I. Basic Info
- Characters:William Durrow
- Primary character:William Durrow
- Linkshells:None
- Primary RP linkshell:None
- Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
 Medium/Heavy! I love me some RPs. Any type of RP is good RP to me. As long as it's fun!
- Views on RP combat and injuries:
 Death or dismemberment ain't on the cards but anything before that is game for me!
- Views on IC romance:
 William tends to be romantic but as for settling down probably not. Not unless he found someone that could put up with his dry humour and scoundrel ways.
- Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
 Can never have too many friends and friends that are like family. He's a friendly sort and building connections is what makes RP worthwhile!
- Views on lore:
 I'm pretty laid back about other peoples' interpretations of the lore. Go wild! As for myself I tend to try to keep it true to form.
- Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
 I can use them and I don't mind them.
- Country:United Kingdom
- Timezone:UTC
- Contact info:In-game, William Durrow and here!
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