Hydaelyn Role-Players
Celebration of The Keeper - Printable Version

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Celebration of The Keeper - Jancis - 01-07-2015

A peaceful dusk hung over the Shroud. Pilgrims gathered outside the wooden walls of Quarrymill. There was the regular bustle of trade from hunters and travelers alike. In the high grass and the shade of the trees were keen eyes, not as festive, watching over the pilgrims in their joviality.

[Image: O8hUdFD.jpg]

For something was amiss...
"Poachers..." Lan called out. As soon as they were spotted, they attacked and were met with fierce resistance!
"Stay close, Pilgrims, we shall be safe." "Stop bein' meanies!" "Damn poachers." "Stay close Pilgrims. We are in good hands."

As the bandits retreated back into the woods, sapphire eyes scanned the group before making the order and together the guard fanned out over the forest ruins to secure the way. Only two others stayed behind, Crofte of the Sworn and a woman known only as Lynx, to blend in with the pilgrims themselves.
"Well..that was terrifying..." "Ain't a good omen, so much combat at the start of a pilgrimage... the Keeper won't be pleased..."

Then, as if to herald a change, through the trees hand-bells rang.
"Pilgrims, of all ages and from all points of Eorzea you are welcomed here. Althyk's faithful are honored by your tribute."

"As we survey the change of time. As our feet walk across the earth, let us reflect on our past and what has brought us all together."

The bells grow in strength, the pilgrims side-by-side. As they pass through the ancient stone walls, a Harbinger stands keeping an eye. As the pilgrims pass, they gather and follow.

"We must use time wisely and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right."

"I'm in a hurry to get things done ~ Oh I rush and rush until life's no fun ~ All I really gotta do is live and die ~ But I'm in a hurry and don't know why."

The walls bend, showing an opening toward an old abandon keep, and the pilgrims gather around; their bells quieting for a moment.

"Take pause, Pilgrims, and gather around."

[Image: BPCgezI.jpg]

"At this I would ask you all take time to reflect. Pray bring to mind someone from your past that has help form who you are today. Those who have cared about you and wanted what was best for you in life."

Pilgrims kneel respectfully, others stand quietly, looking thoughtful. Tausenadel nods his head in thought.
One eloquent voice, Ciceroix chimes, "That should be easy...as she stands here beside me." giving Ameline's hand a tighter squeeze as he closed his eyes. She wrapped her arm about him, hugging.
R'tashana lowers her head siliently.
Pink-haired Memeli lowers her head, eyes closed. Her lips curl downwards as she reflects. A few tears start to run down her her face, which she quickly moves to wipe away.
Rosette kneels quietly and closes her eyes, reflecting calmly before moving on.

"Whomever you have thought of, that you have taken this time to put into the forefront of your mind, as we pass touch Althyk's stone and share that name. We continue on, Pilgrims."
"The Keeper bless our memories."

In groups the pilgrims went up, touching the stone and reciting names, be it aloud or wordlessly, before continuing on, the bells echoing across the stone bricks.

[Image: 5CABZ14.jpg]

“If you could only sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to the people you may never even dream of. There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person.”

“Discovering the truth about ourselves is a lifetime’s work, but it’s worth the effort.”

"Gather around this rock, Pilgrims, and do come in close to give our guardians some room to not disturb the creatures of the Wood."

"As we all gather here together, we realize that time is valuable and something we are given. How we use it, whom we use it upon, are all our choices. And thankfully this day we can spend it on ourselves, reflecting on what the year has brought. What the year of our hard work, what is now memories and recollections."

"And you all should feel great pride, not only do you spend your time for your own good and hardships, but for others as well. Those who are brought into your life, who you choose to gift your time to."

Settling in the grass by the bayou, the pilgrims rested their feet, looking up at the large stone, ready to celebrate Althyk.

RE: Celebration of The Keeper - Jancis - 01-09-2015

"At this time I would ask Sir Aporo, follower of Althyk, to share a story with us all."

Koporo Aporo walks up, carrying a large box slung behind him. "Ahem."

[Image: MuAtDTs.jpg]

"Now, ya'll 'ave probably noticed the locker on m'back by now. Thas' what carries m'swords. Fer this, I'mma need a certain sword in particular." He unfastens the locker from his back, laying it on the ground and opening it up. Inside is a plethora of pointy, stabby objects. "Now let's see..."

Koporo knees and from of the contents of the locker he fetches a falchion made of steel. In the blade were many notches and scrapes, suggesting the blade had been through quite a lot. "This 'ere is Bleeder, my first sword, an' my first introduction into th'importance o' Time. This is, fer all intents an' purposes, m'story tellin sword."

"Now, 'spite m'young appearance, I'm actually older than a lot o' ya'll. Thirty-six thus far; more than I expected t'live."
"This bein', I were born on the back o' the Dunebeast Great Berimu, as part o' m'Clan's caravan in th'sun-baked Sagoli."

"I were a hunter, th'boy what went out an' killed t'bring food back fer th'Clan. Ne'er an easy job."

"Anyroad, growin up in such an environment, ya'll tend t'git different interpretations o' stories an' lores well-known t'ya fellars native or semi-native t'Eorzea. This were 'specially true when it came t'the Twelve, our gods above who blessed us wit' life, however harsh it were."

"I'd like to regale ya'll wit a tale shared t'me when I were barely able t'kill a buzzard. Bein' that small, not much makes sense t'ya...An' when presented wit' death, ya' need context."

[Image: KTsbvbV.jpg]

"This is the Tale m'momma told me, o' Althyk an' th'Trader, an th'deal they made what set in place th'Cycle."

Koporo kneels, balancing on his sword. "...Long ago in the early days, th'Twelve created all that were, an upon Althyk's shoulders were placed th'duty o' placatin' life. Althyk were a kind God, an' in his kindness he blessed us with lives what never ended."
"Fer a time, Man as it were called were happy...But as Time marched on, endlessly, things turned sour. They grew despondent, runnin' outta things t'enrich their lives. What were the point? It lasted forever."
"Man became sad, an' placated itself wit' solidarity, drowning in despair."

"Althyk were beside himself. He knew not how to make his subjects happy again, t'appreciate their lives. An' so, he turned t'the wisest among the Twelve, the Traders Nald'Thal."

"He asked of them, what were he t'do, an' after thinkin' fer a moment, the Twins responded. "Make life temporary."
"At first, Althyk was repulsed. Wouldn't Man then spend its days fearing death?" But left with his depressed existence t'watch o'er, he inevitably felt he had no choice. Althyk put in place a grand cycle. What lived would come t'die. An what died would feed the growth o' new life."
"An he watched...An' he waited. An 'fore his eyes, Man awakened from its depravity. With only so much time in th'world, every action, every fleetin' moment held more worth than all th'gold in th'world, an life were as it should've been: cherished."
[Image: APCw14R.jpg]

"This, my momma told me, is why we die. It ain't a punishment fer livin. An it ain't a cruel joke on th'part o' the Gods. It's so we treasure what lives we 'ave."

There was a hush silence in the crowd until a blatant voice called out, "Is this where I clap? I can't tell." "Screw it." and started the clapping. The pilgrims followed in suit, applauding the story.
"That is m'story, thank ya fer listenin' t'an old Dunesfolk." he said with a bow.

RE: Celebration of The Keeper - Jancis - 01-09-2015

"Lady, please come upon this stage and share with us all a story."
Iskierka Stormspeaker walks up, "With pleasure."

[Image: jBLBJBW.jpg]
"I once had a very good friend who taught me a very important lesson. Though it was not given to her, she took her name from the very heavens, and made it her own. I asked her once how she did this. She smiled, and took my hand, and we walked to a remote spot, high up in the mountains. She pointed to a spot up in the sky and said 'There. That is where I belong.'"

"I was confused, and a little saddened. I had hoped her place would be here, with me. When I told her this, she smiled, and said that it wasn't meant to be. That Althyk had made her from the stars, and that he had a place for me somewhere, too, I had only to find it. We could only be with each other for as long as it took us our individual places. We promised each other that we would help each other get there."

"Often I would find her in that spot, alone, talking to the stars. She told me she was spending time with her family. When I sat with her, she would talk about all the things she was going to do when she got home. I told her I would look up at her, and admire her, just like I was doing now.  She told me she would shine all the brighter for me, knowing I was looking at her."

[Image: q46KUQ0.jpg]

"Time passed, and we began to grow apart. I had become busy with my studies. She had to begin working to support her family. We saw each other less and less, but every now and then, I'd make my way up to our spot. It was rare that I'd catch her there. Often I'd see signs that I had just missed her, or I'd wait there for hours in vain. Eventually I just stopped going."

"One day she came to me, and took my hand, and she led me to our place under the stars. She told me that she couldn't be around anymore. She finally found a way to her place in the stars. It was the last night I saw her. Every night after I looked up to her spot in the sky and saw nothing. Moons later, on the trip I took to Limsa Lominsa to study at the Arcanist guild, I looked up at her spot, and saw a new star."

"I learned a valuable lesson from her. That it's often difficult to know ones place in the world. Times change, and we drift about like sands in the desert. So apt that Althyk commands the element of Earth. But there is a place for us all here, just like there is a place for each star in the sky. As it is above, so it is below. The wisdom to find your place must be followed by the will to be there."

"And once you're there, just as the stars have a role in helping us find our place, so must you help those around you find theirs."

[Image: 65eZ3TC.jpg]

"Thank you."

Fittingly, the night twinkled above, clouds breaking to reveal the star-filled sky. As the pilgrims applauded the masked lady, many looked up to the heavens, gazing to see if they knew anyone up above as well.

RE: Celebration of The Keeper - Jancis - 01-11-2015

"It is said that not all times are joyous, but they do have meaning. Lord Vaughn please honor us with your music and your tale."
Vaughn Antain tunes his lapharp as he cautiously walks up. "Thank you, Lady Jancis."

[Image: QkBBiF0.jpg]
"Times change many stories. This is one that I have changed to help bear with the past."
Vaughn starts playing his lap-harp.

“Long ago, on an island in the Jade Sea, lived a Man and his Wife in a hut in the middle of the thick forests. They worked hard to clear the land and build their home while keeping the surrounding area pristine and untouched by their hands.”
“One day, the Man heard word from the ocean spirits that his brother was at sea. He knew his Brother had no experience outside the sands of Thanalan, and the sea is a dangerous place for those unfamiliar with it. His Wife saw the troubled look in her husband’s face, and used the remainder of their supplies to build him a small boat to rescue his brother.”

“However, the sea had other plans. Not long after the Man left to find his brother, a Soldier visited the Wife, telling her she betrayed her own kind by living like a savage instead of the royalty she was born to, and must return to her noble house or pay for her treacherous deed.”

“The Wife fought back with her words, telling the Soldier she’d rather die than be without her Husband. That no one else ever showed her kindness or love before him. The Soldier drew his sword upon her, but she had tricks of her own. She called upon the surrounding water spirits to bury the Soldier beneath their waves, but the Soldier was too quick.”

“He dodged the attempts of the minor spirits and encased his sword in bolts of lightning, easily overpowering the spirits, and then the Wife. Fight as she tried, she could not overcome the lightning that suddenly coursed through her veins. Once she was defeated, the Soldier burned the hut to the ground, as well as the rest of the forest.”


“Out at sea, the Man could still feel the loss that was in his heart. He no longer sensed the warmth of his Wife, and he heard the wounded cries of the water and earth spirits. Suddenly, he felt cold silver at his neck: the edge of a blade. ‘Brother,’ he said, ‘only you could ever sneak up on me. How could you do such things?’"

“The Brother spoke, ‘It is the Soldier who directs me. And I am no longer the Brother you once knew.’ The Man sighed, knowing all was lost. ‘May I at least write my Wife one last letter?’ the Man requested. The Brother nodded.”

“The moment the letter was written, the Man closed his eyes and waited for the fatal blow. The Brother completed his orders from the Soldier, and sailed the tiny boat back to the island so the Man could rest with his Wife.”

“Nowadays, one can see the island in the Jade Sea by the tell-tale red amaranths that now grow: The Man’s and the Wife’s favorite flower, blooming in the remnants of their eternal love.”

Vaughn smiles lightly and wraps up the tune, nodding in a half-bow.

