. Ja'...teeh." Red whispered between sobs as he watched the body begin to catch fire. He was determined to stay. To watch and remember the one who had taught him so much. Even if the tribe threw rocks at him, or tried to shoot him, he would stay. Stay until the ashes flew away on the wind. He wiped his tears away on his sleeve, and tried to sit tall, like Ja'teeh, when Ja'ren walked over, also in tears, and flopped onto the log, right next to Red. The two boys stared into each other's eyes for a moment, before both started sobbing quietly as they hugged each other. They sat this way, comforting one another as they watched the body burn, turn to ash, and slowly float away on the wind. The ashes performed spiraling dances in the air before flowing away in four different directions. "I want you to come to my house tonight, Red.'s not your fault. No matter what the others say. Dad talked about you all the time, and I -know- you did what you could to save him. We'll have to be quiet so mom doesn't hear us and freak out, so c'mon, we'll sneak in through the back." Red nodded, and wiped his face on his sleeve again as the two boys stood in unison and snuck away, into the night, towards the house. The two would fall asleep, side by side, the presence of the other a comfort to both. RE: Before the Fall [Closed] - Ja'ren A'lenthin - 05-15-2014 ((The boys are now both 8 years old.))
((Figured I should clarify - Min'iah's death is recent, happened about a month or so before this.)) ~2 years later~
"Dammit Ja'ren! STOP THAT. I can't aim when you keep jerking my tail! I'm gunna end up putting that squirrel in more pain than is necessary." Red glared angrily at his 'brother' - though there was mirth in his eyes, and hissed slightly, showing his fangs. He turned back to face the squirrel that was attempting to escape the snare high in the tree above, knocked another arrow, aimed, and the small animal fell limp, killed instantly. Ja'ren chuckled, moved out from behind his friend to climb the tree, and cut the snare loose. "That was for that comment earlier. About mom." The boy smiled down at Red, a strained smile, that betrayed the sadness behind the mask of happiness he wore. Ja'ren leaped down out of the tree, squirrel in hand, and the two began the walk back towards camp, pausing at the outskirts. "I..sorry. I won't bring it up again. Promise." Ja'ren nodded, "Good. She's gone now, anyway. Whatever you 'saw' is gone as well. End of story." Red nodded, looking rather depressed that his best friend didn't truly believe him, but no one really ever had, so he wasn't sure what he expected. Acceptance? Maybe. However, deep down, he wanted to save his 'brother' from the same fate. What he 'saw' around Ja'ren's mom, was floating around the bracelet she had worn, which was now around Ja'ren's wrist. Red feared it would poison him, as it had his mother, but..after how Ja'ren had ignored the warning, the signs Red had seen, how could he make him understand that the only thing he had left of her..was possibly going to kill him? "I'll bring the stuff to the usual spot, don't worry. We -are- still brothers. Even without blood ties." Red grinned, that was the Ja'ren he knew and loved. The fun-loving brother who was there for him even when no one else was. After Ja'teeh had passed, the tribe stopped allowing Red to hunt with them, leaving him to fend for himself, but Ja'ren continued to play with the boy. They spent their time playing, hunting, rough-housing..normal things brothers would do. "Tch. Good. I'd have to come track you down otherwise, and we both know how much your tribe -loves- it when I do that. I've got a couple new songs if you've got time to listen tonight." Ja'ren laughed, and nodded eagerly, "For your music? I have all the time in the world!" RE: Before the Fall [Closed] - Ja'ren A'lenthin - 05-15-2014 (( <--Ja'ren's current aura at this time))
((His colors are lavender, pink, yellow, dark green, light blue.)) ~5 months later~
Ja'ren fell - seemingly tripping over nothing, and moaned softly from his spot on the ground. The boy looked sickly. Frail. Like a good gust of wind would just carry him away in its cool embrace. Red rushed to his brother's side, slowly helping him to his feet, concern written all over his face. It was happening. What Red had dreaded. Had hoped was just a trick of his mind. Or his eye. Or both. The blackness from the bracelet had infected Ja'ren - slowly worming its way into the boy's aura, as Red has taken to calling it the past few months, and looked like it was slowly choking the other colors that surrounded Ja'ren usually. "You need to see your healer, Ja'. You're sick, please, stop coming out here to help me. You can barely stand or keep up as it is!" Red was partially in tears, the frustration he felt at not being able to help his only friend was overwhelming. How could he stop this? Force Ja'ren to remove the bracelet? Try to pull the blackness from him by hand? He had no idea. "I'm...fine. Just...need a breather." Ja'ren was gasping for air, like he had just been choked or had the wind knocked out of him, but suddenly started wheezing, when... Blood. Red froze, eyes growing as wide as dinner plates at the sight of Ja'ren coughing up blood. That was bad. Bad. Not normal. Sick. Help. RUN. He scooped Ja'ren into his arms, ignoring any protests the, now much lighter, boy might make, and bolt to the camp as fast as he could go. Between strides, he muttered. "BLOOD, Ja'ren! You just...blood..YOU'RE NOT FINE." They weren't far, but suddenly the distance from the usual spot by the spring to the encampment seemed like it would never end. Red ran. And ran. Panting as he held Ja'ren to his chest, doing his best not to jostle his friend and make things worse. He only hoped the tribe would still care for Ja'ren after Red was seen carrying him. They had become very superstitious the past few years, and blamed the majority of their misfortunes on Red. Everyone claimed dark clouds followed him, and brought the bad luck with them. Ja'ren had started to protest when Red suddenly scooped him up, but upon noticing the blood in his hand where he had coughed into it, promptly slammed his mouth shut, and let his friend carry him home. Upon arriving at the camp, he motioned for Red to put him down, but Red shook his head, and hollared at the gates for the healer to come get Ja'ren. "OY. Gir'tiah! Ja'ren needs help! Please!" It took a few moments, numerous guards coming to the gate suddenly to glare at Red, but a small, elderly female finally stepped out from the gate, and hobbled over to the two boys. She didn't make eye contact with Red, only motioned for him to set Ja'ren down, which he did, and she led the boy into the camp, leaving Red standing outside, looking like he didn't think he'd ever see his brother again. RE: Before the Fall [Closed] - Ja'ren A'lenthin - 05-15-2014 ~3 weeks later~
