((Following some shenanigans in the Quicksand, Antimony and Ulanan make their way to Pearl Lane to meet with the subject of her investigation.))
Antimony Jhanhi takes a deep breath as they approach the office that is definitely in Pearl Lane and not Highbridge for the sake of this RP. She's collected herself for the most part during the brief walk over. Ulanan Ulan follows behind, along with her cowled self and herself.
Antimony Jhanhi: I'm... not entirely sure how appropriate it is for me to bring you to this, but... ah, we'll just say you're an assistant. Hm?
Antimony Jhanhi smiles just slightly down at Ulanan.
Ulanan Ulan: Tell him I'm your mute secretary. He won't make me questions that way.
Antimony Jhanhi laughs despite herself. "A secretary... ah." Another deep breath, and hse takes a moment to straighten the folder in her hands. "Well, then, best get this started." And she walks to the door. She clears her throat before calling out, "Excuse me? Is there a... Lamandu Tyremandu in?" She speaks the name very carefully so as not to stumble over it.
Ulanan Ulan positions herself strategically behind and to a side of Antimony like a miniature guardian angel lacking any angelical features.
Antimony Jhanhi approaches the receptionist-secretary lalafell at the front of the office. "Ah, yes, Lamandu Ty--oh, no, I wrote ahead to arrange an appointment..." She pauses as the lala questions more. "... Antimony Jhanhi, with the Commerce Regulation Agency.... Yes, yes, of course. THank you."
Ulanan Ulan keeps the blankest of stares.
Lamandu Tyremandu is quickly and effiecient weaving his way through a stack of papers sitting on his desk, shuffling them from one pile to another. It would be a wonder if he was truly able to attend to each sheet individually working in such a manner.
Antimony Jhanhi looks back at Ulanan. "And here we go." She turns then to move through the doorway the receptionist person had indicated. She knocks on the frame as she enters, bowing her head with a, "Excuse me, Mister Tyremandu."
Lamandu Tyremandu continues scribbling on papers, not looking up, "Yes? Did I not tell the receptionists that I was not to be disturbed? I'm busy."
Antimony Jhanhi blinks and hesitates only a moment before persisting, "I wrote ahead to arrange a meeting... I'm from the Commerce Regulation Agency."
Lamandu Tyremandu looks to be almost finished with the original pile at this point. He grabs another sheet before pausing mid stroke. "The..." he clears his throat, "Commerce Regulation Agency you say? Sounds like a sham." He sets the sheet down back where it was and looks over at the entrants. "I have never heard of such an organization." He hops off of his chair and walks quickly out accross the room, his frame trim for that of a Lalafel. Lamandu Tyremandu steps past the pair, poking his head out the door, "Did you make an appointment with a... Commerce Regulation Agency?" The receptionist mutters something. "Oh. Alright. I suppose this'll.... yes." He turns back to his guests. "Sorry about that, there was a bit of a calendar mix-up it seems.
Lamandu Tyremandu bows.Â
Ulanan Ulan does her best to look like a secretary.
  Antimony Jhanhi tilts her ears briefly and then smiles. "Ah, not to worry. I understand the Blades are busy nowadays."
Lamandu Tyremandu nods his head, "Yes. We are still cleaning up after that All Saint's Eve debacle." He frowns, "Well... you seem to know my name. You may address me as Captain Tyremandu. Please, come sit and introduce yourselves and your business..."
Lamandu Tyremandu gestures to the chairs on the other side of his deask as he walks back to it.
Antimony Jhanhi nods and speaks as she follows the lala to the desk, "I'm Antimony Jhanhi, an inspector with the Agency." She takes a seat and then nods at her companion. “This is Ulanan. She's an assistant. Ah... helps me keep all the paperwork in order.â€
Ulanan Ulan nods to Lamandu in some sort of formal greeting.
Lamandu Tyremandu he turns his head to look the other Lalafel over, "Ulanan..." he narrows his eyes slightly, "Rather hot for such a robe..." He frowns again, a little deeper this time.
Antimony Jhanhi smiles hopefully Lamandu's way.
Ulanan Ulan: Light colors and many sheets of clothes keep the sun's heat away and the air inside cool.
Lamandu Tyremandu: But then it’s always hot in Ul'dah. You must not be a native to be wearing such...
Antimony Jhanhi: Wouldn't want her getting sunburned.
Antimony Jhanhi chuckles slightly.
Lamandu Tyremandu: A fair Ul'dahn maiden after all then?
Ulanan Ulan smiles at Lamandu Tyremandu.
Ulanan Ulan: We are not here to discuss my maiden-likeness, I'm afraid.
Lamandu Tyremandu sighes, "But I digress. That surely does not pertain to why you are here."
Antimony Jhanhi: Mm, right, of course.
Antimony Jhanhi nods to herself and then sets her folder on the desk, in front of her. "The Agency monitors much of the business going on within and between the Grand Companies. This is all largely routine, but I'm here to formally request access to any financial documents you have tied to your name and the name of this office."
Lamandu Tyremandu 's small mouth pinches slightly. "I cannot simply grant you access to our files without due cause. Especially as our accounts do not get closed for yet a few more months. What is this about. We are the law enforcement around here it is our business to know if there is anything amiss."
Antimony Jhanhi shakes her head. "It's within our jurisdiction to conduct regular surveys of those employed directly by the Grand Companies." She hesitates a moment, thinking. “We simply need to make certain that everything is running transparently.â€
Lamandu Tyremandu: That may be the case with other agencies that run under more direct employment, but the Brass Blades work alongside the Immortal Flames, a partnership. Without due cause and the correct paperwork, I cannot simply show our files to you. It could jeopardize ongoing investigations."
Antimony Jhanhi 's ears prick up slightly. "Ah, as for paperwork..." She opens the file she'd carried inside and pulls out several sheets of paperwork. At the bottom of each are the stamped seals of the CRA and the Immortal Flames. “These should cover that requirement. I assure you; we'll treat everything with absolute respect and won't divulge any information to third parties... Ah, well, unless something is amiss, but I don't imagine that would be the case.†She smiles at Lamandu.
Lamandu Tyremandu reaches across the table to drag the papers back to him. He reads over them quickly, though he seems to actually comprehend well what they say as he says, "It only mentions you, Miss Antimony. Your assistant will stay back here... I assume?"