Though the pilgrims clapped there was a solemn feel to it, the story's effect washing over them. R'tashana brushed aside a tear. "You play beautifully. And such a touching story. I wish I had just a small sampling of your talent." Vaughn smiled at her. "If you wish to learn, I can teach." Tilting her head to the side, she replied "Perhaps..."
Nathan rubbed his chin, his face an impassive mask while Jancis took a deep breath, holding up her hand to ask for a moment.
"Is amazing how words can touch us all, pardon my lapse."

[Image: psT6pYS.jpg]

RE: Celebration of The Keeper - Jancis - 01-13-2015

Jancis pats Tausenadel's shoulder. "I do have something that should be of quite delightment to the pilgrims. A story inspired by The Keeper and some might claim is true, though..."
"Tausen, might I implore you to share it with everyone?"
"Go on ya big lug."
Tausenadel Geispyrsyn looks up, nodding. "O' course, lass!"
Ehla steals his spot as Tausen as some people clap and cheer.

[Image: kPwCYFK.jpg]
"Ahoy, ye lot. I've a tale I've heard a dozen times ov'r the course o' me life. I hope ye 'njoy it iffin' ye haven't heard it."

"Once, long ago, two men were set to war. Bent on each oth'r's utt'r oblit'ration, to bring their lands an' armies to bear against'un anoth'r. They had 'ttempted peace but there could be no und'rstandin'. They had 'ttempted bart'r an' trade, but there could be no agreement. So'un day, in desp'ration, one of the men approached Althyk in his hall."

"Here he found Althyk, seated in His grand throne, with His mighty axe upon the wall behind Him. The man begged Him to grant him the solution to solvin' this feud. A way to stave off the comin' war, as he himself hadn't the strength to do so. Althyk thought on this for a great while an' finally agreed to assist."

"In an effort to count'r the evils this man's foe would assuredly commit, Althyk would allow one of the beggin' man's s'rvants to return to a prior time. To ent'r a previous era an' convince the foe or his family at a young'r date that this choice of battle was folly. Althyk granted the beggin' man His Hourglass, with strict instructions on its use."

"The man thanked Althyk from the bottom of his heart, promisin' the God that His tool would not be misused. Travelin' home with great speed, the beggin' man returned to his castle an' chose his man with care. 'pon selection, he gave his chosen s'rvant his ord'rs, diff'rin' from the suggestion an' rules laid down by Althyk. 'Slay mine foe, man o' mine. Slay him through the death o' his moth'r so that he may nev'r have been born.'"

Pilgrims looked up in surprised, a little pink-haired Leilani's eyes widening!
[Image: yYGC8RX.jpg]
[Image: XIKEu9g.jpg]

"Althyk sensed this change, growing angry at this deceit. He went to the opposin' man, warnin' him o' the first man's plot. Givin' him a simil'r Hourglass, He allowed a s'rvant of THIS man's choosin' to return to the past as well. This s'rvants goal, to protect his mast'r's moth'r. S'ara Conarr."

"As these men fought their feud across the fields o' time, Althyk grew sullen. His gifts were bein' misused, his realm trampled 'pon. It was this day he declared that man would have travel but a single direction in time. Forwards. For to return from whence ye came brings nothin' but confusin' plot holes an' bad sequels."

"Thank ye all!" Said Tausenadel, bowing to the crowd as they sat in silence.

Eventually the pilgrims, getting over their shock, applauded and laughed, Memeli gave a standing ovation, Others clapped... claps... clapclap clap clap clap.
The roedagyn wandered back to his seat, pleased with himself.

"Words escape me."

RE: Celebration of The Keeper - Jancis - 01-14-2015

"I should leave better words to a man who can weave them into tapestry and herald the end of our performances, Master Telluride if you would please."
"Master Telluride in the flesh!"
[Image: 7T0aPfC.jpg]

Nathan Telluride stands, taking stage on the boulder, "Althyk changes things, all right. Tonight, I was set to duet, but circumstances have kept my lovely partner from us tonight, while she tends to sudden urgent business. But! The show goes on."

"The god of change affects everyone - even arrogant, annoying, lewd bards like myself.  I used to be a solitary kind of bastard, until I learned what a good harmony could bring."
Oscare nods in agreement. "Aye, aye."
"So, this is a part of our story, the one that changed me from being strictly a solo act, and since Cora is not here, I will have to sing our song to her stand in."

Nathan strums his lute to a surprisingly slow, heavy beat, as he clears his throat, apparently serenading the wind-up Minfilia.

♪ It was a clear night, four days paast Starlight; she turned and said to me, 'This is our first one.' ♪
 ♪ I tried to sing a song, one that I thought I knew; I stopped and said to her, 'This one's about you."♪
♪ 'Twas at the Quicksand, that I first touched your hand; I played a simple tune, then it was me and you. ♪
♪ It was a clear night of tide and heartbeats; I knew not at the time the things that we would do. ♪
♪ In the bars, under stars, did I show you my strings, but the wind and the ocean brought on other things. ♪
♪ When I first held you there, on a dock in the Mist, it was maybe a passing thing after we kissed. ♪
♪ And although you were lovely, by the gods all above me, When that symphony stopped, I expected no more. ♪
♪ Then your harp started playin, to see if I were stayin', and inside I was moved, and we danced trough the night. ♪
♪And the melody you played me never did quite go away, and so I am besides you still, today. ♪
♪ Don't you want to be free from a wand'rer like me, out of evening gloom and back safe in your room? ♪
♪ But you say you'll be fine, with a fresh glass of wine, and we face a new cycle with fresh new design. ♪
♪ And the melody you played me never did quite go away, and so here I am beside you still, today. ♪
♪ I might have been alone: you safe, within your home. My dreams were changed once I had found you. ♪
♪ Now you're stuck with me, babe, your dreams mixed with my own. If I'm not to be alone, I'll build my dreams around you. ♪
♪ And the melody you played me never did quite go away, and so here I am beside you still, today. ♪

[Image: GRY5WvP.jpg]

Nathan bows to his 'partner', and then to the audience, as the lute stills. "Lady Jancis, the rock is yours."
"Thank you."

Jancis spoke over the applause, encouraging it to continue. "Pilgrims, I beg your hands again for all of our wonderful performers, story tellers, and the music from our bards this day."
"Also a very grateful thank you and praise to our guards who made our path safe and our pilgrimage carefree." she reaches out, gesturing behind everyone to the stoic guards along the waterline.

"At this time, Lady Iskierka has agreed to listen to your needs, your tales, and perchance give you a glimpse into the future, Althyk willing. If you wish to speak to her she shall be upon this rock."
Jancis holds up the hand-bell, ringing it, heralding the end of the pilgrimage ceremony. Others echo out through the crowd and in the twilight people stand and stretch, breaking into groups to talk and enjoy each-others company.

RE: Celebration of The Keeper - Jancis - 01-15-2015

[Image: CQYdM8E.jpg]

Jancis Milburga: "At this time, Lady Iskierka has agreed to listen to your needs, your tales, and perchance give you a glimpse into the future, Althyk willing. If you wish to speak to her she shall be upon this rock."

Chachanji Gegenji approaches Iskierka nervously, tugging at his robes some.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: Would you like to have your fortune told, sir?
Chachanji Gegenji: Err... if'n it's okay... can I ask about th' fortune of someone else?
Chachanji Gegenji: There's someone I'm... really worried about... 'n I don't know what to do.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: Sure.
Iskierka Stormspeaker takes a seat.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: There, that's better. Now I can look you in the eye.
Chachanji Gegenji glances briefly over towards Leanne, then back at Iskierka.
Chachanji Gegenji: H-her fortune. *he motions as subtlety as he can towards Leanne*
Iskierka Stormspeaker: Sir?
Iskierka Stormspeaker snaps to get Chachanji's attention.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: The time of a witch is not wisely wasted.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: What is her date of birth?
Chachanji Gegenji: Oh... um... d-dunno.
Chachanji Gegenji: I... never asked 'er.
Chachanji Gegenji is getting more and more nervous about this as the line grows.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: Alright, we can work around that. There are other ways...
Chachanji Gegenji: ... Oh... she's... she's gettin' one herself. I'll... I'll jus' let everyone else go 'n try to listen in.
Chachanji Gegenji: My apologies.
Chachanji Gegenji bows courteously to Iskierka Stormspeaker.
Chachanji Gegenji retreats quickly, his face flush.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: Alright, then.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: Next?
Ha'uruh Nunh glances curiously at the small shape that runs away from the fortuneteller.  It looked familiar, but he couldn't tell who it was in the hooded robe.


Memeli Meli: Phew! That was a good walk thingy!
Leilani Leilai: That was a great storytellin' session!
Leilani Leilai: Y 'gotta get yer fortune told?
Memeli Meli: I don't think you gotta... But I wanna hear mine!
Leilani Leilai: Aye! Me too!
Leilani Leilai: Sounds excitin'!
Leilani Leilai: MEbbe I outta get in line~.
Memeli Meli: Hmm... Yeah! Let's get up there!
Memeli Meli: After you!
Leilani Leilai waves to Ha'uruh Nunh.
Leilani Leilai: I think th'line ends b'hind me ser!
Ha'uruh Nunh smiles at Leilani and nods.  "Great, thanks."
Leilani Leilai continues jotting down notes from the many stories told in her tiny notepad.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: Next?
Memeli Meli: Hrmm.. Is it my turn?
Iskierka Stormspeaker: Ah, Mameli, right? It is indeed, miss.
Memeli Meli: Tell me, tell me! Will I be rich and fabulous??
Iskierka Stormspeaker chuckles a bit. "That depends. Give me your palm and I'll see."
Memeli Meli does as instructed, bouncing a bit on her heels.
Iskierka Stormspeaker takes Memeli's hand and looks down at her palm, running her hands over the lines. "You're already quite fabulous, darling. And there are many ways to be rich."
Memeli Meli: Nyahaha! Ain't that the truth!
Iskierka Stormspeaker: I think you'll be quite satisfied with your fortunes.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: Go forth and spread your fabulosity.
Memeli Meli wanders off...


Iskierka Stormspeaker: Next?
Leilani Leilai waves to Iskierka Stormspeaker.
Leilani Leilai: I'm Leilani Leilai, aspirin' bard!
Iskierka Stormspeaker: What can I do for you?
Leilani Leilai: I would like t'know two things. is that okay? Or kin I only ask one?
Leilani Leilai: I gots pies if y'need compensation!
Leilani Leilai: Th'bestest pies in Gridania to be sure!
Iskierka Stormspeaker: Due to the volume of guests, I'm limiting people to one thing, but I can always take an appointment for you at a later time for the other matter.
Leilani Leilai: I'd like t'know if I'll ever get strong enough t'protect people.
Chachanji Gegenji grumbles. "I... I shoulda asked that..."
Iskierka Stormspeaker might be smiling under her mask.
Leilani Leilai: I've been practicin' m'bowery e'ery day, but I don't know if I'm gettin' any better.
Leilani Leilai: I'm also real little an' sometimes th'monsters are real big...
Iskierka Stormspeaker: Ah, I see. When is your nameday?
Leilani Leilai: I'm th'fifteenth day of th'Second Astral Moon~!
Iskierka Stormspeaker: Born under Thaliak the Scholar? The Ides, as well.
Leilani Leilai perks visibly!
Leilani Leilai: R-really?
Leilani Leilai: I didn' know which of th'twelve presided over m'namesday b'fore.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: Strength is nothing without the wisdom to use it. You will grow, of course, but temper that strength with knowledge, and you will be able to protect whoever you care for.
Leilani Leilai looks at Iskierka Stormspeaker in shock!
Chachanji Gegenji listens to Leilani's fortune, taking the words to heart even though they're meant for another.
Leilani Leilai immediately scribbles down the seer's words in her tiny notepad.
Leilani Leilai: Thanks miss!
Leilani Leilai: I'll remember what y'said!
Iskierka Stormspeaker: You're quite welcome.

