Hydaelyn Role-Players
Kyonae Nhavan - Printable Version

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Kyonae Nhavan - Kyonae - 05-16-2014

I.Basic Info 

  • Characters:Kyonae Nhavan

  • Primary character:Kyonae Nhavan

  • Linkshells: None, as of yet.

  • Primary RP linkshell:None, as of yet!

II.RP Style 

  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy): Ideally I go for heavy RP when I can—doing just about anything I can with being in character in mind, RPing in open world even if no PCs appear to be around. It's fun and calming for me. I often default to a more moderate style of roleplaying, where sometimes I'm just playing to get some quests out of the way or blow off steam but if there are other people playing IC nearby, I'll act in kind. As a rule, I keep my OOC in brackets at all times.  Even though I know there's no official roleplaying server, it is still an MMORPG, and I like to keep emphasis on the RPG part when dealing with the MMO, personally. Smile  I won't knock other folk for going about it differently, though.

  • Views on RP combat and injuries:  I really enjoy combat scenes, but it's my belief that an outcome (like a victor, if any) should be for the most part planned beforehand by each party when it comes to player vs. player. I love roleplaying combat in dungeons and PvE settings. I'm open to my character being injured if there is a good cause for it, and if it will benefit her story. I'm also a believer in realistic injuries being realistic, and fantastic injuries (like curses, magicked blindness and the like) being written creatively. If my character contracts some kind of disease from a magical effect, obviously it'll be harder to shake than a regular sickness, etc. A note on healing, as that's connected to injuries; I believe should persist after battle if they were given. The healing aspect really depends on the situation for me. If my character is badly injured, unless she is tended to by a truly powerful healer, she'll likely be on the mend for a few days. In return, as a fledgling conjurer (even if she shows promise), she would not at this point be able to heal a mortal wound in one go. At best she would either have to expend more energy than she could physically tolerate, or stabilize the person until they could reach better treatment.

  • Views on IC romance:I just can't say no to a little romance! (Or a lot. More like a lot.) But it needs to fit and benefit the story, and I'm not into instant infatuation. With Kyonae in particular, she is very fond of fondness for fondness' sake—she very easily becomes devoted allies when she knows she is needed for her talents, her friendship, her advice. In other words, she is generous and open with her love—but if she were to be in love, admitting that to herself, and then another would take her a lengthy amount of consideration.

  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc): Absolutely all for it. As mentioned before, Kyonae is all about making bonds with people, and feeling everyone is connected. She is distanced currently from her immediate family, and so she seeks kinship with others. And as a roleplayer, some of the best RP I've been in involved friends, family and random acquaintances.

  • Views on lore: Lore is important for any number of obvious reasons. For the most part, if you are in someone else's world, you should adhere to the constraints of that world—like if you're a guest in someone's house, you should follow their rules. I do a lot of reading when I start playing a new MMO or in a new role play, because I want to fit in to that world. Sure, I want to stand out—face it, we all do—but I'd rather figure out a way to do that while being a part of something, rather than standing apart from it. That said, when there are gaps in the lore, or more open ended aspects that can be reasoned with, I don't mind minor bending. Obviously canon never accounts for every little detail, and that's where we come in as writers and creators. For example, I'm aware that for Miqote (EDIT: Keepers of the Moon Miqote) females their names are usually one to two syllables, and Kyonae's (Kee-yoh-nay) is three. OOCly, I honestly didn't want to part with the name I had my heart set on, but ICly I'll come up with some good ( but non-earth shattering) reason why her name doesn't conform.

  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc): Okay, now I know about /say, and whisper/tells, but I am completely new to the idea of a linkshell. I keep reading up about what they are, but I haven't encountered them in game yet so I'm a newb. But my general rule is that there are a great many good uses for different chat functions as long as it is approached in a reasonable way. For example, I think linkshells are supposed to be in the ear, right? So if someone is communicating to you by linkshell, you obviously can't see them. If someone is whispering to you ICly, it should be understood that they are close to you (unless there's some sort of weird telepathy going on, which I dunno about). So on, and so forth.

III.Other Info 

  • Country:USA

  • Timezone:EST -5

  • Contact info:You can PM me anytime!

    ~Special announcements can be found in the posts below~

RE: Kyonae Nhavan - No Longer Exists - 05-16-2014

Welcome! It's nice to meet you! 

I'm Black Hat, Player of Galen Aubrey on Gilgamesh, so if you see me, don't hesitate to toss me a /tell to say Hi.

Check out the Linkshells button up top there and click on Gilgamesh or Balmung to look at each world's FCs and communication groups and maybe pick some that you like most to contact!


-Black Hat

RE: Kyonae Nhavan - Kyonae - 05-16-2014

Thank you, Black Hat!  I'll do just that.  Smile  Hope to see you in game sometime!