I. Basic InfoÂ
II. RP Style
III. Other InfoÂ
- Characters: Stalwart Mountain
- Primary character: See above.
- Linkshells: TRIDENT, Musty Linkpearl, Europa
- Primary RP linkshell: TRIDENT
II. RP Style
- Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
- Heavy. Usually always found In Character unless I'm questing or raiding, general PvE or PvP content (though I suppose that goes without saying). Always up for IC interactions though, so If I'm approached I'll swap over.
- Views on RP combat and injuries:
- No issues whatsoever with combat, be it free-form emoting, PvP (if only), roll-based outcomes, anything. Fully open to other suggestions also in order to expand possibilities. Against "God-Emoting" of any form although from experience some people can word their emotes to make it seem as if they are without the intentions of. As for injuries, again, open to all. Your own character's injuries should never be decided by another player via OOC or IC means; if someone takes a swing at my shoulder It's my decision entirely as to if the arm is severed or merely cut.
- Views on IC romance:
- Open to such within reason. It's an aspect of life I don't very much enjoy role-playing out, however it would be wrong to shun my character away from such things should it make sense. ERP is a definite no.
- Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
- Family ties to Stalwart would be distant at best due to a currently unannounced plot regarding the character. Distant cousins would be as close as anyone would be. As for friends, enemies, rivals, all are welcomed.
- Views on lore:
- The Lore is there for a reason: It fleshes out the world in which our characters exist. If we were to outright contradict what was put in place then what is the point in role-playing in the FFXIV: ARR universe as opposed to something else. However, expanding on given material or even using aspects of the IP that are currently unknown within RP (such as other continents & City States) are perfectly fine in my mind.
- Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
- Just the usual. /say, /em, /yell should all be In Character channels, the rest to be used either IC or OOC to be decided by the owner of the respective channels.
III. Other InfoÂ
- Country: United Kingdom
- Timezone: GMT+1
- Contact info: N/A