[Image: BioruCq.jpg]

Ha'uruh Nunh 's ears prick up despite himself.  "She can see the future?  Huh, that's a trick."  He seems rather interested in that.
Leanne Delphium giggles. "I doubt she can see the future...thought would be nice."
Ha'uruh Nunh gets up, then offers a hand to Leanne to help her up.
Leanne Delphium accepts the help, nodding. "My thanks."
Ha'uruh Nunh: Guess I'll get in line then.  I love stuff like fortune-telling and auguries...
Leanne Delphium: "Last time I had a fortune tell, my....future wasn't very kind."
Ha'uruh Nunh smiles at that.  "Mine too."
Ha'uruh Nunh: I was told just how damn weak I am.  And she was right, too.
Leanne Delphium: "...Thinking about it, it makes sense now...with all that happened." she smiles awkwardly. "...Well...mayhaps I could give it a shot...after you."
Ha'uruh Nunh nods at that.  "Let's get in line then.  Hey, maybe it'll be better this time for both of us."
Leanne Delphium: "One can always hope."
Ha'uruh Nunh glances down at the people still seated.  "'Scuse me, you folks in line?"
Leilani Leilai: I think th'line ends b'hind me ser!
Ha'uruh Nunh smiles at Leilani and nods.  "Great, thanks."


Koporo Aporo "Didja enjoy m'story?"
Leanne Delphium smiles to Kopo. "Yup. Nice tale." she grins. "...Made me wish to join you on the stone."
Koporo Aporo wraps his arms around Leanne Delphium's legs and hugs them tightly. He's short, remember?
Leanne Delphium blinks, before giggling.
Leanne Delphium: "Here, a proper hug! No offense."
Koporo Aporo "None taken.
Koporo Aporo "Ya'll should git yer fortune told. I'm gettin' mine."
Leanne Delphium: "I'm after Howl. Hoping my fortune this time is...fairer."
Koporo Aporo "Ya'll need t'cheer up. Ya got me worried, Leanne..."
Leanne Delphium sighs. "...Just keep smiling for me, Kopo. That's enough."
Koporo Aporo nods, smiling as he is told. "Yes, Leanne!"
Leanne Delphium gives Kopo a thumbs up. "Good! Anyhow, best if I join the line already. Once more, lovely tale. Hope to hear more sometime."
Leanne Delphium pets Kopo non chalantly with a giggle before stepping in line behind Howl.


Leanne Delphium: "Ah, hey, Oscare."
Oscare Iono lets off an acknowledging grunt.
Leanne Delphium clears throat. "FLYING SHARK!"
Ha'uruh Nunh starts as if noticing something for the first time, then his head swings back around to look at Warren.
Leanne Delphium: "....Who answered to me?"
Ha'uruh Nunh smiles and raises his hand in greeting to Warren before turning his attention back to waiting for his fortune.
Leanne Delphium blinks, confused. Shrugging, she looks over to Warren, waving to him with a gentle smile.
Warren Castille waves back, but keeps his distance.
Chachanji Gegenji hides awkwardly in the brush, waiting for Leanne's turn.


Vaughn Antain lightly touches Leanne on the arm to get her attention. "Excuse me, sorry. I just wanted to say I missed your performance. You play beautifully and I hope you'll grace us with one next time."
Leanne Delphium blinks repeatedly, before actually blushing. "I-I...uhm...well, as I was speaking, I got sort of bummed in not participating when I began to saw you all..."
Leanne Delphium: "So....well....yeah!"
Leanne Delphium: "Count for me next time!"
Leanne Delphium nods!
Vaughn Antain smiles and nods. "Good, I'm glad."
Vaughn Antain: "Now...ah, I'll leave you to... Yes, sorry to intrude."
Leanne Delphium smiles. "One way or another, lovely tale, Mr. Vaughn. I was really touched by it." she chuckles, shaking her head. "Oh, don't worry."


Iskierka Stormspeaker looks up. "Next?"
Ha'uruh Nunh immediately offers the fortuneteller a small something.
Ha'uruh Nunh: Please accept this, Wise One.  Anything you can tell me is appreciated.
Ha'uruh Nunh 's tone is very respectful.
Iskierka Stormspeaker looks over the jewel. "That is very much appreciated. Is there anything in particular you'd like to know?"
Chachanji Gegenji snaps his attention back to Howl, curious to hear his fortune despite being here to overhear Leanne's.
Ha'uruh Nunh: ... I want to be strong in a different way.  In here.
Ha'uruh Nunh: Think that's in the cards for me...?
Iskierka Stormspeaker takes out a deck of cards from her pocket after putting away the jewel. She fans the cards out in front of her. "Pick one and see."
Ha'uruh Nunh closes his eyes and takes a card at random.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: You have drawn Judgment.
Ha'uruh Nunh stares down at the card quietly, his mouth a stern line in his face.  His ears tilt back with his thoughts.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: The path of the righteous is treacherous, and perilous. Yet those who embark on it are enriched for their struggle. I have heard a Limsa Lominsan saying before. Calm seas never made an experience sailor.
Ha'uruh Nunh: ... Thank you, Wise One.
Ha'uruh Nunh returns the card silently.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: You're quite welcome. Good luck.
Chachanji Gegenji is getting quite a bit of sage advice listening on  the telling's of others.
Warren Castille smiles and welcomes Howl over to his side. "Did you hear what you were hoping for?>"
Ha'uruh Nunh goes over to Warren, sighing quietly.  He scratches his ear and summons up a smile.  "Hey.  Didn't expect to see you here."
Ha'uruh Nunh: What I was hoping for...?  No.  But... probably it was what I needed to hear.
Warren Castille: "What do you mean?"
Ha'uruh Nunh grins up at Warren a bit weakly.  "Seems the fortune said I'd be tempered by trials ahead.  Sounds as if I'll either get stronger, or crack.  Let's hope for the former, eh?"
Warren Castille: "You sure maybe they're not just late? We've already been through a bunch of trials as of late."
Ha'uruh Nunh says nothing, fingering his choker for a moment and looking down.
Warren Castille: "Whatever it is, we'll get through it together, right?"
Ha'uruh Nunh glances up at Warren, smiling a little and nodding.  "Yeah.  Can't be nothing we can't beat down, yeah?"  His ear tilts back momentarily at Leanne's fortune; he can't quite resist the curiosity either.
Warren Castille steps forward and embraces Howl momentarily. "That's right."
Ha'uruh Nunh looks momentarily startled at the hug, but hugs Warren back warmly, his eyes closing for a moment.
Warren Castille: "How was the event? Sorry I missed it."
Ha'uruh Nunh: Was nice, really.  Good stories, and some good singing.  The Keeper's glad tonight I hope.
Warren Castille smiles and nods. "Sorry to have missed it indeed, then. Hope he's not too angry with me."
Ha'uruh Nunh grins at that, scratching his ear.  "Eh, He's a patient and long-viewed sort, the Keeper.  I'm sure he ain't too upset."
Warren Castille: "I'll try to do right by his children, then."
Ha'uruh Nunh: We gonna head back then?
Warren Castille: "Were you finished here? I hate to steal you away if you're not done."
Ha'uruh Nunh: Let me say night to Leanne, then I can head out.


Leanne Delphium: "Hum.."
Iskierka Stormspeaker: Next?
Koporo Aporo "Go on, Leanne."
Leanne Delphium took a deep breath. "Let's see if fate still hates me..."
Chachanji Gegenji inches forward now that it's Leanne's turn, almost stepping out of his brush hiding spot.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: You're the one the hooded fellow asked about. What would you like to know?
Chachanji Gegenji looks at Iskierka Stormspeaker in shock!
Leanne Delphium: "So...uhm..." she fidgets for a moment. "...What I-hooded one?"
Leanne Delphium blinks.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: I appear to have made a faux pas. I apologize. Please let's focus.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: What would you like to know?
Leanne Delphium raises a brown, before sighing. "I...honestly dunno what I want to ask. I just came here wishing to know what future lies for me...last time I did such, it was horrid, and...as much as I didn't want to believe...well, let's say my life isn't all that much good."
Leanne Delphium: "...Will it get better in anyway...?"
Iskierka Stormspeaker fans out the cards in front of her. "Pick and see, friend."
Leanne Delphium looked at the cards for an awful amount of seconds. Gulping, she closes her eyes, and picks one at complete random.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: The Empress. A card bearing fortune and wisdom.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: Surely your hardships have given you a degree of insight, have they not?
Chachanji Gegenji finds himself nodding to Iskierka's question, as if it had been posed to him.
Leanne Delphium opened her eyes to take a look at the card. "...Well...partly, yes..."
Iskierka Stormspeaker: The Empress is an extremely experienced woman. For every lesson learned, there is a scar to show for it.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: I hope you'll take that to heart.
Leanne Delphium: "I will...ponder about such."
Chachanji Gegenji grips one of the bush's branches, hoping Isk might say more. About Leanne's future, if she'll ever actually be happy...


Jancis Milburga looks down at the stuffed animal in her long robes, poking at the bauble idly before looking up at the pilgrims lined up.
Jancis Milburga: "Thank you all for waiting for Iskierka's divinations and fortune."

[Image: SYpvJz9.jpg]

Iskierka Stormspeaker: Next?
Iskierka Stormspeaker: How can I help you, sir?
Oscare Iono: "-- Good day, my lady. I have a lone question for you tonight. I wish to know if... if there's still a chance for me to recover from my grave."
Iskierka Stormspeaker: Your grave?
Oscare Iono: "Yes."
Iskierka Stormspeaker: You don't look dead.
Oscare Iono exhales deeply. "I meant metaphorically. If I can recover from my trauma. Emotional trauma, more exactly. If there's still a place for me."
Vaughn Antain turns his attention to the fortune telling.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: I see. That makes a lot more sense...
Iskierka Stormspeaker fans out the cards in front of him. "Pick one and see."
Oscare Iono hesitantly picks whatever card was in the furthest right of Iskierka's hands.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: The Lovers. Love is for the living, friend.
Oscare Iono: "... Hm?"
Iskierka Stormspeaker: Life continues. It thrives, it flourishes. You drew the card of the lovers. The dead do not love. They are dead and feel nothing. You have feeling in your body, sense in your head. Life continues.
Roysia Stone paused as she heard the fortune, eyes slowly moving towards the teller.
Vaughn Antain shakes his head with a light laugh, returning to the fortunes.
Arielia Ryella gazes slowly turned upon Iskierka, her eyes set upon her with a pursed lips. Something somber stole Arie's demeanor as she released Roysia's waist, inclining her head with a quiet sigh.
Oscare Iono: "... Life continues, hm? Sense in my head? It makes sense in hindsight... But I feel nothing. Anyway, thank you."
Iskierka Stormspeaker: Good luck.
Vaughn Antain: "Hmm..."
Jancis Milburga looks back with sad eyes, "He has been that way much of late, Oscare."
Vaughn Antain: "Oh, you know him?"
Jancis Milburga: "For my part, which I thought was well. But I seem to only bring him grief. Is a wonderful man truly. Should see him smile sometime."
Vaughn Antain nods, leaving Jancis with Tausen and joins Nathan with Oscare, keeping a safe distance.


Nathan Telluride: "Oscare, do we need to talk about the Stropers?"
Oscare Iono silently shakes his head.
Oscare Iono: "Looks like a tentacle beast waiting for someone to pummel it to me."
Nathan Telluride: "Just as I said."
Oscare Iono: "-- I have a question."
Nathan Telluride: "Not for toothy there, I hope?"
Oscare Iono shakes his head again. "When you see your reflection in the water like this... what do you see?"
Oscare Iono inquires, immediately dipping his head to the mirroring water.
Nathan Telluride: "Is that a personal answer, or a philosophical one, you're after?"
Oscare Iono: "Whichever comes first."
Nathan Telluride: "Hm. I see that I might need a shave..."
Oscare Iono: "... Righhtt."
Nathan Telluride: "But if you want a philosophical answer... I see something I am pretty good with."
Oscare Iono: "I suppose that's one reality-- what?"
Nathan Telluride: "I see the reflection of someone who feels pretty blasted good about life, at the moment."
Oscare Iono: "... Hm."
Oscare Iono: "When don't I? I'm not cut out for this anymore. I feel as good as dead on the inside, I'd claim."
Oscare Iono: "-- Fucking stroper is ruining the scenery."
Vaughn Antain frowns at Oscare's words, but keeps silent.
Nathan Telluride: "Not cut out for... storytelling? Public events? Stinking pond water?"
Oscare Iono shakes his head. "Never mind it. I'm going home. Give Jancis my thanks and that I will seek her out later."
Nathan Telluride turns to Vaughn. "I just failed a diplomatic opportunity, didn't I?"
Vaughn Antain turns to Nathan. "Do you...know why he's like that? Do you know him as well?"
Nathan Telluride: "I can hardly say I know him very well at all. But I do hope he comes out of it."
Vaughn Antain: "Oh... I hope so too."
Vaughn Antain: "Lady Jancis seems to think highly of him, as does another friend of mine. Though, I only remembered the name spoken. I didn't realize that was him until today."
Nathan Telluride: "Jancis seems to know him best. But she's rather occupied in these sorts of occasions. Oscare does have a gift for tales; it's not something to give up lightly."
Vaughn Antain: "Hmm... Well, I hope to see him again soon. Ask how he's been, if he's feeling better."
Nathan Telluride chews his lip. "Give it time. The lure of the crowd has a power over men of certain talent. It can heal as well as harm. I'm sure it will find him."
Vaughn Antain smiles and bows to Nathan. "Mm, and thank you for your song as well. Safe travels."
Nathan Telluride: "Keep being a man to attract attention, Vaughn, no matter the sort, and never hide your truths."
Vaughn Antain: "OF course."