Antimony Jhanhi: She won't handle any of the files directly. Mostly just any summary reports that need sending off to the proper authorities.
Ulanan Ulan nods.
Antimony Jhanhi 's response comes only a beat or two after Lamandu's inquiry, and she finishes it with another smile and a tilt of her ears. "You agree that all is in order, then?"
Lamandu Tyremandu shakes his head, "Without authorized clearance, Miss Ulanan cannot be allowed in the records room, or to handle this... case of yours. She will have to remain where she is I am afraid." he smiles slightly at the person in question.
Antimony Jhanhi: Oh! Of course. She can work from outside the room just as well.
Ulanan Ulan: Naturally.
Ulanan Ulan nods again.
Antimony Jhanhi bows her head briefly. "I want to make sure this is as painless for everyone as possible."
Lamandu Tyremandu: Hmm. You seems to be under the impression that not working on this case means that she may work on it just outside the door. Please, have a little more respect for my line of work.
Antimony Jhanhi blinks. "I'm... sorry?" There's a pause and then, "Oh. I see."
Antimony Jhanhi: The case itself is not a debatable occurrence, but... I am willing to accommodate in particular requests. If you don't wish her involved, then I'll handle it all on my own.
Antimony Jhanhi presses her lips together briefly after she speaks.
Ulanan Ulan: My involvement is only for organizational purposes and to expedite the process so reports can be sent to the Agency as soon as possible. I'm sure a man in your position understands the necessities of organization when dealing with such a high amount of information.
Antimony Jhanhi blinks at Ulanan and then just nods.
Lamandu Tyremandu: I intend to assist you as I am able, but in the interest of protecting our office and Ul'dah at large, I cannot allow an unclearanced auditor into our such a matter. It is not my choice, she should have been included in the initial paperwork. You are of course, welcome to return when the oversight has been corrected.
 Lamandu Tyremandu smiles tightly at the both of them.
Antimony Jhanhi pauses only a moment before shaking her head, "No, that won't be necessary."
Ulanan Ulan: Indeed. Coming back at a later date with proper clearanse would only increase the amount of information to process and give opportunity to any who has seen us come into this office to come with ways to hide their shady deals...if there is any, of course. I will simply take my leave.
Antimony Jhanhi smiles warmly at Ulanan, a hint of apology in her eyes.
Antimony Jhanhi: I'll, ah, make sure to have your travel expenses reimbursed, Ulanan, so don't you worry.
Lamandu Tyremandu: You can wait in the waiting area if you wish. I'm sorry, I do not mean to be a stickler. But... it is part of my sworn duty.
Antimony Jhanhi: Of course. As it is mine to oversee your finances. Now! If that is settled...
Ulanan Ulan: It's perfectly understandable. Captain, I would shake your hand, but I'm afraid this table is not made for people like us. Have a good day.
Ulanan Ulan kind of just leaves throwing lady-like smiles to the people in the room. Not the NPCs, though. Screw those!
Antimony Jhanhi folds her hands in her lap as Ulanan departs, watching Lamandu patiently.
Lamandu Tyremandu gets up from his chair, "No... it is not unfortunately. The district has not had the money to buy a new one since I took over from an Elezen." He salutes Ulanan as she leaves.
Antimony Jhanhi: That's unfortunate. It seems many are in, ah, difficult times these days.
Lamandu Tyremandu turns to Antimony. "So, I must escort you to our records room then."
 Antimony Jhanhi nods and stands after a moment, smoothing down her robe. "Yes, of course! I'm eager to get started."
Lamandu Tyremandu starts out of the office room making ideal talk, "I have been here some years at this post now, but there have been many more important things at hand that need the money than my own comfort, as I am sure you understand, Miss."
Loughree Desfosse steps boldly into the office carrying a large, clattering bag. She proclaims, "Damned refugees don't have a thing to pay their debts with. I had to go all the way to the Market to find some middle-class fines."
Ulanan Ulan is just sitting in front of Lamandu's secretaries, to a side of the room. She spares a glance to the entering Miqo'te before looking at some point in the opposite wall.
Antimony Jhanhi follows after Lamandu, her ears pricking at the new voice in the outer room.
Loughree Desfosse catches sight of Lamandu coming out of the office and holds up the bag, "You can take your cut once I've counted it," and then, noticing the woman behind him, her ears lay back and she goes silent.
Antimony Jhanhi blinks up at the woman and then down at Lamandu.
Antimony Jhanhi: Ah, hello...?
Ulanan Ulan blinks at the Miqo'te, then at Lamandu.
Lamandu Tyremandu lets out a laugh, "Ahh, Lt. Desfosse. Your sense of humor is never displaced, but please, do try to keep it appropiate! We wouldn't want anyone to misunderstand you, would we? Perhaps we should discuss you're professional conduct a little later."
Antimony Jhanhi smiles a bit uncertainly at the miqo'te.Â
Loughree Desfosse lets the bag hang at her side for a moment, and then tosses it at one of the desk-workers, hitting the Lala straight in the face. She points the poor soul and says, "That's evidence. Store it." Returning her attention to the woman behind Lamandu, she says, "I'm still on duty if you need an extra hand."
Ulanan Ulan is not impressed by the performance. She smiles.
Lamandu Tyremandu frowns deeply and gestures towards Antimony, "Lt. This is Miss Antimony. From the Commerce Regulation Agency. I'm sure that she may not see quite the same amount of humor of the Pearl Lane's money troubles as you do. Â And please, do not throw material evidence around in such a manner. Talk with Ruruaji to have him set up a meeting between us."
Antimony Jhanhi bows her head and utters a polite, "Greetings," to the sergeant.
Loughree Desfosse drops her gaze to Lamandu, and huffs neutrally. "Alright." She steps to the side and tosses Rururajii a quick, "Sorry bout the face," and then, to Antimony, a curt wave. She leans against the desk and crosses her arms.
Antimony Jhanhi: Mm, Captain, ah, Tyramandu - the records room?
Lamandu Tyremandu nods to Lt. Desfosse narrowing his eyes, before turning back to Antimony. "Yes, of course. This way." He leads the way back through the building a little bit, and totally not into the same room that they were just in.
Antimony Jhanhi follows dutifully.
Loughree Desfosse has a lil OOC lul with that but keeps it to herself.
