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Magical effect similar to a mood ring? - Printable Version

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Magical effect similar to a mood ring? - Sylvain - 08-14-2014

I'm curious to know if there is a form of magic that could be cast on an apparel item that would change its color to reflect the mood of the wearer?

Exact Context: Sylvain wears the Ash Mask nearly 24/7. I'm curious if there is a form of magic I can reference to that would be cast on the mask giving it the ability to change color and reflect the mood of Sylvain.

Added Question: Is there a magic that could essentially bind it to him physically? I wouldn't say permanent binding but that only he would be able to physically remove it. Similar to excalibur where only Arthur could remove it.


RE: Magical effect similar to a mood ring? - Unnamed Mercenary - 08-14-2014

While there's nothing in the lore that proves or disproves it, at least as far as the mask changing colors goes, you could probably explain it away as a really fancy/expensive glamour. 

For the mask, I there isn't anything that becomes attached at that level, but since other players can't take your equipment, I would put that as a RP decision, and it could be explained as such. 

At the end of the day, details about your character, and how your character interacts within the world are your choices. I think both of those things are an interesting concept, and could be feasible within Eorzea.

RE: Magical effect similar to a mood ring? - Berrod Armstrong - 08-14-2014

(08-14-2014, 09:43 AM)Sylvain Wrote: I'm curious to know if there is a form of magic that could be cast on an apparel item that would change its color to reflect the mood of the wearer?

Exact Context: Sylvain wears the Ash Mask nearly 24/7. I'm curious if there is a form of magic I can reference to that would be cast on the mask giving it the ability to change color and reflect the mood of Sylvain.

Added Question: Is there a magic that could essentially bind it to him physically? I wouldn't say permanent binding but that only he would be able to physically remove it. Similar to excalibur where only Arthur could remove it.

I haven't seen anything that's already been established, so I think you're free to craft something of your own to get the desired effect!

If they could charm brooms to sweep up chocobo crap you can more than get a nice little sticky mood mask...

RE: Magical effect similar to a mood ring? - Warren Castille - 08-14-2014

Presented in the game? Not to my knowledge. When has an enterprising roleplayer ever let a little fact like that stop them, though?

A mood-mask would be interesting. If this was XI and we had access to Invisible as a spell, it would be easier to fluff; The spell would react to the emotions of the target and reflect prisms to give the illusion of the color. After all, we were never TRULY invisible under that effect, we just appeared that way. I'm not sure why you couldn't have something similar, though. I don't know what school of magic it would come from, but perhaps an alchemical coat on the mask to resonate aetherially with the user?

The attaching is far easier. Fluid Aura has a bind effect. Just tinker with the root of the spell and blast your mask to your face!

RE: Magical effect similar to a mood ring? - Atlas - 08-14-2014

Eorza is a by big, broad, magical place. A colour changing mood mask is definitely possible, perhaps it interacts with ones aether? Also you don't have to have an IC explanation for why it does what it does. Your character could have just found the mood mask in a crypt somewhere. Plus it's a fun thing to see other characters hypothosize how it works, and someone might even come up with an explanation good enough that you'll roll with it!

RE: Magical effect similar to a mood ring? - Sylvain - 08-14-2014

Thanks for the responses!

I actually meant to suggest it being connected to my character through aether. Like, his mood affects his aether flow which then changes the color of the mask.

In regards to what school of magic, I was thinking conjurer and healing magic. Healing is positive which is associated with light and light affects how we perceive colors. So loosely I think I could explain that there is an aetherical bond where Sylvains bodily aether bends the 'light magic' imbued into the mask.

By default he currently has just a regular white one which has become damaged ICly and he wants to get another crafted and make it 'better'. Where it is physically bound to him and also enables him to convey emotions through it.

Long term, Sylvain will have the following colors accessible. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet, White and Black. Might add a pink to imply embarrassment or affection but color theory wise that falls into violet.

RE: Magical effect similar to a mood ring? - Eva - 08-14-2014

This is one of those cases of "strict versus loose adherence of the lore" where you may find some people accepting of the concept without questioning it at all where others will stamp their feet and demand to know what the precedent for such a thing is.

Personally speaking, I don't mind a bit of deviation from what we're given.  I think that's to be expected, and the mood mask concept seems creative and innovative, doesn't step into anything that seems like it couldn't possibly exist in Eorzea, and isn't something that grants uncanny powers or anything godmodish.  I wouldn't even seek too much to explain the "science" behind it.  Perhaps call it aetherial magic and leave it at that maybe.  I mean you can if you want, but I think that would just invite further scrutiny.

I have taken similar liberties with similar such things.  A warding spell that blocks noise is something I've employed, for instance.  Protect is a spell.  I see no reason why the flows of aether cannot be woven in such a manner as to block sounds instead of physical attacks - because duskwight ears are hypersensitive and Eva's babies are fussy and need sleep!  Dazed

RE: Magical effect similar to a mood ring? - FreelanceWizard - 08-14-2014

(08-14-2014, 10:57 AM)Eva Wrote: (...) and the mood mask concept seems creative and innovative, doesn't step into anything that seems like it couldn't possibly exist in Eorzea, and isn't something that grants uncanny powers or anything godmodish.

Yep, this! This is what I'd slot into the category of "reasonable deviation from lore," which is perfectly fine, IMO -- in moderation, naturally.

If you do feel the need to explain the magic behind it, there's a lot of approaches you can take. Some other ideas include recovered Allagan technology (possibly not designed for this purpose), a remnant of a Voidsent embedded in the mask (as imps, at least, can glamour themselves), a modified magitek disguise unit (as featured in a Costa del Sol GC leve), an enchanted Thaumaturgical curiosity (as it reads your internal Aether), inscribed arcanima geometries, etc.