Hello there! Been a lurker here for a few months, and finally got my gears set in place to actually say hello and get into helping branch out my RP in game and such with the characters, and expand my horizons!
I grew into RP naturally, only discovering actual Role play once I meet my teen years, when I started to do so in City of Heroes/Villains in the early 2000's..Before then, it was just all pretend to my young, untainted mind.
All in all, I'm a medium-heavy sort of Roleplayer, spending most of my time writing/wanting to RP, or seeking it out and the like. I'm more than happy to actually play the game with a friend, or company mate, and try to insert myself into stories and events as my characters would fit. An example being my main here in FFXIV, She's a Scribe, Stewardess, and Cook...She really isn't good for anything with combat, but ask her to help set up a party, or go find a book on some obscure subject, and she's a great help!
I also enjoy creating much more than just a character, putting up my own settings, worlds, techs and alien races, fantasy or sci-fi, I like to write in just about everything...Except typical doom and gloom post-apocalyptic settings..I much more prefer the Post-Post-Apocalyptic, where the world is more or less livable, basic needs aren't scarce...But plenty of danger is still about.
I grew into RP naturally, only discovering actual Role play once I meet my teen years, when I started to do so in City of Heroes/Villains in the early 2000's..Before then, it was just all pretend to my young, untainted mind.
All in all, I'm a medium-heavy sort of Roleplayer, spending most of my time writing/wanting to RP, or seeking it out and the like. I'm more than happy to actually play the game with a friend, or company mate, and try to insert myself into stories and events as my characters would fit. An example being my main here in FFXIV, She's a Scribe, Stewardess, and Cook...She really isn't good for anything with combat, but ask her to help set up a party, or go find a book on some obscure subject, and she's a great help!
I also enjoy creating much more than just a character, putting up my own settings, worlds, techs and alien races, fantasy or sci-fi, I like to write in just about everything...Except typical doom and gloom post-apocalyptic settings..I much more prefer the Post-Post-Apocalyptic, where the world is more or less livable, basic needs aren't scarce...But plenty of danger is still about.