Ulanan Ulan returns to examine the random point on the opposite wall. So fascinating!
Loughree Desfosse very belatedly notices Ulanan chilling across from her, and seems a bit creeped out by the silent Lalafell's presence.
Ulanan Ulan smiles at Loughree Desfosse.
Ulanan Ulan: Hello.
Loughree Desfosse frowns, and her ears pin flat against her hair, "Hi. Who did you say you're with?"
Ulanan Ulan: I'm miss Antimony's secretary.
Lamandu Tyremandu unlocks the records room, letting Antimony in before himself, letting the door shut behind them, "So. What financials were you needing, please remind me?"
Antimony Jhanhi takes a moment to look around the room, taking in its organization before returning her attention to Lamandu.
Lamandu Tyremandu -- The records room consists mostly of cabinets. It looks rather organized and well kempt."
Antimony Jhanhi: I'll need the records pertaining to your accounts with the Blades, as well as any under your authority. Including transfers to and from the Immortal Flames and any other additional parties.
Lamandu Tyremandu faces Antimony. "What you just requested is all of our documents. You shall have to be more specific. After all... all of our accounts are with the Blades, as we are them."
Lamandu Tyremandu smirks confidently at you.
Ulanan Ulan tilts her head towards Lamandu's office.
Loughree Desfosse: I mean the organization.
Ulanan Ulan: The Commerce Regulation Agency.
Ulanan Ulan smiles at Loughree Desfosse.
Loughree Desfosse: That's not the normal company. What are you guys doing?
Ulanan Ulan: It's just routine while we put in order our own journals and transaction logs.
Loughree Desfosse: Investigating the Blades isn't "routine" for anyone except the Immortal Flames.
Ulanan Ulan nods to Loughree Desfosse.
Ulanan Ulan: I guess you can put together who hired us.
Loughree Desfosse looks suspicious, but doesn't respond to that.
Ulanan Ulan stares at Loughree.
Antimony Jhanhi smiles apologetically. "I'm aware of that. It will take some time. But..."
Antimony Jhanhi: Let's begin with funding transactions from the Flames.Â
Lamandu Tyremandu gazes upon you in deep reflection.
Lamandu Tyremandu: If you would tell me what you are looking for, I'm sure that I could save us both a few hours of work.
Antimony Jhanhi tilts her head to one side, looking around the room again.
Antimony Jhanhi: Explain to me your filing system, point me in the right direction, and I will handle the rest. Where do you keep records pertaining to your payments from the Immortal Flames?
Lamandu Tyremandu lifts a hand to his goatee, combing through it in thought. He walks over to a cabinet in the far left corner. "These are our where we keep our transactional records with the Immortal Flames. They're ordered by transaction type, and date."
Antimony Jhanhi nods. "Excellent. What of your, ah, members' accounts?"
Lamandu Tyremandu furrows his brow, "Member's accounts? You really must give me more to work with Miss."
Antimony Jhanhi gestures with one hand. "You are paid, are you not? Records of these payments must be kept somewhere."
Lamandu Tyremandu nods his head, "Ah. Employee payment records." He walks a couple of cabinets down, unlocking this one as well. "Those are in here, ordered by last and date, starting from their time of employement. Do you require past records of that ilk?"
Antimony Jhanhi smiles warmly down at the lalafell. "The past six months through your most recent records will be a good start. As we haven't done a thorough inspection of this case in the past, there's a lot to be done."
Lamandu Tyremandu narrows his eyes, "So there is a specific case you are trying to track down?"
Ulanan Ulan: It is rare to see Miqo'te in the Brass Blades lines. I hope the men are not overly rude, considering how most see Miqo'te in the city.
Loughree Desfosse: And how's that, lalafel?
Ulanan Ulan: Dancers.
Loughree Desfosse looks insulted, "That is not how people see Miqo'te."
Ulanan Ulan: I'll take that as a "No, they are not being rude."
Ulanan Ulan smiles at Loughree Desfosse.
Loughree Desfosse loses her want to talk to Ulanan again. She turns her glare towards the records room.
Antimony Jhanhi 's ears tilt. "I did not say as such," she replies simply.Â
Lamandu Tyremandu nods his head, smiling slightly, "You just did. Please, if there is suspicion that one of our own is involved in something, I it is my duty to suss it out."
Antimony Jhanhi lifts a stilling finger, "Ah, actually, it is my duty." A pause, and her brow furrows briefly before she bows her head in a respectful gesture, "While there's no guarantee there is anything to find, it's still within your best interest to allow me to carry out my job unhindered. Any actions you take to involve yourself could reflect poorly. It's unfortunate, but true."
Ulanan Ulan: Not a city woman, I take?
Loughree Desfosse returns her glare to Ulanan. The gaze doesn't seem to lose any of its frustration. The glare actually multiplies in intensity each time it moves. "What?"
Ulanan Ulan handwaves dismissively.
Ulanan Ulan: Nevermind! It was not important.
Loughree Desfosse: If it's not important then why are you saying it?
Ulanan Ulan shrugs at Loughree Desfosse.
Ulanan Ulan: I don't know. Why would you joke about the captain having to take his 'cut' when you entered the building?
Loughree Desfosse: Â This is my place. I can say what I want. You're only here because the Captain let you in. So show some respect.
Ulanan Ulan: I don't see how I am disrespecting you.
Loughree Desfosse goes quiet, crosses her arms, and glares at the door.
Ulanan Ulan: I guess you don't either.
Ulanan Ulan stares at the opposite wall.
Lamandu Tyremandu nods his head, "Of course. But surely you cannot fault me for my own concern in this matter? I swore an oath when I took up this post to protect Ul'dah as it is within my power. The thought that..." he shakes his head, "No, I'd rather not think about it. Please, let me know if I can further assist.â€
Antimony Jhanhi: I understand completely. It's a troublesome thought, but let me worry about it for now, hm?
Antimony Jhanhi nods. "And of course, I'll call on you if need be."
Lamandu Tyremandu nods his head, "Of course. I'll be in my office. Any of my men would be happy to guide you back or pass on a message to get me." He walks towards the room entrance, where he stops and bows, before leaving.
Antimony Jhanhi watches the lalafell leave before letting out a slight sigh and turning to the filing cabinets with an assessing look. "Well then..."
