The following message is not directed at any one person, but rather the tiny vocal minority that is casting doom and gloom on other server efforts (whether here, the official forums, or elsewhere), or STILL rallying for Balmung or bust solutions that make no valid sense...
You don't have to like what's happening right now. In fact, most people don't actually like this splinter. However, it's happening. There's no stopping it. Let me repeat that. THERE. IS. NO. STOPPING. IT. The vast majority of the community (even beyond the RPC) has put their approval on the division of the RP community not necessarily because they want it, but because it's NEEDED. Nothing you say or do at this point will change that. I'd argue that even the official designation of a RP server by SE would be more detrimental than helpful at this point because people aren't going to keep moving over and over again.
There are nearly 50 RP FCs on Balmung advertised here alone. That doesn't take into account what's not advertised. I would estimate that there's actually approximately 125+ individual RP groups, large and small alike, on Balmung. That's MASSIVE. Even if the community got split in half (unlikely), it would still be a massive thriving community with plenty of styles and options. Balmung is not going anywhere anytime soon. So if someone is scared of it "dying," get realistic please and stop being melodramatic.
The RP community is still growing in FFXIV, even after all these years. Balmung cannot accommodate that growth anymore by itself. Efforts to undermine other server RP communities is directly stifling the expansion of the RP community at large.
Do we know if other server communities like Mateus will make it in the long run if Balmung gets unlocked earlier than expected? No idea. Do we know if it'll 'replace' Balmung as the new unofficial RP server eventually down the line if transfer restrictions never let up? No clue. What I do know is that there are RPers RIGHT NOW that are enjoying themselves outside Balmung and having opportunities to tell stories they otherwise didn't have a chance to tell. The community of Mateus has grown in leaps and bounds in just a matter of weeks. Other smaller groups like Faerie, Lich, and Jenova have managed put themselves on the map. Efforts to undermine that are (or should be) a direct insult to RPers everywhere. As cross-server content becomes more and more viable (with upcoming cross-server LSs and FCs on the horizon as well), we should be encouraging RP in as many places as possible so that the community continues to grow exponentially and offers even MORE opportunities than we already have.
You don't necessarily have to get on the train. But you need to at least get the hell out of its way. The momentum is already real and it's not slowing down. Efforts to do so will not only be in vain, but only contribute to the server vs server mentalities and fosters unnecessary hatred.
You don't have to like what's happening right now. In fact, most people don't actually like this splinter. However, it's happening. There's no stopping it. Let me repeat that. THERE. IS. NO. STOPPING. IT. The vast majority of the community (even beyond the RPC) has put their approval on the division of the RP community not necessarily because they want it, but because it's NEEDED. Nothing you say or do at this point will change that. I'd argue that even the official designation of a RP server by SE would be more detrimental than helpful at this point because people aren't going to keep moving over and over again.
There are nearly 50 RP FCs on Balmung advertised here alone. That doesn't take into account what's not advertised. I would estimate that there's actually approximately 125+ individual RP groups, large and small alike, on Balmung. That's MASSIVE. Even if the community got split in half (unlikely), it would still be a massive thriving community with plenty of styles and options. Balmung is not going anywhere anytime soon. So if someone is scared of it "dying," get realistic please and stop being melodramatic.
The RP community is still growing in FFXIV, even after all these years. Balmung cannot accommodate that growth anymore by itself. Efforts to undermine other server RP communities is directly stifling the expansion of the RP community at large.
Do we know if other server communities like Mateus will make it in the long run if Balmung gets unlocked earlier than expected? No idea. Do we know if it'll 'replace' Balmung as the new unofficial RP server eventually down the line if transfer restrictions never let up? No clue. What I do know is that there are RPers RIGHT NOW that are enjoying themselves outside Balmung and having opportunities to tell stories they otherwise didn't have a chance to tell. The community of Mateus has grown in leaps and bounds in just a matter of weeks. Other smaller groups like Faerie, Lich, and Jenova have managed put themselves on the map. Efforts to undermine that are (or should be) a direct insult to RPers everywhere. As cross-server content becomes more and more viable (with upcoming cross-server LSs and FCs on the horizon as well), we should be encouraging RP in as many places as possible so that the community continues to grow exponentially and offers even MORE opportunities than we already have.
You don't necessarily have to get on the train. But you need to at least get the hell out of its way. The momentum is already real and it's not slowing down. Efforts to do so will not only be in vain, but only contribute to the server vs server mentalities and fosters unnecessary hatred.