Iskierka Stormspeaker: Next?
Koporo Aporo "Ma'am."
Iskierka Stormspeaker: How can I help you?
Koporo Aporo "...I...I wish t'ask. Of my future with Memeli Meli...Are we really meant t'be?"
Iskierka Stormspeaker spreads out her cards in front of him. "Let's see, shall we? Pick one."
Koporo Aporo "..."
Jancis Milburga turns, smiling at Tausen. "Did everyone stop grabbing at you for your story?"
Koporo Aporo silently, he looks over the cards, and points towards one in the center of the arrangement.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: The Hierophant. You know what this card is telling me?
Koporo Aporo "Isn't...Isn't the Hierophant a pious man?"
Iskierka Stormspeaker: He is.
Koporo Aporo "I ain't no preacher..."
Iskierka Stormspeaker: He's saying to be as you are... and that maybe instead of talking to a fortune teller about your future with Memeli, you should be discussing the matter with her.
Koporo Aporo "I...I see."
Iskierka Stormspeaker: Be open and honest, and all will be well.
Koporo Aporo "Thank ya, ma'am."
Iskierka Stormspeaker: You're welcome.
Koporo Aporo gives Iskierka Stormspeaker a Flame salute. "Fer coin an' country!"

RE: Celebration of The Keeper - Jancis - 01-16-2015

[Image: JwnRlpz.jpg]

Shas Tarry smiles at Roysia Stone.
Roysia Stone: ... Do they ever forget them?
Shas Tarry shakes her head. "Forget them? No. They're apart o' me, always will be."
Roysia Stone: I guess so. Live and learn, right? Well, I ask your guidance any way you can offer.
Shas Tarry: "I'm here ta help, Rose. In anyway tha' I can."
Roysia Stone: Thank you, Shas.  I really do appreciate it.
Roysia Stone: When will we be having those lessons on anger control?
Shas Tarry laughs at Roysia Stone.
Shas Tarry: "I'm thinkin' after th' holidays are over. Take th' time to enjoy yerself."
Shas Tarry: "It won' be easy. Th' things I learned was when I was a little girl, so it will take time."
Roysia Stone: Bah. Far too much work for 'enjoying yourself'... *She grinned, winking before looking forward.* Guess it's over. Might as well be social a bit. A little girl?
Shas Tarry nods. "Aye, I was taught a lot o' things when I was younger...."
Roysia Stone: Please tell me you're not going to be teaching me like a five year old..
Shas Tarry laughs softly. "Oh no, it'll be a more advanced level than that."
Roysia Stone: .. Well then, I guess I'll have to accept it any way possible. Oh, thank gods.
Roysia Stone: I didn't want to be stuck coloring a book or something silly like that.
Shas Tarry: "Jus' remember patience when it seems like ye have none."
Roysia Stone: Patience... Right. A virtue most treasured.
Roysia Stone: .. One that I really need to acquire.
Roysia Stone gazed out with a soft sigh, shaking her head after a moment. "Patience and tenderness."
Roysia Stone: Well, Shas, be safe and yell at me when you want.
Shas Tarry: "Alright, Rose. Take care out there."
Roysia Stone: You too.

Arielia Ryella: "Ah, the huntress cannot be thanked for merging thy souls. T'was fate that the huntress set together, merely."
Ciceroix Pellicier: "We have....Ameline has been accepted at Still Shores, and has just recently managed to get us a room of our own. "
Arielia Ryella: "...Ah. A property, as such. She thought a house were purchased. She were about to chortle."
Arielia Ryella: "I may visit, surely?"
Ameline Valtin nods, "Indeed, Huntress. You are always welcome, as is Miss Roysia. You shall find it most. . unadorned at the moment, but we are working on that." She chuckles.
Ciceroix Pellicier rises up to stretch a moment, yawning softly as he glances about. "so many people here...perhaps a chance to mingle? "
Arielia Ryella: "...Mingle?"
Ameline Valtin looks up to Ciceroix, "Be free, social bird. I will not keep you any longer pinned to this spot."
Ciceroix Pellicier: "I'm afraid not sir....should likely move, lest we get in the way I suppose.."
Arielia Ryella leaned over so as to wrap her arms around Ameline, pulling her into a sudden embrace as soon as Ciceroix left her. It was tight, and the huntress had evidently stifled her laughter as she did so.
Ameline Valtin smiled warmly, returning the embrace. "And what of you, Huntress? It seems that I always seem to spy you in transit from one locale to another. Is there some place you lay your head at night?"
Arielia Ryella: "Eorzea," Arie responded simply, her tone matter-of-fact. "...She needn't swear allegiance - even in residence - to any of the three city-states, hmn? Ishgard, naturally, off-limits for... evident reasons."
Arielia Ryella: "Now, if she shall speak of a room, of sorts, then... Ul'dah, loosely."
Ameline Valtin offers a cagey grin, "Forgive me, but that seems far too mundane for the likes of you. Tis indeed difficult for me to fathom you resting your head on the stained linens at the Quicksand." She laughed in jest.
Arielia Ryella: "Hah! 'twixt her lips, doth the truth resonate! As though a huntress of this caliber would choose the /Quicksand/ of all places!"
Ameline Valtin: "Ah, and now we cut to the core of it. It would seem she has a clandestine hideaway deep within the belly of the desert jewel. Are mortals allowed entry to such a place?"
Roysia Stone: Only mortals whom possess no soul.
Arielia Ryella seemed mildly amused as she pursed her lips thoughtfully, with her eyes turned upon Roysia. They echoed her light-hearted demeanor.
Arielia Ryella: "Effervescent must the physical incarnation be, t'would seem."
Ameline Valtin looked up to Rose, "Ah, so you have had the distinct honor of knowing secrets shared between few! My curiosity burns!"
Roysia Stone: I believe I'll have to hunt down a dictionary if you keep talking such. Heh, I know as many secrets as the next perceptive woman, I'm sure.
Arielia Ryella: "Ah, when you spread the dictionary, glance for the term 'wonderful'. Surely, her name will be beside it."
Roysia Stone gently nudged Arie with a boot, her smile turning to a lopsided smirk. "You've always had the most flowery way of flirting." She snickered, looking up to the line.
Ameline Valtin smiled warmly between the two. "Ah, but I must find dear Ciceroix before I find him attached to a woodland harlot!"
Arielia Ryella: "Ah, such cannot occur! Off with thee. Shoo!"
Arielia Ryella: "With haste, Ms. Ameline!"
Ameline Valtin rocks up to her feet and scans the horizon for the Elezen man.
Arielia Ryella released Ameline from the embrace, nodding her head.
Roysia Stone: A warm farewell, Ms. Ameline. Do not let us hold you!
Arielia Ryella: "It would seem the huntress the only remaining upon the ground, save the attraction..."
Arielia Ryella: "Unique, yes?"
Roysia Stone rolled her eyes. "You're unique in far more ways than that, hun..." She moved to the side, offering a hand down to Arie with a smile. "Up on your feet, yes?"
Arielia Ryella grasped the hand, curling her palms into it as she pulled her lengthy figure to its feet.
Roysia Stone gently pats Arielia Ryella.
Arielia Ryella: "Will she have her fortune told?"
Arielia Ryella: "She will? Fantastic!"
Roysia Stone: I believe not. You know my issue with 'fat--
Roysia Stone: ...
Arielia Ryella reached out to forcefully grasp Roysia's arm, tugging her into the line.
Roysia Stone: This is one of those moments you amuse and infuriate me.
Roysia Stone said it light heartedly, moving to stand beside Arie.
Arielia Ryella: "'Tis why I am endearing," she said, her front teeth bared, if only a little.
Roysia Stone: You will get your future read. I believe little in it, though it's fun to listen anyways.
Arielia Ryella: "The huntress, too, tells the future. We shall simply see if hers is credible, yes?"
Roysia Stone rolled her eyes, moving to nudge Arie. "You be cautious with your ego. What if your fortune is wrong, mm?~ You recall our conversation, how each of us shape our own destinies. Althyk just determines the order of the events."
Arielia Ryella returned the hip-check with a smirk striking her lips, standing tall so as to gaze over the crowd. Of course, were it not for Oscare, mayhap she would see to the end.
Arielia Ryella: "She doth nary possess this 'ego'..."
Arielia Ryella: "Doth nary... eh..."
Arielia Ryella: "Hardly eloquent. Ehm. Yes."
Roysia Stone: Had to leave it at home?
Arielia Ryella: "...Your home," she mumbled.
Roysia Stone: I can't even complain about that comeback.
Arielia Ryella: "...Thy soul shall merge with me ego. When they date... oh gods..."
Roysia Stone: Oh no. You keep your ego away from mine, yours will devour me whole.
Arielia Ryella: "Thy soul, Roysia, thy soul!"
Roysia Stone: 'Thy soul' is on a beach still, perhaps drowning by now since I lack the ability to swim.
Roysia Stone: Don't step on th--
Arielia Ryella stumbled backwards as she stepped on the little carbuncle, glancing down at it with an apologetic stare.
Roysia Stone: Arie... Don't step on the carbuncle..
Arielia Ryella: "You tell her that after you force her to step upon it. Hmn."
Roysia Stone: To my right then.~
Arielia Ryella hip-bumped Roysia playfully, as if threatening to cause her to topple over onto it.
Roysia Stone grasped onto Arie, eyes widening a moment before they narrowed onto her Elezen companion. "If you make me accidently hurt it, I'll feed you to a morbol."
Arielia Ryella leaned her weight into Roysia. Not enough to topple over, but enough to cause her to at least lean to the side. With a glint in her gaze, she spread her lips into a smile. "Threat, or promise?"
Arielia Ryella relented immediately as she pulled Roysia straight, taking a step to the side, and pulling her along. "Come. Let us leave the adorable creation."
Roysia Stone returned the hip-check before grumbling playfully. "Always pushin' me round. Should've come in plate... Threat."
Arielia Ryella leaned in, so as to murmur quietly, having to stoop forward to accommodate Roysia's height.
Roysia Stone went silent, eyes forward as she heard Leanne's question.
Roysia Stone muttered, softened eyes moving to Arie as she shook her head. An arm moved to wrap around Arie's waist, her sigh gentle as she looked forward once more to Oscare. Nice slops, she thought.
Arielia Ryella returned the arm around Roysia's waist, leaning in so as to respond with a downcast gaze.

Roysia Stone: Oh gods no!
Arielia Ryella: "But it is what you claimed you sought!"
Arielia Ryella: "...Was it a figure-of-speech?"
Roysia Stone: Figure of speech, figure of speech! I just want someone to explain, geez..
Arielia Ryella: "...I mean, we could..."
Roysia Stone sees Arielia Ryella and blushes with embarrassment.
Arielia Ryella: "...Eventually?"
Roysia Stone: No. No, no.
Roysia Stone: Let's just.. Get our fortune read.
Arielia Ryella: "I am wonderful at convincing you indirectly, sweet."
Roysia Stone rubbed the back of her neck with her free hand, clearing her throat as a blush built up. "I swear to the gods I'm going to tie you up and drop you off in the swamp.."
Arielia Ryella: "At least the huntress will swim to safety.~"
Roysia Stone: Pft, don't tease me. I'm a real sailor, I don't need to know how to swim.
Arielia Ryella: "You do not own a boat, Roysia."
Arielia Ryella: "Thus, you require swimming lessons."
Roysia Stone: ... Not yet.
Arielia Ryella: "...Cap'n Roysia III..."
Roysia Stone: I always preferred to be First Mate Rose, really.
Roysia Stone: Let someone else take on being the captain..
Arielia Ryella: "...She does hope she wouldn't expect the huntress to mount such a boat..."
Roysia Stone: You can be in the crow's nest, Arie.
Arielia Ryella: "We shall have to seek a crow that builds its nest upon the dry land, then."
Roysia Stone: To be the First Mate though is to control the boat whilst the Captain sits in the back and depends on you. I feel it's where the real action takes place... Hah!
Roysia Stone: You'll wake up one day with the sea beneath your boots, I promise. Then you can't kill me until we get to shore.~
Roysia Stone: I--
Roysia Stone paused as she heard the fortune, eyes slowly moving towards the teller.
Arielia Ryella's gaze slowly turned upon Iskierka, her eyes set upon her with a pursed lips. Something somber stole Arie's demeanor as she released Roysia's waist, inclining her head with a quiet sigh.
Roysia Stone kept silent after, moving onto the rock. Her eyes moved to her boots, her arms crossing now that they were free.