Antimony Jhanhi busies herself sifting through one of the cabinets Lamandu had pointed her to. Big job ahead!
Loughree Desfosse leans forward and barks at Ulanan, "Keep pushing, Lalafel. See where it gets you."
Ulanan Ulan smiles at Loughree Desfosse.
Loughree Desfosse is annoyed with Ulanan Ulan.
Ulanan Ulan: Please, ignore me. I should not concern you.
Loughree Desfosse: If you want to be ignored then keep your mouth shut.
Ulanan Ulan: I guess the respect in this, your building, goes only one way. You might want to hang a board specifying so.
Lamandu Tyremandu makes his way to the front entry area.
Loughree Desfosse is in the middle of responding, "I'll specify so with a-!" but stops when Lamandu reappears, standing up and losing her glare quickly.
Lamandu Tyremandu smiles at Ulanan, "I hope your wait is not so bad thus far?..."
Ulanan Ulan smiles at Lamandu Tyremandu.
Ulanan Ulan: It's been quite entertaining thus far.
Loughree Desfosse spares Ulanan a quick, brief scowl.
Lamandu Tyremandu nods his head briefly, "I'm glad that you are not bored yet. I apologize again about the clearance issues, the Immortal Flames needs to do their paperwork more thoroughly next time."
Loughree Desfosse manages to maintain an almost professional-looking pose for a few minutes.
Loughree Desfosse: Captain, you sure you want to leave that woman in there alone? I can supervise her.
Ulanan Ulan: I understand, captain. I will depart now to send a letter to the Agency to inform them of the oversight and ask them for further instructions.
Lamandu Tyremandu: That is an excellent idea. Until next time then.
Lamandu Tyremandu salutes Ulanan Ulan.
Ulanan Ulan: Good evening, captain. Please let Antimony know that I'll see her back at the Quicksand.
Ulanan Ulan: Miss.
Lamandu Tyremandu: Of course.
Ulanan Ulan leaves.
Loughree Desfosse spares Ulanan a quick, loaded, "Stay clean, Lalafel."
Lamandu Tyremandu watches as Ulanan leaves, before walking towards Lou. "I am sending in Ben to watch over her." He looks over towards Rurujai, "Please, take care of that? Send Ben into the back records room to keep an eye on Antimony if you would."
Loughree Desfosse looks a bit slighted, "Ben's not scary enough, Captain. I don't trust this Agency to keep their fingers clean."
Lamandu Tyremandu strides up to Lou, "Force will not make this go away. Especially after your decorum earlier Lou."
Loughree Desfosse: They bought it. They're not here to judge how polite we are.
Lamandu Tyremandu shakes his head, his lips tightly pinched as he beckons Lou to follow him into his office.
Lamandu Tyremandu beckons to Loughree Desfosse.
Loughree Desfosse looks displeased, but takes a moment to hop behind the desk and grab the bag of "fines" she'd tossed back there earlier, before following Lamandu.
Lamandu Tyremandu hears Lou's detour by the sound of clinking coin., saying sternly without turning around. "Leave it, Lou."
Loughree Desfosse huffs, and leaves Rururaji with a stern warning, "Paws off. I got dirt on you."
Loughree Desfosse then heads into the office and presents herself before Lamandu, straight-backed and arms at her side.
Lamandu Tyremandu goes to sit in his chair, "You are, quite frankly, out of control Sergeant. What would make you think that your actions just a few minutes ago were anywhere near appropiate? I am trying to keep this situation under control, not set it ablaze!"
Loughree Desfosse weathers the criticism stoicly, "I didn't realize there was a situation until I saw the woman. She's not the usual character. She's not on our page, is she?"
Lamandu Tyremandu scowls deeply, "Of course you didn't know there was a situation, that is the point! You do not simply walk into the building and make the announcements and behavior that you did! Constant vigilance!"
 Loughree Desfosse appears incredulous, and speaks in frustration, "On pearl lane, asshole of Ul'dah? These things are supposed to scheduled!" She points at the door, "Why don't we just get rid of them? That Lalafel can be goaded into doing something illegal. I practically had her in the five minutes we were alone!"
Lamandu Tyremandu plants his hand firmly down on the table, with a thud, "Do you think that I am simply twidling my thumbs in here? No. I was able reject that Lala entrance on technicalites. I have soothed Antimony as to my good intentions and sacrifice for Ul'dah. If something were to happen to those two on our grounds we would bring far heavier artillery down on ourselves. No. Ben will help calm her nerves, better to let her conduct her business quickly and get out of our hair. She may not even be here for us, though that is certainly a concern. Hardly a reason to panic though."
Loughree Desfosse responds firmly, some degree of anger evident, "I'm not panicking. The Lalafell said they were staying at the Quicksand. We can have some of the Ruby Road boys set them up for cheap."
Lamandu Tyremandu purses his small lips, "And pray, tell me how that would help solve the matter? Put them away in prison just so that more of these... CRA agents are sent in their stead?"
Loughree Desfosse: Assuming they do send more? At least give us time to scrub the place clean, put out the good books so there's nothing for them to find.
Lamandu Tyremandu: makes his flat palm into a fist, looking down at it. "The records should be fine. I was assured of that by my own man. If we suddenly come missing accounts, that is just as incriminating. Is your head truly filled with rocks? I've always wondered..."
Loughree Desfosse huffs. "They'd be smarter rocks than 'your own man'. Have it your way." She puts her hans flat at her side, straightens her back, looks at Lamandu dead on, "I'll do as instructed. These Agency people won't see a spot of dust out of place while I'm around, sir."
Lamandu Tyremandu nods his head, "That is what I want. Act like the lady we all know you aren't Lou."
Loughree Desfosse: Might start scraping a bit extra into my cut if this takes too long. You want anything else from me or can I count our money now?
Lamandu Tyremandu: Lou! I meant what I said. Leave it. And you will not scrape extra off the top. Our noses need to be clean as can be, especially as we wait for this to blow over.
Loughree Desfosse looks displeased. She grins her jaw for a moment before saying, "I get it. Hands off. Eyes straight."
Lamandu Tyremandu smirks, "Yes. That is more like it."
Loughree Desfosse looks at the walls and doesn't respond, waiting patiently in her professional stance.
Lamandu Tyremandu scrunches his face, "Did you have something you needed to say?"
