Hi there im Warabeskel RP player in Jenova world
Its been 2 month i have started to play FFXIV and i love it , i really falling in with it.
I sleep,eat,work,eat,work that all for go to in Éorzéa and live my another life
and what now i am a gamer who started to with NES but i also play on DOS( dawm that old time ) i also play Paintball and have my team and play D&D,SW: Edge of the Empire and Anima: Beyond Fantays too...yes i'm a full geek
My native language is french so be gentle
i live in Québec,Canada or french canadian if you want
Please dont say "Omelette du fromage"... is mostly now considered has a insult for us...
Its been 2 month i have started to play FFXIV and i love it , i really falling in with it.
I sleep,eat,work,eat,work that all for go to in Éorzéa and live my another life
and what now i am a gamer who started to with NES but i also play on DOS( dawm that old time ) i also play Paintball and have my team and play D&D,SW: Edge of the Empire and Anima: Beyond Fantays too...yes i'm a full geek
My native language is french so be gentle
i live in Québec,Canada or french canadian if you want
Please dont say "Omelette du fromage"... is mostly now considered has a insult for us...