(02-26-2013, 08:17 PM)Eiri Wrote: If a character you've made hasn't had any RP or interaction yet, and thusly no one has met him ICly, but everyone OOCly is aware of them to an extent for a couple months. Is it weird to change something like their name, if you're not satisfied with it?
Heck no. If no one knows your character IC, the players might not be used to the name change, but until you start interacting with others in a strictly IC sense you don't have to feel stuck with a name you don't want.
Once you're in-game and interacting canonically, as it were, you're locked in. But until it's been put on the record, anything is subject to change.
(02-26-2013, 07:50 PM)Ryanti Veanysus Wrote: This sums up my point exactly. I feel like I owe Rhio a few bucks for writing it.
Nah, I already have people who pay me. I show up here pro bono.
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In-character: Rhio's dossier | Out-of-character: Player profile