Loughree Desfosse: Just waiting to be dismissed, sir
Lamandu Tyremandu chuckles, "Such a good subordinate... Remind me one of these days why I keep you around." he shakes his head slightly, "You are dismissed, Lt. Desfosse."
Loughree Desfosse exits the office quickly. In fact, she exits the entire building in a huff, delaying only an instant to throw Rururaji a death-glare.
Lamandu Tyremandu lets out a large sigh after the Miqo'te leaves his office.
Lamandu Tyremandu gets back to his earlier paperwork.
Antimony Jhanhi takes a deep breath as they approach the office that is definitely in Pearl Lane and not Highbridge for the sake of this RP. She's collected herself for the most part during the brief walk over. Ulanan Ulan follows behind, along with her cowled self and herself.
Antimony Jhanhi: I'm... not entirely sure how appropriate it is for me to bring you to this, but... ah, we'll just say you're an assistant. Hm?
Antimony Jhanhi smiles just slightly down at Ulanan.
Ulanan Ulan: Tell him I'm your mute secretary. He won't make me questions that way.
Antimony Jhanhi laughs despite herself. "A secretary... ah." Another deep breath, and hse takes a moment to straighten the folder in her hands. "Well, then, best get this started." And she walks to the door. She clears her throat before calling out, "Excuse me? Is there a... Lamandu Tyremandu in?" She speaks the name very carefully so as not to stumble over it.
Ulanan Ulan positions herself strategically behind and to a side of Antimony like a miniature guardian angel lacking any angelical features.
Antimony Jhanhi approaches the receptionist-secretary lalafell at the front of the office. "Ah, yes, Lamandu Ty--oh, no, I wrote ahead to arrange an appointment..." She pauses as the lala questions more. "... Antimony Jhanhi, with the Commerce Regulation Agency.... Yes, yes, of course. THank you."
Ulanan Ulan keeps the blankest of stares.
Lamandu Tyremandu is quickly and effiecient weaving his way through a stack of papers sitting on his desk, shuffling them from one pile to another. It would be a wonder if he was truly able to attend to each sheet individually working in such a manner.
Antimony Jhanhi looks back at Ulanan. "And here we go." She turns then to move through the doorway the receptionist person had indicated. She knocks on the frame as she enters, bowing her head with a, "Excuse me, Mister Tyremandu."
Lamandu Tyremandu continues scribbling on papers, not looking up, "Yes? Did I not tell the receptionists that I was not to be disturbed? I'm busy."
Antimony Jhanhi blinks and hesitates only a moment before persisting, "I wrote ahead to arrange a meeting... I'm from the Commerce Regulation Agency."
Lamandu Tyremandu looks to be almost finished with the original pile at this point. He grabs another sheet before pausing mid stroke. "The..." he clears his throat, "Commerce Regulation Agency you say? Sounds like a sham." He sets the sheet down back where it was and looks over at the entrants. "I have never heard of such an organization." He hops off of his chair and walks quickly out accross the room, his frame trim for that of a Lalafel. Lamandu Tyremandu steps past the pair, poking his head out the door, "Did you make an appointment with a... Commerce Regulation Agency?" The receptionist mutters something. "Oh. Alright. I suppose this'll.... yes." He turns back to his guests. "Sorry about that, there was a bit of a calendar mix-up it seems.
Lamandu Tyremandu bows.Â
Ulanan Ulan does her best to look like a secretary.
  Antimony Jhanhi tilts her ears briefly and then smiles. "Ah, not to worry. I understand the Blades are busy nowadays."
Lamandu Tyremandu nods his head, "Yes. We are still cleaning up after that All Saint's Eve debacle." He frowns, "Well... you seem to know my name. You may address me as Captain Tyremandu. Please, come sit and introduce yourselves and your business..."
Lamandu Tyremandu gestures to the chairs on the other side of his deask as he walks back to it.
Antimony Jhanhi nods and speaks as she follows the lala to the desk, "I'm Antimony Jhanhi, an inspector with the Agency." She takes a seat and then nods at her companion. “This is Ulanan. She's an assistant. Ah... helps me keep all the paperwork in order.â€
Ulanan Ulan nods to Lamandu in some sort of formal greeting.
Lamandu Tyremandu he turns his head to look the other Lalafel over, "Ulanan..." he narrows his eyes slightly, "Rather hot for such a robe..." He frowns again, a little deeper this time.
Antimony Jhanhi smiles hopefully Lamandu's way.
Ulanan Ulan: Light colors and many sheets of clothes keep the sun's heat away and the air inside cool.
Lamandu Tyremandu: But then it’s always hot in Ul'dah. You must not be a native to be wearing such...
Antimony Jhanhi: Wouldn't want her getting sunburned.
Antimony Jhanhi chuckles slightly.
Lamandu Tyremandu: A fair Ul'dahn maiden after all then?
Ulanan Ulan smiles at Lamandu Tyremandu.
Ulanan Ulan: We are not here to discuss my maiden-likeness, I'm afraid.
Lamandu Tyremandu sighes, "But I digress. That surely does not pertain to why you are here."
Antimony Jhanhi: Mm, right, of course.
Antimony Jhanhi nods to herself and then sets her folder on the desk, in front of her. "The Agency monitors much of the business going on within and between the Grand Companies. This is all largely routine, but I'm here to formally request access to any financial documents you have tied to your name and the name of this office."
Lamandu Tyremandu 's small mouth pinches slightly. "I cannot simply grant you access to our files without due cause. Especially as our accounts do not get closed for yet a few more months. What is this about. We are the law enforcement around here it is our business to know if there is anything amiss."
Antimony Jhanhi shakes her head. "It's within our jurisdiction to conduct regular surveys of those employed directly by the Grand Companies." She hesitates a moment, thinking. “We simply need to make certain that everything is running transparently.â€
Lamandu Tyremandu: That may be the case with other agencies that run under more direct employment, but the Brass Blades work alongside the Immortal Flames, a partnership. Without due cause and the correct paperwork, I cannot simply show our files to you. It could jeopardize ongoing investigations."
Antimony Jhanhi 's ears prick up slightly. "Ah, as for paperwork..." She opens the file she'd carried inside and pulls out several sheets of paperwork. At the bottom of each are the stamped seals of the CRA and the Immortal Flames. “These should cover that requirement. I assure you; we'll treat everything with absolute respect and won't divulge any information to third parties... Ah, well, unless something is amiss, but I don't imagine that would be the case.†She smiles at Lamandu.