Roysia Stone: Reminds me... My cousins ransacked the estate when they heard of the deaths. I need to buy some more furniture..
Arielia Ryella: "...Mayhap we may endeavor to shop for... furniture? Change the lock, most likely."
Roysia Stone: They were entitled to a bit. Pop's put it in his will..
Roysia Stone sighed gently, raising a hand to rub at the bridge of her nose. "I just need a bit of time and some more lumber.."
Arielia Ryella: "...Then, the huntress shall gather such," she said with a quiet little nod.
Roysia Stone bumped into Arie gently, shaking her head.
Roysia Stone: Worry not on it. Just give me some company.
Arielia Ryella remained idle as she were bumped, balancing well, as she turned her curious gaze upon her. She soon spread her lips into a smile.
Arielia Ryella: "'Tis an order, Sweet?"
Arielia Ryella was obviously joking.
Roysia Stone: Heh, if only I had the rank..
Iskierka Stormspeaker: Next?
Roysia Stone nudged Arie gently before moving forward, offering Iskierka a bow. She straightened, looking to Arie.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: How can I help, miss?
Roysia Stone: I've no specific question, so much as wanting to know what will be in my future?
Iskierka Stormspeaker shuffles her cards, and fans them out in front of her. "Pick a card, ma'am."
Roysia Stone didn't hesitate before raising her left hand to tap the one second to the end.
Iskierka Stormspeaker looks down at the cards. "It appears you've drawn two! How interesting!"
Roysia Stone: Interesting indeed...
Roysia Stone 's eyebrows furrowed a moment before she shrugged it off, clearing her throat as she looked to the woman with curious steel eyes.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: The Fool and The Chariot.
Roysia Stone: Ohoho, should've seen the Fool coming.
Arielia Ryella glanced up towards Roysia. There was no expression present, save a neutral gaze.
Roysia Stone: I'm unfamiliar with the Chariot however..
Iskierka Stormspeaker: The Chariot symbolizes victory.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: I think you've got a lot to look forward to, friend.
Roysia Stone paused a moment, seeming to think on that. After a moment, she gave a small nod, bowing. "I pray you're right, Madam Teller. Thank you."
Roysia Stone muttered as she shook her head, looking towards the swamp. "The Fool and the Chariot.."

Iskierka Stormspeaker: Next?
Arielia Ryella remained idle a while, snapping from her thoughts as her heeled boots stalked forward, 'til she stood before Iskierka. She seemed to examine her, awhile.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: How can I help you, friend?
Arielia Ryella: "Premonition shall grant thee knowledge of the unseen, mayhap. Shall we begin with her future?"
Iskierka Stormspeaker: Whose? The lady before you?
Arielia Ryella blinked, before she set her hand atop her chest. "Nay. Hers. The huntress' future, Ms."
Roysia Stone: She speaks in third person sometimes.
Roysia Stone called it out for the fortune teller, glancing over her shoulder.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: Ah!
Iskierka Stormspeaker shuffles her cards and spreads them out before Arielia Ryella. "Pick one, ma'am."
Arielia Ryella twirled her wrist, 'afore she grasped the card directly in the middle. She tugged it at, though, she then retracted her grasp, until she reached out for the one directly beside it.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: The Hermit... you... may not want to leave your bed tomorrow.
Roysia Stone: ...
Roysia Stone beams with delight.
Roysia Stone 's grin was a slow one, but she couldn't help it. She glanced over her shoulder towards Arie, eyes mischievous.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: Just lay there. Have someone bring you tea. And pie.
Arielia Ryella simply stared at the fortune teller with a blank stare. One. Two. Her jaw fell slack as her lips parted. Without a word, Arie turned towards Rose, eyes wide as she grasped at her forearm, patting it. "Roysia..."
Arielia Ryella: "...T'would seem this 'day off' hath been ordained..."
Roysia Stone gently tugged her arm free, calling out a thank your for Arie's sake before she wrapped her arm around the woman's waist. "I'll keep you company."
Arielia Ryella squinted at Roysia. "Art thou a fortune teller, as well?" She grinned, even as the arm wrapped about her, and she leaned in to murmur.
Roysia Stone: Never mistake perception for a mystic power, darlin'.

RE: Celebration of The Keeper - Jancis - 01-20-2015

[Image: dFDJo1H.jpg]

Nathan Telluride takes a look around the area. "Song, dance, lovely lasses and some smart asses. I seem to be getting dragged into something like respectability, despite my best efforts to be otherwise."
Raisan Arcmantle: "Aye, that they have, kept up on my training, and skills. Even appointed Saint of the Crafting branch for the Harbinger's of Dawn. The same company that provide your security for this event."
Nathan Telluride: "I've attended a few of your company's open house events. The wines are quite good, though I fear poor Leanne sometimes worries overmuch about her bartending."
Raisan Arcmantle snickers. "Aye, that she does. Will you be joining our new estate then for this next tavern night? We've moved now to Lavender Beds, Ward Five, Plot Fifty Eight."
Raisan Arcmantle: "Same Night as usual. We have a new much larger bar area for hosting."
Nathan Telluride taps his chin. "New location, you say? I may do so, and if I cannot make it, I will spread the word. I have a couple of friends who could use a bit of revel."
Raisan Arcmantle: "Ah, that would be fantastic, I fear this next tavern night might be light due to not as many knowing of our new location."
Nathan Telluride: "Don't neglect the flyers, then. A few posted at a yalm's height will reach both your best Lalafellin company, and the collapsed revelers looking for the next good place to wet their whistles."
Raisan Arcmantle: "I'll keep that in mind. So, feel free to stop by when ever you get the chance. I'm sure we can do good to catch up some over a glass or two, and when there are less people around to overhear two people remember the past."
Nathan Telluride nods. "My past was a little more dirty and gritty, but those are sometimes the best occasions. I will endeavor to find your new estate."
Raisan Arcmantle: "Good, good. Northeast Subdivision aetherite if that helps get you closer."
Raisan Arcmantle: "Ward five."
Nathan Telluride: "Splendid, sir, splendid. Do pass my regards to your company and hostess. Perhaps a private show might be arranged, sometime, as well."
Raisan Arcmantle: "I think you should, I have this brand new wonderful stage I just built for the company, worthy of a bard of your caliber."
Nathan Telluride licks his lips. "Now you're talking dirty, sir, and I am of course intrigued. It's not fair to tempt a performer with the opulent form of a good performance house... all bedecked... mmm."
Raisan Arcmantle: "Ah, you caught me, I knew I could entice you to join us with the talk of stage and performance, you might even like the antique harpsichord we acquired to accompany the stage."
Nathan Telluride: "Mister Arcmantle, are you trying to seduce me?"
Raisan Arcmantle: "I think I wouldn't dare, but I must say we have plenty of women and wine at the company estate and tavern that would most likely enjoy that task."
Nathan Telluride clucks his tongue. "Then I should be doubling my efforts, and perhaps I will bring some arm candy of my own."
Raisan Arcmantle: "I'll make sure there is a bottle of whiskey? if I recall your drink of choice? Ul'dan fire Whiskey to be exact?"
Nathan Telluride lifts his chin, and grins widely. "I may have to introduce your stores to my very good friend, Madjack Red. It isn't just the tables whose spreads are made more amenable by his smoothness, you can be sure."
Raisan Arcmantle: "Very well, bring all you can muster, I'm sure we would enjoy putting our new tavern to the test. More tables, VIP section, and like I said earlier, a grand stage on which to perform."
Nathan Telluride: "A section for Very Impulsive People? Well-planned, I say - such people need a place to go to feel comfortable in their willingness to forego all inhibitions. Is that where the auctions have been held?"
Raisan Arcmantle: "The auction was help in Gridania, however the event was quite successful, granted us enough to provide this wonderful new house and tavern so that we may host a much better event."
Nathan Telluride: "And the gil flowed faster than the company wines, and thus, a new place was founded."

Nathan Telluride: "Ah, good evening, love."
Raisan Arcmantle: "Women about as usual Nathan, you never change do you?" *giggles*
Raisan Arcmantle: "Not that I would want you to either."
Nathan Telluride: "The day I can't say hello to a woman, at least, is the day I am a bard no more.  I little touch of the personal makes the difference."
Raisan Arcmantle nods in approval.
Raisan Arcmantle: "So tell me Nathan, is the seer only seeing those of the pilgrimage, or is anyone welcome to be read? It's been long since last I've talked with one."
Nathan Telluride: "I think they are open to all takers! Speaking of which, I may yet need to have my fortune tested, lest I walk into a Stroper's maw unpredicted."
Raisan Arcmantle: "Very well then, I shall take my  leave and request an audience with the seer. I look forward to seeing you at the tavern, remember you're always welcome to stop by some time earlier if you want the grand tour before the night if you like."
Nathan Telluride: "Then let us both find a line."
Raisan Arcmantle places his mask and weapons in his sack.
Nathan Telluride taps his chin. "It was said in the prophecies of old that I would one say stand in a line... Bloody hells!"
Raisan Arcmantle: "Seer is a rare gift, I'm sure there are many who would want to speak to one as often as possible."
Nathan Telluride: "Hm... might be a bit early for this."
Nathan Telluride: "Looks like Last Call at Buscarron's."

Raisan Arcmantle: "Good day to you seer, very rare is the chance to speak with one with the gift."
Iskierka Stormspeaker: Thank you. The pleasure is mine. How may I help you?
Raisan Arcmantle: "I ask only for a fortune of the cards if it pleases you to offer it for me."
Iskierka Stormspeaker spreads her cards out before Raisan. "Be my guest."
Raisan Arcmantle: "I've been told to always take that which is offered to you first, do not wait for better for it may not come along." *he pulls the first card placed before him without hesitation.*
Iskierka Stormspeaker: The Emperor. A figure of great authority.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: However, temper this authority. Try not to fall into the trap of stubborn behavior.
Raisan Arcmantle: "Thank you seer. May the twelve as one guide and protect you on your journey in life and beyond."
Iskierka Stormspeaker: Thank you, good sir.

RE: Celebration of The Keeper - Jancis - 01-20-2015

[Image: xePv1fc.png]

Jancis Milburga smiles, turning, "Lady Ameline. Lord Ciceroix. Very happy to have you come with us all here."
Ciceroix Pellicier: "Well, you put on a great show my dear, how could we not attend? Beyond that, the land is greatly wanting I the upper crust making it's presence known yes? "He smiled, bowing his head. "Jesting aside....marvelous evening Jancis. You should be proud. "
Ameline Valtin bows her head to Jancis, "Lady Jancis, what a lovely evening you have arranged. Thank you and your performers ever-so-much."
Jancis Milburga: "Thank you, I must pass it on to everyone who truly filled the night with emotion. Have you both met Lord Vaughn?"
Ciceroix Pellicier: "I shall let my better half attend to introductions I imagine. "
Ameline Valtin shakes her head, "I have not had the pleasure. Ameline Valtin, at your service."
Vaughn Antain: "Vaughn. No titles. Pleased to meet you."
Ameline Valtin: "Might I add, what a lovely story. Quite moving, Vaughn."
Ciceroix Pellicier: "Ah...or not. And I am Ciceroix Pellicier, a wayward noble, quite far from Ishgard. "
Vaughn Antain blushes a bit. "Well...thank you for your compliment." He turns to Ciceroix. "Ishgard, hmm? What's it like?"
Ciceroix Pellicier: "Cold...mostly cold. "
Ciceroix Pellicier: "Both in the weather, and in the temperament of it's people, from my experience.  "
Vaughn Antain chuckles.
Vaughn Antain: "It's one of the few places I've never travelled. I'd love to see it sometime."
Ciceroix Pellicier: "I dare say, your gift of story would do that land well. As it would any land you tread upon Sir. "
Vaughn Antain: "Ah, well, thank you for your kind words. Truth is I've been working on them since I was only a few cycles of age. After over thirty cycles, one must be good at something."
Ciceroix Pellicier: "Mm...well said. "He reflected on that, his own uselessness being how he even wound up here.
Vaughn Antain smiles. "What about you two? What brings you?"
Ameline Valtin sees Ciceroix's demeanor shift and tugs on his coat. "Let's off then? Back to La Noscea?"
Ameline Valtin looks to Vaughn, "Oh, sorry, apologies! I am mortified!"
Ciceroix Pellicier: "No..the gentlemen is still speaking, would be rude to wander off. Though, perhaps I shall dart along ahead, and you catch up my dear. For what we spoke of, I'd like to get changed. "
Vaughn Antain chuckles.
Vaughn Antain nods. "Well, save travels to you both. May the Twelve guide you."
Ameline Valtin gestures to Vaughn, "I reckoned the fresh air and fertile earth would do us some good. I wish you well in your travels, Vaughn - Twelve walk with you where ever you may head."

