Hello, I recently got into Balmung. I've bought the game about four days ago. I like the game alot so far. As soon as I found out that the game had a roleplay community, I created a character on Balmung. I'm a heavy roleplayer willing to open-roleplay as long as I'm online. My character name is Nelson Herrmann and I'm currently grinding my way from level 9. If anyone is trying to sort a certain type of roleplay, just poke me in game. My timezone is GMT +2. I've been roleplaying for about 5 years. My class is marauder and I'm roleplaying as a pirate highlander Hyur male.
Can you guys point out an FC that provides mid to heavy roleplay? I'd like to take part in a linkshell.
Can you guys point out an FC that provides mid to heavy roleplay? I'd like to take part in a linkshell.