Lamandu Tyremandu reaches across the table to drag the papers back to him. He reads over them quickly, though he seems to actually comprehend well what they say as he says, "It only mentions you, Miss Antimony. Your assistant will stay back here... I assume?"
Antimony Jhanhi: She won't handle any of the files directly. Mostly just any summary reports that need sending off to the proper authorities.
Ulanan Ulan nods.
Antimony Jhanhi 's response comes only a beat or two after Lamandu's inquiry, and she finishes it with another smile and a tilt of her ears. "You agree that all is in order, then?"
Lamandu Tyremandu shakes his head, "Without authorized clearance, Miss Ulanan cannot be allowed in the records room, or to handle this... case of yours. She will have to remain where she is I am afraid." he smiles slightly at the person in question.
Antimony Jhanhi: Oh! Of course. She can work from outside the room just as well.
Ulanan Ulan: Naturally.
Ulanan Ulan nods again.
Antimony Jhanhi bows her head briefly. "I want to make sure this is as painless for everyone as possible."
Lamandu Tyremandu: Hmm. You seems to be under the impression that not working on this case means that she may work on it just outside the door. Please, have a little more respect for my line of work.
Antimony Jhanhi blinks. "I'm... sorry?" There's a pause and then, "Oh. I see."
Antimony Jhanhi: The case itself is not a debatable occurrence, but... I am willing to accommodate in particular requests. If you don't wish her involved, then I'll handle it all on my own.
Antimony Jhanhi presses her lips together briefly after she speaks.
Ulanan Ulan: My involvement is only for organizational purposes and to expedite the process so reports can be sent to the Agency as soon as possible. I'm sure a man in your position understands the necessities of organization when dealing with such a high amount of information.
Antimony Jhanhi blinks at Ulanan and then just nods.
Lamandu Tyremandu: I intend to assist you as I am able, but in the interest of protecting our office and Ul'dah at large, I cannot allow an unclearanced auditor into our such a matter. It is not my choice, she should have been included in the initial paperwork. You are of course, welcome to return when the oversight has been corrected.
 Lamandu Tyremandu smiles tightly at the both of them.
Antimony Jhanhi pauses only a moment before shaking her head, "No, that won't be necessary."
Ulanan Ulan: Indeed. Coming back at a later date with proper clearanse would only increase the amount of information to process and give opportunity to any who has seen us come into this office to come with ways to hide their shady deals...if there is any, of course. I will simply take my leave.
Antimony Jhanhi smiles warmly at Ulanan, a hint of apology in her eyes.
Antimony Jhanhi: I'll, ah, make sure to have your travel expenses reimbursed, Ulanan, so don't you worry.
Lamandu Tyremandu: You can wait in the waiting area if you wish. I'm sorry, I do not mean to be a stickler. But... it is part of my sworn duty.
Antimony Jhanhi: Of course. As it is mine to oversee your finances. Now! If that is settled...
Ulanan Ulan: It's perfectly understandable. Captain, I would shake your hand, but I'm afraid this table is not made for people like us. Have a good day.
Ulanan Ulan kind of just leaves throwing lady-like smiles to the people in the room. Not the NPCs, though. Screw those!
Antimony Jhanhi folds her hands in her lap as Ulanan departs, watching Lamandu patiently.
Lamandu Tyremandu gets up from his chair, "No... it is not unfortunately. The district has not had the money to buy a new one since I took over from an Elezen." He salutes Ulanan as she leaves.
Antimony Jhanhi: That's unfortunate. It seems many are in, ah, difficult times these days.
Lamandu Tyremandu turns to Antimony. "So, I must escort you to our records room then."
 Antimony Jhanhi nods and stands after a moment, smoothing down her robe. "Yes, of course! I'm eager to get started."
Lamandu Tyremandu starts out of the office room making ideal talk, "I have been here some years at this post now, but there have been many more important things at hand that need the money than my own comfort, as I am sure you understand, Miss."
Loughree Desfosse steps boldly into the office carrying a large, clattering bag. She proclaims, "Damned refugees don't have a thing to pay their debts with. I had to go all the way to the Market to find some middle-class fines."
Ulanan Ulan is just sitting in front of Lamandu's secretaries, to a side of the room. She spares a glance to the entering Miqo'te before looking at some point in the opposite wall.
Antimony Jhanhi follows after Lamandu, her ears pricking at the new voice in the outer room.
Loughree Desfosse catches sight of Lamandu coming out of the office and holds up the bag, "You can take your cut once I've counted it," and then, noticing the woman behind him, her ears lay back and she goes silent.
Antimony Jhanhi blinks up at the woman and then down at Lamandu.
Antimony Jhanhi: Ah, hello...?
Ulanan Ulan blinks at the Miqo'te, then at Lamandu.
Lamandu Tyremandu lets out a laugh, "Ahh, Lt. Desfosse. Your sense of humor is never displaced, but please, do try to keep it appropiate! We wouldn't want anyone to misunderstand you, would we? Perhaps we should discuss you're professional conduct a little later."
Antimony Jhanhi smiles a bit uncertainly at the miqo'te.Â
Loughree Desfosse lets the bag hang at her side for a moment, and then tosses it at one of the desk-workers, hitting the Lala straight in the face. She points the poor soul and says, "That's evidence. Store it." Returning her attention to the woman behind Lamandu, she says, "I'm still on duty if you need an extra hand."
Ulanan Ulan is not impressed by the performance. She smiles.
Lamandu Tyremandu frowns deeply and gestures towards Antimony, "Lt. This is Miss Antimony. From the Commerce Regulation Agency. I'm sure that she may not see quite the same amount of humor of the Pearl Lane's money troubles as you do. Â And please, do not throw material evidence around in such a manner. Talk with Ruruaji to have him set up a meeting between us."
Antimony Jhanhi bows her head and utters a polite, "Greetings," to the sergeant.
Loughree Desfosse drops her gaze to Lamandu, and huffs neutrally. "Alright." She steps to the side and tosses Rururajii a quick, "Sorry bout the face," and then, to Antimony, a curt wave. She leans against the desk and crosses her arms.
Antimony Jhanhi: Mm, Captain, ah, Tyramandu - the records room?