Red couldn't see him anymore. Normally he could spot Ja'ren's aura from the edges of the camp, it had been slowly turning more and more black each day, but today, it just...wasn't there. Red circled the camp, keeping to the shadows so the guards wouldn't try to shoot him like they usually did, but could still not see any signs of his brother's usual vibrant colors. He was just about to finally work up the courage to go ask at the gate, when suddenly the entire tribe started flowing out, carrying a body. " It can't..not him. No. Please..not him too.." It was all Red could do not to rush towards the body to see for himself, but he knew he couldn't step out from the shadow of the rock overlooking the camp. If he did, the tribe would try to kill him. The guards had their bows, lances, and swords - something they never carried when going to burn a body in the normal fashion. This must have been the last straw. To them, the "Cursed Boy" had now claimed 3 lives over the past 3 years. Along with supposedly being the cause of a food shortage and no new children being born. Every little bad thing they had begun to blame on Red, and this was no exception. "Why? Why..didn't you take it could this..why you..wh-" Red froze. A guard had turned, looking right at him. The man's face slowly curled into a snarl, he raised his lance and yelled at the other guards. ""There he is! GET HIM." Collectively, the guards turned, and each bolted towards the young boy, who turned and ran for his life. Past the spring. Past the log where he and Ja'ren had sat every night, one boy playing music while the other danced, and finally past Red's small shack. As the guards came upon the shack, two stopped to tear the thing down, growling as they did so. Red continued running. Eyes blurry with tears. He couldn't say goodbye. Couldn't watch his brother's ashes fly to the winds as his mother's and father's had before him. Couldn't say goodbye to the one person who had meant so much. Who had stuck with him even after losing both parents. They had been brothers. In every sense of the word. And now Red couldn't even say "I love you." one final time. That thought made the tears flow faster, more freely, and Red had to continually wipe his face so he could see where he was headed. He couldn't stop. Couldn't pause or the guards at his tail would be upon him, stabbing and ripping him to shreds in mere seconds. He'd be dead. Dead like Ja'teeh. Min'iah.....Ja'ren... He ran. Faster than ever. Leaping over rocks, logs, ducking under branches, weaving through small passageways, until finally..he stopped. The sounds of pursuit had vanished. They had given up, but only after chasing him far out of their territory. So far, that Red was now standing on the coast - staring out at a vast sea of nothingness. He collapsed. The emotional and physical weariness suddenly hitting him all at once, and hugged his knees to his chest, burying his face into them. His whole frame shook as he sobbed. Deep heart-wrenching cries that said it all. Ja'ren was dead, and right then, Red wished he was too. RE: Before the Fall [Closed] - Ja'ren A'lenthin - 05-15-2014 ~7 years later~
Red was at the docks. A small bag over his shoulder and a bow-harp on his back. He had made his mind up, after seven long years. Seven years of living on the run. Moving from place to place. Never staying put for long. Some of the tribes more zealous hunters took it upon themselves to eradicate the source of their bad luck. Even after Red had left - things kept happening - and the tribe believed that Red had placed some sort of curse upon them. Red was musing, wondering if any in the tribe would dare follow him this far - to a new land. Or if they would stop, believing Red to finally have died to his own 'bad luck'. Suddenly, a booming voice roused him, "ALL ABOARD. ONE-WAY TRIP. GETCHER ASSES ON BOARD OR WE'RE LEAVIN YE HERE." Red jumped, and quickly stepped over to the large Roe who was writing down names on a small clipboard. The man looked Red up and down, then boomed, "Name, lad?" Red's mind went blank for a moment, before automatically busting out with, "Ja'ren." The Roe nodded, wrote the name down, then looked like he was waiting for something, upon not getting whatever it was, sighed and said, "An' yer last name?" Last name? He didn't have one. And he was NOT calling himself Tia. That name had always bugged him. Sounded too girly, not to mention he wasn't a Seeker, so it made no sense. He wracked his brain, searching for some sort of name to give, and randomly put together, "A'lenthin." It worked. If someone from the tribe followed him, he could just start calling himself A'len rather than Ja'ren. He grinned to himself, liking the name he had created. It felt right. Ja'ren to honor his brother, and A'lenthin to make it uniquely his own. A new name. A new life. A better one, hopefully. The large Roe chuckled, seeing the smile on the boy's face, "Ye' that excited about sailing ,eh, lad? Well, come aboard." He motioned for Ja'ren to walk up the steps, which he did, then looked out over the vast ocean before going below to find a comfortable spot to try and sleep. This was it. No going back. Not ever. As the ship sailed out from port, the wind suddenly grew stronger, and if you listened close, you could hear the faint sound of harp music, and laughter - a final goodbye as the ship sailed out to sea. |