RL Name: Dan
RL Age: 27
Country: Canada
Timezone: EST
RL Gender: Mae
--Why do you like to RP?
It's fun, it's a distraction, it passes the time.
Basic info
--Characters: Right now I am waiting on more lore info from the game to make a final decision. But I rped Azreiel Kamba in the past over ff11.
--Current primary linkshell: For XIV it will be T.A.L.E
RP Preferences:
--RP style (light, casual, moderate, or heavy)? somewhere inbetween casual and moderate.
--Are you willing to RP a fight scene in game? Sure, so long as its scripted and serves a purpose for story line. Also, if there is a PVP option. Otherwise its best to write stuff like that out and post them on the forum, to avoid awkwardness.
--What is your preferred method of combat? (/randoming, skill based, etc) scripted, it must serve a purpose for the story, it must be for a reason, mind you there are MANY reasons.
--Are you willing to take major injuries in game? (ie limb loss, comas, etc.) Sure, so long as it fits with the game. Also it must fit with my storyline.
--Are you willing to let your character die permanately? nope.
--Are you willing to RP romance in game? How far are you willing to go? not really. Unless its part of my characters backdrop. Not normally with another rper however.
--What kind of non-romantic RP relationships are you willing to take part in? (family ties, etc) depends...come to me with a good idea and we'll talk.
--How far from the actual lore are you willing to stray? I like to stick to mostly what is in the game, aka I don’t really like the stray too much from game lore...unless you really have a good idea, or if something in the game lore is just ridiculous. Generally however I will stray away from obscure ideas, cliché’s and the likes. Demon possessions, half everything races, unrealistic backgrounds, that sort of thing doesn’t impress me. Now come up with an awesome back-story using realistic ideas within the framework the game lore gives you…that’s impressive.
--Views on chat functions (IC vs OOC)? There is a time and a place for both. Don’t be an OOC cop…it’s annoying…your annoying and its causing more trouble than the little bit of OOC. Also, if the general mood of the night seems to be leading towards everyone being OOC…go with the flow and stop fighting it.
--Are you looking for Cross-guild Rp? Sure
--How do you prefer to be contacted? (PM or post in this thread)
RL Age: 27
Country: Canada
Timezone: EST
RL Gender: Mae
--Why do you like to RP?
It's fun, it's a distraction, it passes the time.
Basic info
--Characters: Right now I am waiting on more lore info from the game to make a final decision. But I rped Azreiel Kamba in the past over ff11.
--Current primary linkshell: For XIV it will be T.A.L.E
RP Preferences:
--RP style (light, casual, moderate, or heavy)? somewhere inbetween casual and moderate.
--Are you willing to RP a fight scene in game? Sure, so long as its scripted and serves a purpose for story line. Also, if there is a PVP option. Otherwise its best to write stuff like that out and post them on the forum, to avoid awkwardness.
--What is your preferred method of combat? (/randoming, skill based, etc) scripted, it must serve a purpose for the story, it must be for a reason, mind you there are MANY reasons.
--Are you willing to take major injuries in game? (ie limb loss, comas, etc.) Sure, so long as it fits with the game. Also it must fit with my storyline.
--Are you willing to let your character die permanately? nope.
--Are you willing to RP romance in game? How far are you willing to go? not really. Unless its part of my characters backdrop. Not normally with another rper however.
--What kind of non-romantic RP relationships are you willing to take part in? (family ties, etc) depends...come to me with a good idea and we'll talk.
--How far from the actual lore are you willing to stray? I like to stick to mostly what is in the game, aka I don’t really like the stray too much from game lore...unless you really have a good idea, or if something in the game lore is just ridiculous. Generally however I will stray away from obscure ideas, cliché’s and the likes. Demon possessions, half everything races, unrealistic backgrounds, that sort of thing doesn’t impress me. Now come up with an awesome back-story using realistic ideas within the framework the game lore gives you…that’s impressive.
--Views on chat functions (IC vs OOC)? There is a time and a place for both. Don’t be an OOC cop…it’s annoying…your annoying and its causing more trouble than the little bit of OOC. Also, if the general mood of the night seems to be leading towards everyone being OOC…go with the flow and stop fighting it.
--Are you looking for Cross-guild Rp? Sure
--How do you prefer to be contacted? (PM or post in this thread)