Lamandu Tyremandu nods to Lt. Desfosse narrowing his eyes, before turning back to Antimony. "Yes, of course. This way." He leads the way back through the building a little bit, and totally not into the same room that they were just in.
Antimony Jhanhi follows dutifully.
Loughree Desfosse has a lil OOC lul with that but keeps it to herself.
Ulanan Ulan returns to examine the random point on the opposite wall. So fascinating!
Loughree Desfosse very belatedly notices Ulanan chilling across from her, and seems a bit creeped out by the silent Lalafell's presence.
Ulanan Ulan smiles at Loughree Desfosse.
Ulanan Ulan: Hello.
Loughree Desfosse frowns, and her ears pin flat against her hair, "Hi. Who did you say you're with?"
Ulanan Ulan: I'm miss Antimony's secretary.
Lamandu Tyremandu unlocks the records room, letting Antimony in before himself, letting the door shut behind them, "So. What financials were you needing, please remind me?"
Antimony Jhanhi takes a moment to look around the room, taking in its organization before returning her attention to Lamandu.
Lamandu Tyremandu -- The records room consists mostly of cabinets. It looks rather organized and well kempt."
Antimony Jhanhi: I'll need the records pertaining to your accounts with the Blades, as well as any under your authority. Including transfers to and from the Immortal Flames and any other additional parties.
Lamandu Tyremandu faces Antimony. "What you just requested is all of our documents. You shall have to be more specific. After all... all of our accounts are with the Blades, as we are them."
Lamandu Tyremandu smirks confidently at you.
Ulanan Ulan tilts her head towards Lamandu's office.
Loughree Desfosse: I mean the organization.
Ulanan Ulan: The Commerce Regulation Agency.
Ulanan Ulan smiles at Loughree Desfosse.
Loughree Desfosse: That's not the normal company. What are you guys doing?
Ulanan Ulan: It's just routine while we put in order our own journals and transaction logs.
Loughree Desfosse: Investigating the Blades isn't "routine" for anyone except the Immortal Flames.
Ulanan Ulan nods to Loughree Desfosse.
Ulanan Ulan: I guess you can put together who hired us.
Loughree Desfosse looks suspicious, but doesn't respond to that.
Ulanan Ulan stares at Loughree.
Antimony Jhanhi smiles apologetically. "I'm aware of that. It will take some time. But..."
Antimony Jhanhi: Let's begin with funding transactions from the Flames.Â
Lamandu Tyremandu gazes upon you in deep reflection.
Lamandu Tyremandu: If you would tell me what you are looking for, I'm sure that I could save us both a few hours of work.
Antimony Jhanhi tilts her head to one side, looking around the room again.
Antimony Jhanhi: Explain to me your filing system, point me in the right direction, and I will handle the rest. Where do you keep records pertaining to your payments from the Immortal Flames?
Lamandu Tyremandu lifts a hand to his goatee, combing through it in thought. He walks over to a cabinet in the far left corner. "These are our where we keep our transactional records with the Immortal Flames. They're ordered by transaction type, and date."
Antimony Jhanhi nods. "Excellent. What of your, ah, members' accounts?"
Lamandu Tyremandu furrows his brow, "Member's accounts? You really must give me more to work with Miss."
Antimony Jhanhi gestures with one hand. "You are paid, are you not? Records of these payments must be kept somewhere."
Lamandu Tyremandu nods his head, "Ah. Employee payment records." He walks a couple of cabinets down, unlocking this one as well. "Those are in here, ordered by last and date, starting from their time of employement. Do you require past records of that ilk?"
Antimony Jhanhi smiles warmly down at the lalafell. "The past six months through your most recent records will be a good start. As we haven't done a thorough inspection of this case in the past, there's a lot to be done."
Lamandu Tyremandu narrows his eyes, "So there is a specific case you are trying to track down?"
Ulanan Ulan: It is rare to see Miqo'te in the Brass Blades lines. I hope the men are not overly rude, considering how most see Miqo'te in the city.
Loughree Desfosse: And how's that, lalafel?
Ulanan Ulan: Dancers.
Loughree Desfosse looks insulted, "That is not how people see Miqo'te."
Ulanan Ulan: I'll take that as a "No, they are not being rude."
Ulanan Ulan smiles at Loughree Desfosse.
Loughree Desfosse loses her want to talk to Ulanan again. She turns her glare towards the records room.
Antimony Jhanhi 's ears tilt. "I did not say as such," she replies simply.Â
Lamandu Tyremandu nods his head, smiling slightly, "You just did. Please, if there is suspicion that one of our own is involved in something, I it is my duty to suss it out."
Antimony Jhanhi lifts a stilling finger, "Ah, actually, it is my duty." A pause, and her brow furrows briefly before she bows her head in a respectful gesture, "While there's no guarantee there is anything to find, it's still within your best interest to allow me to carry out my job unhindered. Any actions you take to involve yourself could reflect poorly. It's unfortunate, but true."
Ulanan Ulan: Not a city woman, I take?
Loughree Desfosse returns her glare to Ulanan. The gaze doesn't seem to lose any of its frustration. The glare actually multiplies in intensity each time it moves. "What?"
Ulanan Ulan handwaves dismissively.
Ulanan Ulan: Nevermind! It was not important.
Loughree Desfosse: If it's not important then why are you saying it?
Ulanan Ulan shrugs at Loughree Desfosse.
Ulanan Ulan: I don't know. Why would you joke about the captain having to take his 'cut' when you entered the building?
Loughree Desfosse: Â This is my place. I can say what I want. You're only here because the Captain let you in. So show some respect.
Ulanan Ulan: I don't see how I am disrespecting you.
Loughree Desfosse goes quiet, crosses her arms, and glares at the door.
Ulanan Ulan: I guess you don't either.
Ulanan Ulan stares at the opposite wall.
Lamandu Tyremandu nods his head, "Of course. But surely you cannot fault me for my own concern in this matter? I swore an oath when I took up this post to protect Ul'dah as it is within my power. The thought that..." he shakes his head, "No, I'd rather not think about it. Please, let me know if I can further assist.â€
Antimony Jhanhi: I understand completely. It's a troublesome thought, but let me worry about it for now, hm?
Antimony Jhanhi nods. "And of course, I'll call on you if need be."
