The most important thing to me when I started my own FC was to keep my players in touch with each other, as I firmly believe that a community approach is the best way to create great RP. Some of you may be familiar with the growing axiom, "We're a community of players, not characters." And it's more or less my mantra when it comes to all things player and RP related.
So, in an effort to achieve that, I created a Skype chat to parallel the various IG chat channels, so that people could socialize about whatever they like, regardless of their log in status. And it went a long way to keeping relations even keeled, as that close communication prevented a lot of potential OOC drama. Even when I ultimately disbanded my FC, I still kept the Skype chat because the small group of people that was involved had grown close, and to this day the chat remains active.
In the spirit of this, I've been wondering if another enterprising individual has created an RPC-scale equivalent to this. Is there a broad community Skype channel? If so, who must players contact in order to be invited?
If something like this doesn't exist yet, I would like to open my own skype channel to that very purpose. A live chat goes a long way to fostering good relations and great RP. So, having said all of that, I formally invite any RPC member to contact me here or on Skype if they wish to join this small - but hopefully growing - attempt to keep the community close and friendly.
Skype/WLM ID: candorignifer
So, in an effort to achieve that, I created a Skype chat to parallel the various IG chat channels, so that people could socialize about whatever they like, regardless of their log in status. And it went a long way to keeping relations even keeled, as that close communication prevented a lot of potential OOC drama. Even when I ultimately disbanded my FC, I still kept the Skype chat because the small group of people that was involved had grown close, and to this day the chat remains active.
In the spirit of this, I've been wondering if another enterprising individual has created an RPC-scale equivalent to this. Is there a broad community Skype channel? If so, who must players contact in order to be invited?
If something like this doesn't exist yet, I would like to open my own skype channel to that very purpose. A live chat goes a long way to fostering good relations and great RP. So, having said all of that, I formally invite any RPC member to contact me here or on Skype if they wish to join this small - but hopefully growing - attempt to keep the community close and friendly.
Skype/WLM ID: candorignifer