Ciceroix Pellicier: "A pleasure. Ameline, I'd suggest you mingle a bit more...I shall return to you soon enough. "The noblemen nodded, bowing his head to the lady.
Ameline Valtin sighs, "Alright. ."
Ameline Valtin: "Well now. I feel a right fool." She muses to herself.
Jancis Milburga: "Surely you can handle anything that might come your way, Lady Ameline?"
Jancis Milburga smiles, "Lady Ameline is quite versed in combat, as it were."
Jancis Milburga: "Not at all, such men seem to be quite flighty. He must be looking for an excuse to prepare something for you."
Ameline Valtin smiles to Jancis, "Your positivity is a beacon of light, Lady Jancis. It truly inspires." She dips her head in deference.
Jancis Milburga: "Vaughn here, despite his delicate music, is quite strong as well. I have seen him handle a bow even at close range."
Ameline Valtin looks to Vaughn, "Is that so? A delicate art in its own right, as I understand it."
Vaughn Antain wrinkles his nose slightly. "Lady, please. I'm hardly the warrior."
Jancis Milburga: "Forgive me, I would not speak a fib."
Vaughn Antain shakes his head with a light laugh, returning to the fortunes.
Ameline Valtin: "I beg your collective pardons, but I have an intrigue in tempting fate by having my fortune told. Would you excuse me but for a moment?"
Jancis Milburga: "Not at all, Lady. Go right on ahead."
Ameline Valtin removes her hat, dusting it off before tucking it under an arm.


Ameline Valtin resituates her cap on her head.
Iskierka Stormspeaker shuffles her cards. "Next?"
Iskierka Stormspeaker: Thank you for waiting all this time, ma'am.
Ameline Valtin approaches the masked form. She looks uncomfortable and rests her hands on her hips with a frown. "Tis no trouble. I have but a question."
Iskierka Stormspeaker: Aye?
Ameline Valtin leans close, placing a cupped hand over her mouth to whisper into the ear of the woman.
Ameline Valtin >> "Will I ever see home again after craven exile?"
Ameline Valtin blinks to Iskierka somberly.
Iskierka Stormspeaker nods in understanding to Ameline. She fans the cards out in front of her.
Ameline Valtin fidgets her fingers indecisively for a moment before choosing the card on the far right end of the fan.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: You've drawn The World. The World symbolizes fulfillment. Integration with ones surroundings on all levels, physical, mental, and spiritual.
Ameline Valtin looks to the woman, confused.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: Whether this is done by adaptation or making the world adapt to you is uncertain, but the outcome is the same. Harmony, equilibrium with ones surroundings, and most important... home.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: You WILL go home.
Ameline Valtin nods, "Thank you." She slinks back, feeling a bit out of sorts before craning her neck politely and turning away.


Iskierka Stormspeaker: Next? Thank you for waiting.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: How may I help you, ma'am? What do you seek help with?
Leggerless Hanzou: "Uh... the card thing you've been doing earlier. How about that for me?"
Iskierka Stormspeaker: And what would you like to know in particular?
Leggerless Hanzou: "...Not real sure, honestly. Maybe something about my future?"
Iskierka Stormspeaker fans out the cards before Leggerless. "Pick one, then."
Leggerless Hanzou takes one of the cards located a little above the middle of the pile, and shows it to Iskierka.
Iskierka Stormspeaker can be heard sucking air through her teeth. "Aaah, The Tower."
Leggerless Hanzou: "...I'd imagine it's not a literal tower?"
Iskierka Stormspeaker: The Tower isn't necessarily a BAD card... but it's one that always bears a little bit of easing into.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: Be prepared for a rapid change. One that might even be pretty violent.
Leggerless Hanzou: "A rapid... change. Hm. That could be both good or bad. I suppose the best thing to do is to welcome it when it comes, right?"
Iskierka Stormspeaker: That's the spirit!
Iskierka Stormspeaker: An open mind and heart is best when dealing with The Tower.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: Just like an open stance is best in a fight, all the better to take on all comers.
Leggerless Hanzou: "Heh. You basically described what it takes to survive my line of work. How... eerie."
Iskierka Stormspeaker: There is wisdom in the cards.
Leggerless Hanzou: "And I thank you for showing me that such is proof of it."
Iskierka Stormspeaker: You're quite welcome.

Whran'a Mhakaracca: "Scuse me ma'am, what's going on here?"
Roysia Stone: Ah, hello. It's a fortune teller, reading out the cards of our fates.
Whran'a Mhakaracca: ... Really? Heh, one of my sisters said there was a commotion around here. I... I think I might try that.
Roysia Stone: If you wish to have your fate read, you can go stand in line.
Arielia Ryella moved to loom over Roysia's figure. "Indeed. Though..."
Arielia Ryella: "If you've a tale to share, she, too, listens."
Arielia Ryella: "You should. In fact, the line is behind her."
Arielia Ryella thumbed over her shoulder.
Whran'a Mhakaracca smiled, goofily. "Ah, well Thanks ladies!"
Whran'a Mhakaracca: "Huh! Well, now I'm curious as to how this works!..."
Whran'a Mhakaracca flicked his ears forward, trying to listen in on the card readings.
Whran'a Mhakaracca: "Hm?"
Whran'a Mhakaracca: "Well! Now I'm very interested!!"
Leggerless Hanzou: "I'll let the person behind me come now, if that's alright?"
Iskierka Stormspeaker: If he's ready.
Leggerless Hanzou gestures towards Whran'a behind her a few steps.
Leggerless Hanzou: "I'd imagine he is."
Whran'a Mhakaracca jumped a bit, his idle musings not much more than daydreams as he thought. "Oh! Uh, hi there ma'am! So, uh, what are you doing here exactly? Offering advice?"
Iskierka Stormspeaker: C'mere, I won't bite.
Whran'a Mhakaracca: "Aheheh, sorry."
Iskierka Stormspeaker: What do you want insight on?
Whran'a Mhakaracca: "Insight eh?... Well, let me think... These cards, they can give a bit of advice on choices, right? Or just life advice?... Wait that's the same thing... Uh, ahehe apologies ma'am. I've just never had anything like this done before."
Iskierka Stormspeaker: It's alright. I've helped many a lad with his first time.
Iskierka Stormspeaker begins shuffling his cards. "Let's just do a general reading. You like it, you come back for more sometime, yes?"
Whran'a Mhakaracca blinked, blushing a bit at the remark. "Ahh, sure! Heh, maybe it'll start some cogs!" He said, smiling like a goof and watching the deck shuffle.
Iskierka Stormspeaker lays the cards out for Whran'a in a fan pattern. "Here is your future laid bare. Pick a card and see what it holds for you."
Whran'a Mhakaracca took a deep breath, armored finger hovering over the fan like a ball on a roulette table, eventually he picked a card, left of the center and just a tad towards the end. "This one..." He said, slipping it from the stack.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: You have a lot of inner doubt, don't you. You're indecisive, yes? Some would even say finicky?
Iskierka Stormspeaker: You've drawn The Moon. This is a card representing indecisiveness.
Whran'a Mhakaracca: "Er, somewhat. My last impulsive decision left me in a bright place, with a lot of dangers. But it's why I look like I do now."
Whran'a Mhakaracca smiled, blushing at the card. "Aye... I've been dithering on... Quite a few things."
Iskierka Stormspeaker: You also have some pretty lofty dreams, I'd imagine.
Whran'a Mhakaracca: "It's probably a bit much to go into detail right now, but ah. Yes."
Whran'a Mhakaracca: Is it, solely indecisiveness? The meaning I mean."
Iskierka Stormspeaker: My advice to you, then, is to keep your eye on those goals. You'll be able to work your path to them much easier. The traveler who looks at his feet for every step will lose his way upon the road.
Iskierka Stormspeaker: It's not just indecisiveness.
Whran'a Mhakaracca: "I'll keep that in mind ma'am. Thank you... very much!"
Iskierka Stormspeaker: You're quite welcome, sir.
Whran'a Mhakaracca: "Uhm, Is it alright if I sought you out for another reading sometime? I uh, can imagine if you're backed up on clientele, but I find this interesting to say the least!"
Iskierka Stormspeaker: Of course. Anytime.
Iskierka Stormspeaker shuffles the cards and puts them away.
Whran'a Mhakaracca smiled, a bit nervously as he tapped his fingers together. He muttered something under his breath, though from the tone he seemed introspective. He nonetheless looked back to the seer, nodding his head with a smile before turning away. "Aye well, I've needed to get back to Ul'Dah. Thanks again!"
Iskierka Stormspeaker: You're quite welcome.

RE: Celebration of The Keeper - Jancis - 01-21-2015

[Image: AlrM96K.jpg]

Vaughn Antain smiles at R'tashana. "So, what did you think?"
R'tashana Hhaig shrugs. It was different but interesting
Vaughn Antain: "There should be another in another moon, if you're interested.
R'tashana Hhaig: "Your god gave us death so mine has something to do."
Vaughn Antain chuckles. "Well, I personally follow another, but each deity has its place. All should be honored."
R'tashana Hhaig: "Oh. I try not to delve into other's personal beliefs. I guess I just assumed."
Vaughn Antain: "Anyroad, feel free to mingle. The people here are very kind. I'm sure you'll make many friends."
R'tashana Hhaig: "I would think about it, but I need to get back to Ul'dah. I have some pressing business matters to attend to. Thank you again for inviting me to this interesting ceremony.":
Vaughn Antain: "I hope you'll come with me to the next one."

Nathan Telluride: "Vaughn, you were right. I think you tore out a few hearts."
Vaughn Antain smiles lightly at Nathan. "Not the intent. But your song has done the same, I'm sure."
Nathan Telluride: "The truest ones always have an impact, though... I think I best hide Minfilia for a few days. That girl gets ideas."
Vaughn Antain chuckles. "Well, hopefully next time you have a meet, I won't clam up. I'm...still very embarrassed about that."
Nathan Telluride: "You, embarrassed? I won't hear of it. People need to be bowled over on occasion, and you have the wherewithal to make it happen."
Vaughn Antain: "You are too kind, Sir Nathan."


Vaughn Antain: "Thank you once again, Lady Jancis. It was a pleasure."
Jancis Milburga: "Oh Lord Vaughn, I should say such words to you! Your story was so bittersweet but fitting."
Leilani Leilai: Thank you Miss Jancis!
Leilani Leilai: It was th'bestest pilgrimage I've ever been on!
Vaughn Antain clenches his jaw with a light smile, stepping aside for the lalafell.
Leilani Leilai: oph! Sorry Mister.
Leilani Leilai scampers back bashfully!
Vaughn Antain smiles at Leilani Leilai.
Jancis Milburga: "Glad you think so, Lady."
Leilani Leilai scampers next to Vaughn a bit and lowers her voice in a whisper.
Jancis Milburga leans back from the pair, smiling.
Vaughn Antain chuckles. "It's alright. It's a common mistake. I don't take it personally."
Leilani Leilai agrees wholeheartedly with Vaughn Antain.
Jancis Milburga: "Be safe."

Vaughn Antain: "But, yes, I just wanted to thank you again for the lovely pilgrimage. And I'm sorry I was unavailable for the last one."
Jancis Milburga: "You were missed, but fondly thought of. Althyk knows we all cross paths when we can. I hope everyone is well at home."
Vaughn Antain nods. "We're...getting by. In fact, one of my charges was able to make it. So, we're thankful for that."
Jancis Milburga: "The lady you were sitting with? How delightful, I saw face aglow when you finished. I would not think you did not sing around the house or get caught doing so, at least."


Nathan Telluride nods to Jancis. "So, still nervous, even after another successful event, my dear?"
Jancis Milburga laughs awkwardly. "Seeing so many people here, my worries are for naught. Thank you. You were right."
Nathan Telluride: "Oh, a little stage fright is healthy, but I don't know anyone with a better track record than yourself, Lady Jancis."
Jancis Milburga: "Not including yourself? You are, ah, a natural. Your song was quite touching with just you. I dare think some people in the crowd would have loved to catch your gaze."
Nathan Telluride nods, grinning foxlike. "Possibly, but Minfilia is a jealous song partner. Cora desperately wanted to come, but Althyk happened."
Jancis Milburga: "As it did to many. You will give her my best? I did hear your duet at the Ball, it was whimsical."
Nathan Telluride: "I will do that and more, my lady. I will give you back to your guests."

Nathan Telluride clears his throat near Jancis. "The lady of the evening finally has a moment of down time. Well earned, I'd say."
Jancis Milburga: "Yes. Blessed with a clear sky, too. Am happy. Thank you for speaking to Oscare, I know not what of, but I did see you by the water."
Nathan Telluride nods, a hint of solemnity in his voice. "He seems troubled by something. I'd bid you see to him when you have a moment. A man's heart sometimes needs a man's words, and sometimes, a woman's touch."
Jancis Milburga nods, looking grateful, "I will. Dare believe he surely needs both, then he would be willing to share the weight of all the burdens he carries."
Nathan Telluride: "Big burdens make for strong shoulders, but even the strongest should rest now and then. I have no idea how close you are to him, so forgive my presumptions if they are unfounded."
Jancis Milburga: "Presumptions? I do try to be a good friend, for my part. Alas, I seem to cause more woe than encouragement of late."
Nathan Telluride chews the inside of his cheek. "I'm probably not the best qualified to fight off a sad spirit right now. I tend to be rather too abrupt and garish in my cheer."
Jancis Milburga: "Is said to be around people you wish to be like. I would call you welcome company in that regard. He use to be quite garish."
Nathan Telluride: "So I've seen, and remembered! Though... I wonder who I should be best to be around, then. Ah, perish that thought. Maybe a good vintage might help. The old cures can be the best."
Jancis Milburga: "Then as a garish man, do you have any suggested favorites? A red?"
Nathan Telluride: "Madjack Red, as I was suggesting to the good Mr. Arcmantle. Smoothest, most potent Rum in my reckoning. It turns men into slavering beasts, and slavering beasts into sophisticated, well-spoken raucous beasts."
Raisan Arcmantle: "Talking about me behind my back Nathan?"
Nathan Telluride: "Not at all, sir. Simply suggesting a means by which Lady Jancis might pacify a mutual friend."
Raisan Arcmantle: "I jest, I wanted to ask you, would you happen to have any sway with the seer? I would like to invite her to our tavern to perhaps offer her cards to our guests."
Nathan Telluride looks to his right. "The seer is not an acquaintance of mine, but you might perhaps inquire about bringing her into your future. Lady Jancis is probably your best contact; she seems to know everyone, or know someone who does."
Raisan Arcmantle: "I see, I'm not acquainted with Lady Jancis, would you perhaps introduce me?"
Nathan Telluride: "I was considering doing just that, if she is still amenable to conversations."
Jancis Milburga: "Forgive me!"
Nathan Telluride: "Lady Jancis, this dapper gent is Mister Raisan Arcmantle, and he was hoping to make your acquaintance."
Raisan Arcmantle: "Good eve M'lady. A pleasure to meet you."
Jancis Milburga: "A honor to meet you Lord Arcmantle."
Jancis Milburga: "You surely must be a busy man, to come on pilgrimage is no small sacrifice surely."
Nathan Telluride: "As a member of our Coalition of Performers, milady, you are a valuable contact for someone whose company seeks people of talent and dedication to entertain, and Mr. Arcmantle seems to be in search of just that."
Raisan Arcmantle: "Nathan here tells me you might have some sway on the seer offering her cards today, would it be possible to speak with her or have her asked to join us on our estate for tavern night and offer her cards to the guests that attend?"
Nathan Telluride adjusts his tunic. "I should be moving on - there is a lady who could not be here tonight, who needs to hear for herself how she inspired people tonight. Do walk with Fortune, Mr. Arcmantle.
Nathan Telluride: "Goodnight to you both!"
Raisan Arcmantle: "Of course, don't allow me to keep you. I shall see you tavern night then."
Jancis Milburga: "I shall catch up with Master Telluride, for you Lord. And if I can be of any assistance to you in the future I will gladly do so."
Raisan Arcmantle nods in approval. "About the seer? would it be possible to invite her to our tavern night to offer her cards to the guests?
Jancis Milburga: "Ah Lady Iskierka. She travels the realm much. I can surely ask if she would have time and the strength to impart her skill."
Raisan Arcmantle: "That would be greatly appreciated, I'm sure the company and guests alike would enjoy."
Raisan Arcmantle: "She is very gifted."
Jancis Milburga nods, "How long are the doors open at the tavern now that the location has moved?"
Raisan Arcmantle: "I'm in the understanding that tavern night will be held at its normal time and length as usual, but of course at our new estate in Lavender Beds, Ward Fire, Plot Fifty Eight."
Raisan Arcmantle: "I can make sure a table and chairs are set aside for her should she decide to join us."
Raisan Arcmantle waves off Jancis Milburga. "Please, just Raisan, or Rai as most call me, I've not used the title Lord since I was a child, in another life."
Jancis Milburga nods, "As you like, Raisan."

Jancis Milburga: "Thank you for staying as long as you have, Lynx."
Leggerless Hanzou takes a glance at Jancis. "I'm only doing what I was contracted to do; make sure no harm came to the performers for the *entire* duration of the event."
Jancis Milburga: "I have heard of another diviner, though she had been called away on other business this night. Uses the waters and pools, might not work in a tavern."
Leggerless Hanzou refrains from speaking further, so as not to interrupt the current conversation between Raisan and Jancis.
Jancis Milburga: "A stage? What great fortune! I mostly work with the priesthood, but I will do what I can. You would wish someone to be available at every door opening?"
Raisan Arcmantle: "I'm not sure every door opening is needed, we normally just allow the use of the stage for any who would wish to offer their talent."
Raisan Arcmantle: "Any are welcome to use the stage during tavern night."
Jancis Milburga smiles, "I think that is enough to spread around in order to have bards and storytellers come calling."
Raisan Arcmantle: "You should come see what we have to offer, I think once you see the stage, I think it would offer a much grander idea of what I speak of, I don't think words can offer fully what it's like."
Jancis Milburga: "If I do get Lady Iskierka to agree, she might need a quieter spot to work if it is a full bar scene. I will keep in touch with any details I receive."
Raisan Arcmantle: "Oh, before I forget, I have your name, but I think I missed your company name. Of which should I tell our leadership that I spoke with?"
Jancis Milburga bows her head, "I do reside with a small company that serves outside jobs for the Maelstrom and other kind-minded patrons. Lady Faye and Sir Val are generous and had me under their roof moons ago."
Raisan Arcmantle: "Very good, I shall let them know I spoke with you, I do invite you to come see our new estate soon, I would like to really show you what we can offer you and your people."
Leggerless Hanzou her ears perk up a bit at hearing the phrase 'Lady Faye' from Jancis' response, but she still stays mute.
Jancis Milburga: "I am beyond humbled at such an invitation. Thank you."
Raisan Arcmantle: "Very good, I'll not keep you from your most patient other guest here, please forgive me for takin up too much of your time. When you arrive, please feel free to ask for me directly. I'll be more then happy to show you around."

RE: Celebration of The Keeper - Jancis - 01-23-2015

[Image: SxEas51.jpg]

Lan Darklyn clears his throat. "Miss Milburga, may I have your consent to dismiss my troops?"
Jancis Milburga: "Lan. Yes, yes please they have done more than enough. I will surely have a suitable tribute for them in the next morn."
Lan Darklyn smiles warmly and bows his head. "Thank you ma'am, I will pass that along to them."


Rosette Montiel: Orchid! Glad to see you made it out.
Etheral Orchid blinks then smiles
Kairi Phoenix seemed to be on Etheral's arm, chuckling. "Haha."
Etheral Orchid: "Was more wanderin and noticed the guardian like and well decided to make myself a shadow, but this lil lass caught me."
Etheral Orchid chuckling nodding to Kairi.
Kairi Phoenix: "Hehehe, sorry."
Kairi Phoenix: "Name's Kairi."
Rosette Montiel looks to Kairi curiously, "That so? Quite a catch, then. I'm Rosette."
Etheral Orchid blinks then looks off a moment pulling her helmet over her head and letting the visor hide her face.
Etheral Orchid: "Not that much of a catch...."
Etheral Orchid murmuring softly.
Rosette Montiel: Come now...You're quite lovely.
Etheral Orchid coughing slightly and looking at her through the visor, it keeping her face hidden. "as you say Miss Montiel...." her voice being softly.
Kairi Phoenix: "Somethin' the matter?"
Rosette Montiel frowns, "I'm not being too forward, am I?"
Etheral Orchid shaking her head, "nothin... I'm fine just feel a bit safer with me helmet on..." she'd murmur softly.
Alistair Phoenix scratches his head. "Kairi, I am going to be heading back to the estate. Too many people, too many voices. One mild headache."
Kairi Phoenix: "Same here.. I have a headache too."
Rosette Montiel quirked a brow, "Safer? You're around friends here!"
Kairi Phoenix looked at Etheral. "We will meet up soon."
Etheral Orchid: "Of course my friend.... safe paths find you."
Kairi Phoenix smiled, giving her a small hug before leaping to the ground again. "Same for you, friend."
Alistair Phoenix: "Heading back to the estate, everyone. Enjoy your evening."


Uni Puma: "successful event sir?"
Kairi Phoenix: "I'll be heading back, as well."
Lan Darklyn: "Thank you again for your hard work. I'm going to stick around for a bit more."
Alistair Phoenix: "Aye, sir."
Kairi Phoenix: "To be sure everyone's safe?"
Leanne Delphium clears throat. "FLYING SHARK!"
Lan Darklyn: "There was not Flying Shark!"
Uni Puma: "k boss, see at the estate."
Lan Darklyn: "I mean..."
Uni Puma laughs at Leanne Starlight.
Lan Darklyn: "Uh oh.."
Alys Hawke: "Will that be all, ser?"
Lan Darklyn nods. "Yes, thank you for your help tonight Sergeant."

Lan Darklyn: "A moment please Miss Milburga."
Jancis Milburga: "Yes, Lan?"
Lan Darklyn reaches into a back strapped to his lower back and withdraws a stuffed moogle. "It's late...But thanks for your gift."
Jancis Milburga blinks, reaching out to press her hand against the stuffed figure. "Is for me truly?"
Lan Darklyn chuckles and nods. "Why else would I carry a stuffed toy out here. I honestly did not know what to get you, but my wife liked hers so much that I thought you might like one as well. It is adequate I hope?"
Jancis Milburga: "Adequate is not a word anywhere near suitable. Thank you. It is beyond adorable."
Jancis Milburga beams at the plush, shaking it in her hand to watch the head bobble some. "Thank you."
Lan Darklyn smiles warmly. "Well then I should get back. Still plenty of work for me to do. Stop by the estate some time and we can chat over coffee."
Jancis Milburga: "I shall. Shall thank all the Harbingers for me; are thought of fondly. Travel safe."
Jancis Milburga tucks the moogle into the crook of her arm, bowing.
Worren Tigre: "Lan."
Lan Darklyn: "Be well Miss Milburga"
Jancis Milburga looks away from the fortunes, smiling.

[Image: eHnW5cu.jpg]

Rosette Montiel: ...I did not...ruin a moment, did I?
Etheral Orchid taking a deep a moment and looking at Rosette, "Safer aye.... call it a comfort thing." shaking her head and chuckling, "We were amusing ourselves. She bet she wasn't lighter than a good friend of mine so was proving her wrong." chuckling softly and rubbing the back of her helmet.
Etheral Orchid pulls her spear from the ground and slips it back into the cradle onto her back gently.
Rosette Montiel chuckles, "I see. Sounds like good fun. Did you enjoy the performance?"
Etheral Orchid: "The singing bits touched a deeper place in me, got me thinkin on a few things...other than that I was more concerned with the Stropers." nodding to her left as they have seemed to strayed away now.
Rosette Montiel glances over her shoulder, nodding, "Ah, well, your protection was appreciated. May I ask what sort of things you thought about?"
Etheral Orchid: "The deceased... and actions I... regret but understand their need..."
Etheral Orchid her voice a scant murmur as she spoke pulling the visor down more, though it was as far as it could go.
Rosette Montiel tilts her head, "Forgive me, I don't mean to pry."
Etheral Orchid shakes her head slowly, "It's fine... though, it was proven my eyesight isn't as bad as I thought." smiling to her slightly, "Could still pick you out of the crowd from all the way over here, even without me specs." chuckling softly, "Though a lovely face with an even lovelier aura of gentleness is hard to miss in this day and age." her last spoke softly.
Rosette Montiel blushes deeply, "And you've such a way with words. Needless to say, I had my eyes on you as well. I felt quite safe knowing your skilled spear was watching over me."
Etheral Orchid coughs again and tugs at the front of the visor then raises it slightly to reveal such faint flush in her cheeks, "You are too kind.... especially to a simple spear woman...." she'd murmur then smile lowering the visor again and bowing to her. "Any plans?" tilting her head looking the Elezen woman over slightly.
Rosette Montiel shook her head, "Not really. What of yourself?"
Etheral Orchid waves her hand about, "This was unexpected, but some botany study. Though that can be put on hold." giving a smile to her.
Rosette Montiel blinks, "Botany? Of what sort?" She sounded interested herself.
Etheral Orchid: "Oh just the basic." giving a small smile and slowly fumbling into her armor and retrieving and obviously basic book holding it up, "I'm just starting to learn... been making meself familiar with em one by one, findin em and just observing them and looking them over.... in detail." smiling slightly then looking off a moment before taking a slow breath.
Rosette Montiel: Fascinating!
Etheral Orchid: "It can be... just... hard to find the names and read them is all..." sounding slightly embraced at the last as she scratched her chin with a single gauntleted finger.
Rosette Montiel: Huh? How exactly do you mean? Maybe I could help?
Etheral Orchid looks around a moment and leans in to whisper before blushing and sighing, "See my problem?"
Rosette Montiel leans up, whispering back, "I see."
Etheral Orchid biting her own lip a moment and giving a small grin, "Ifin you'd like, I warn ya though.... I'm a slow learner in terms of the book smarts." chuckling at her own expense.
Rosette Montiel: It's fine. I'm quite a patient teacher.
Etheral Orchid fidgets and smiles to her. "Sounds like a plan..."
Rosette Montiel: Great!
Rosette Montiel: I'll see you soon then, yes?
Etheral Orchid: "I'm usually rarely down this way.... so that is why I was kind of surprised to see the guard caravan going."
Etheral Orchid giving a small chuckle.
Rosette Montiel: Mm, well, we'll meet again, I'm sure.
Rosette Montiel moves in to give Orchid a quick, light hug for a moment, "Farewell then!"
Etheral Orchid: "Of course..." giving her a small hug back being careful of her armor and giving her a small wave, "Safety keep you and home find you well."
Rosette Montiel: Likewise, dear.
Etheral Orchid taking a deep breath and smiling slightly looking down keeping her visor low, "well then....." she'd murmur softly before wandering off slowly. A faint but cheerful hum to her voice as she wandered.


Koporo Aporo "Th'honest man..."
Leanne Delphium giggles. "You're a very honest person, Kopo. Fits you."
Koporo Aporo "Sounds 'bout righ'. Jus' wish it were th'same fer everyone..."
Koporo Aporo "It'd make helpin' fellars so much easier when they ain't tryin' t'hide their pain."
Shas Tarry smiles and looks to Koporo. "Aye..it would be nice  wouldn't it?"
Leanne Delphium: "Well, I don't make much effort in hide my pain, that you don't need to worry about."
Leanne Delphium smirks.
Koporo Aporo "Ya sure 'bout that? Ya make passive messages t'me that somethin's buggin ya'll, but ya ne'er tell what it is. Same wit' Crofte..."
Koporo Aporo "I know somethin's wrong wit ya, but I 'aven't th'faintest what it is."
Koporo Aporo "I'm ignorant, an' I hate bein' ignorant."
Leanne Delphium: "Well...that's mostly cause...as I said...I told about them too much. Shas serves as testimony."
Shas Tarry smirks confidently at Leanne Delphium.
Koporo Aporo "Ya'll can never tell me too much about yer problems."
Leanne Delphium: "...Oh well, since, I'm slight happier today...basically, love problems. Uhh...some problems alongside, but."
Leanne Delphium: some others*
Leanne Delphium: "...That's my major one."
Koporo Aporo "Leanne...That's m'problem as well."
Leanne Delphium chuckles. "Ah, uhm...gimme a moment."
Leanne Delphium puts a hand on her ear.
[1]<Leanne Delphium> "...L'aenoh?"
[1]<L'aenoh Tia> "Yeah?"
[1]<Leanne Delphium> "...Bizarre request, but, uhm...since I...destroyed the dummy...could I uh...ask you or...anyone else? To be my sparring partner?"
[1]<L'aenoh Tia> "Sure, I'll spar with you. Little busy at the moment though -- but I'll be up for it next sun."
[1]<Leanne Delphium> "Sure. Thank you, L'aenoh."
Leanne Delphium let her hand falls, sighing. "...WELL! Since I killed a dummy."
Shas Tarry laughs at Leanne Delphium.
Leanne Delphium: "I just asked to my boss if he can be my sparring partner the next days."
Shas Tarry: "That's a good thing, right?"
Leanne Delphium: "Well, will surely force myself to hold my own strength."
Leanne Delphium: "...Else I will have a broken boss."
Shas Tarry: "After th' holidays are over an' all, I'll be givin' a few lessons to Rose on controllin' her anger an' emotions."
Shas Tarry: "If ye wan' yer more than welcome to attend as well."
Leanne Delphium: "...Best if not."
Leanne Delphium: "...With Rose I might do more than break her in half."
Shas Tarry blinks. "Huh? Did....somethin' happen?"
Leanne Delphium: "Mayhaps her head can go off rolling too." she whistles innocent.
Leanne Delphium: "Yup."
Koporo Aporo "Leanne..."
Leanne Delphium rolls her eyes. "Just don't question. I'm okay. I'm happy...sort of."
Leanne Delphium: "Shall not let my good vibes wear off.
Koporo Aporo "I'm not happy until yer jus' happy an not sort o' happy."
Leanne Delphium: "Gods Kopo...just like Chachan..."
Leanne Delphium: "Wonder how you aren't friends."
Koporo Aporo "One word: Pig."
Leanne Delphium: "Leave the pig be, geez."
Leanne Delphium: "Anyway...uhh...whenever you feel like taking your harp and bow...call me, Shas?"
Koporo Aporo "I did. I'm jus sayin, that left an impression on' 'im."
Leanne Delphium: "I...may...feel inclined to join you."
Koporo Aporo "He don' trust me."
Leanne Delphium: "Good."
Leanne Delphium rubs her neck. "Gah...dunno what to do now...I wish to keep my good vibe going..."
Leanne Delphium: "...Any ideas, you two?"
Koporo Aporo "Go fer a bath in a hot spring?"
Leanne Delphium: "...That could be one..."
Leanne Delphium: "Well...I got invited so many times for hot springs...mayhaps...I should accept for once...?"
Koporo Aporo "That's th'spirit!"
Leanne Delphium: "It would, yes. Uhh...right now? Or at a later point?"
Koporo Aporo "There's this nice spring in Upper La Noscea I knows about..."
Koporo Aporo "An' it ain't Camp Bronze Lake."
Leanne Delphium smirks to Kopo. "I think I will prefer Camp Bronze Lake. I mean...I like scenery...but I love people even more."
Leanne Delphium: "....Except certain people."
Koporo Aporo "I understand. Let's go now. Ya'll don' mind if'n I bring along Me-" He stops.
Leanne Delphium: "Memeli?"
Koporo Aporo "...Y-yeah..."
Leanne Delphium: "Uhh...well, we could always go other time if she isn't around?"
Koporo Aporo "Ya'll could say that..."
Koporo Aporo "Let's...Let's jus' go to th'camp..."
Leanne Delphium pats his back.
Koporo Aporo "Shall we?"
Leanne Delphium: "Well, since we're going to bronze lake...lemme get proper attire."
Leanne Delphium: "Okay. Well then! Going ahead. And getting late. See you there!"


Arielia Ryella: "Indeed, Sweet. I've aught to enquire, but first, shall you speak to your friends?"
Roysia Stone muttered gently before tugging Arie along. Her eyes moved towards the group to her right, her arm suddenly dropping from Arie as she cleared her throat.
Roysia Stone: Speaking of which, you've the free time to help me figure out how to decorate the esta--
Arielia Ryella: "As I asked, Sweet. Shall you?"
Roysia Stone: I rather not retell the account. Their deaths are still fresh and you're supposed to wait a week before speaking of the dead.
Arielia Ryella: "Nay, Sweet. I spoke of simply spending time in their company." Arie's head nodded in Shas' direction.
Roysia Stone 's shoulders dropped a bit as she forced on a smile. "Ah... No... They've made it clear where I stand, I need not stomp toes."
Arielia Ryella: "Ah, for shame, Roysia. Shas is fond of thee."
Arielia Ryella: "...Leanne, too, given time."
Roysia Stone: Yet the other is not. I refuse to harm her further, and you'll not argue the point with me lest you find yourself alone tomorrow.
Roysia Stone went to nudge Arie despite her words. "Please?"
Arielia Ryella sighed reluctantly. "Yes, my fair Jostler, I shall relent. Though, ah."
Arielia Ryella: "You recall, she spoke of a tome?"
Roysia Stone: I do indeed.
Arielia Ryella: "Indeed. 'T'would be in either of our interests to glance upon it. She knoweth not, thy interest in magical apparatus and artifacts, though..."
Arielia Ryella: "Well, she would propose we glance over the tome, 'afore we decide, truthfully."
Roysia Stone: ... If you brought a cursed tome to your room, Arie Meshell Nameless...
Arielia Ryella: "Oh, come, now. 'Tis hardly cursed..."
Arielia Ryella: "The songstress would not be so foolish."
Roysia Stone shook her head, smile slowly growing as she muttered. "It's so cursed. Shall we be off then?"
Arielia Ryella: "Shall we recall what else is cursed? Thy visage!" She smiled easily as she reached her hand out towards Roysia.
Arielia Ryella: "I jest, Sweet. Shall thy step lead?"
Roysia Stone: For all the times your tongue's silver, you've got horrid comebacks. Let's go.
Arielia Ryella bursts out laughing at Roysia Stone.
Roysia Stone moved to take Arie's hand, tugging her out towards the swamp before pausing. "You've got your bow, no?"
Arielia Ryella: "Hush, mine Jostler. ...Indeed, 'tis present. Why?"
Roysia Stone: ...Well, duh. I rather not fight off Stropers with a saw..
Arielia Ryella: "Ah, come, now, they shan't disturb us lest we disturb them."
Roysia Stone: Though I'm a force to be reckoned with when I've got a hammer. Your lead.
Arielia Ryella: "T'would depend upon thy intended destination, Sweet."

[Image: GhmmiQ1.jpg]

The flowers glowed in the full night, stars reflecting a brilliant sparkle above. The pilgrims dispersed and all was as it once was before, the time spent together done.

RE: Celebration of The Keeper - Jancis - 01-23-2015

~~ The End ~~


That completes my log for the Althyk event.

Big thank you to Dogberry for helping with his own log to recover and have a complete set of the Iskierka fortunes when I decided to crash out... twice.

Once again big thank you to everyone who attended and filled in at the last minute to make it one of the most charming events I got to help organize. It was a tough squeeze during the big holiday time, but it still was a very nice event.

Gallery is here with all of the edited shots, if anyone wants their own I can dig through the raw images and fish out what I have and focus it on them.