Lamandu Tyremandu nods his head, "Of course. I'll be in my office. Any of my men would be happy to guide you back or pass on a message to get me." He walks towards the room entrance, where he stops and bows, before leaving.
Antimony Jhanhi watches the lalafell leave before letting out a slight sigh and turning to the filing cabinets with an assessing look. "Well then..."
Antimony Jhanhi busies herself sifting through one of the cabinets Lamandu had pointed her to. Big job ahead!
Loughree Desfosse leans forward and barks at Ulanan, "Keep pushing, Lalafel. See where it gets you."
Ulanan Ulan smiles at Loughree Desfosse.
Loughree Desfosse is annoyed with Ulanan Ulan.
Ulanan Ulan: Please, ignore me. I should not concern you.
Loughree Desfosse: If you want to be ignored then keep your mouth shut.
Ulanan Ulan: I guess the respect in this, your building, goes only one way. You might want to hang a board specifying so.
Lamandu Tyremandu makes his way to the front entry area.
Loughree Desfosse is in the middle of responding, "I'll specify so with a-!" but stops when Lamandu reappears, standing up and losing her glare quickly.
Lamandu Tyremandu smiles at Ulanan, "I hope your wait is not so bad thus far?..."
Ulanan Ulan smiles at Lamandu Tyremandu.
Ulanan Ulan: It's been quite entertaining thus far.
Loughree Desfosse spares Ulanan a quick, brief scowl.
Lamandu Tyremandu nods his head briefly, "I'm glad that you are not bored yet. I apologize again about the clearance issues, the Immortal Flames needs to do their paperwork more thoroughly next time."
Loughree Desfosse manages to maintain an almost professional-looking pose for a few minutes.
Loughree Desfosse: Captain, you sure you want to leave that woman in there alone? I can supervise her.
Ulanan Ulan: I understand, captain. I will depart now to send a letter to the Agency to inform them of the oversight and ask them for further instructions.
Lamandu Tyremandu: That is an excellent idea. Until next time then.
Lamandu Tyremandu salutes Ulanan Ulan.
Ulanan Ulan: Good evening, captain. Please let Antimony know that I'll see her back at the Quicksand.
Ulanan Ulan: Miss.
Lamandu Tyremandu: Of course.
Ulanan Ulan leaves.
Loughree Desfosse spares Ulanan a quick, loaded, "Stay clean, Lalafel."
Lamandu Tyremandu watches as Ulanan leaves, before walking towards Lou. "I am sending in Ben to watch over her." He looks over towards Rurujai, "Please, take care of that? Send Ben into the back records room to keep an eye on Antimony if you would."
Loughree Desfosse looks a bit slighted, "Ben's not scary enough, Captain. I don't trust this Agency to keep their fingers clean."
Lamandu Tyremandu strides up to Lou, "Force will not make this go away. Especially after your decorum earlier Lou."
Loughree Desfosse: They bought it. They're not here to judge how polite we are.
Lamandu Tyremandu shakes his head, his lips tightly pinched as he beckons Lou to follow him into his office.
Lamandu Tyremandu beckons to Loughree Desfosse.
Loughree Desfosse looks displeased, but takes a moment to hop behind the desk and grab the bag of "fines" she'd tossed back there earlier, before following Lamandu.
Lamandu Tyremandu hears Lou's detour by the sound of clinking coin., saying sternly without turning around. "Leave it, Lou."
Loughree Desfosse huffs, and leaves Rururaji with a stern warning, "Paws off. I got dirt on you."
Loughree Desfosse then heads into the office and presents herself before Lamandu, straight-backed and arms at her side.
Lamandu Tyremandu goes to sit in his chair, "You are, quite frankly, out of control Sergeant. What would make you think that your actions just a few minutes ago were anywhere near appropiate? I am trying to keep this situation under control, not set it ablaze!"
Loughree Desfosse weathers the criticism stoicly, "I didn't realize there was a situation until I saw the woman. She's not the usual character. She's not on our page, is she?"
Lamandu Tyremandu scowls deeply, "Of course you didn't know there was a situation, that is the point! You do not simply walk into the building and make the announcements and behavior that you did! Constant vigilance!"
 Loughree Desfosse appears incredulous, and speaks in frustration, "On pearl lane, asshole of Ul'dah? These things are supposed to scheduled!" She points at the door, "Why don't we just get rid of them? That Lalafel can be goaded into doing something illegal. I practically had her in the five minutes we were alone!"
Lamandu Tyremandu plants his hand firmly down on the table, with a thud, "Do you think that I am simply twidling my thumbs in here? No. I was able reject that Lala entrance on technicalites. I have soothed Antimony as to my good intentions and sacrifice for Ul'dah. If something were to happen to those two on our grounds we would bring far heavier artillery down on ourselves. No. Ben will help calm her nerves, better to let her conduct her business quickly and get out of our hair. She may not even be here for us, though that is certainly a concern. Hardly a reason to panic though."
Loughree Desfosse responds firmly, some degree of anger evident, "I'm not panicking. The Lalafell said they were staying at the Quicksand. We can have some of the Ruby Road boys set them up for cheap."
Lamandu Tyremandu purses his small lips, "And pray, tell me how that would help solve the matter? Put them away in prison just so that more of these... CRA agents are sent in their stead?"
Loughree Desfosse: Assuming they do send more? At least give us time to scrub the place clean, put out the good books so there's nothing for them to find.
Lamandu Tyremandu: makes his flat palm into a fist, looking down at it. "The records should be fine. I was assured of that by my own man. If we suddenly come missing accounts, that is just as incriminating. Is your head truly filled with rocks? I've always wondered..."
Loughree Desfosse huffs. "They'd be smarter rocks than 'your own man'. Have it your way." She puts her hans flat at her side, straightens her back, looks at Lamandu dead on, "I'll do as instructed. These Agency people won't see a spot of dust out of place while I'm around, sir."
Lamandu Tyremandu nods his head, "That is what I want. Act like the lady we all know you aren't Lou."
Loughree Desfosse: Might start scraping a bit extra into my cut if this takes too long. You want anything else from me or can I count our money now?
Lamandu Tyremandu: Lou! I meant what I said. Leave it. And you will not scrape extra off the top. Our noses need to be clean as can be, especially as we wait for this to blow over.
Loughree Desfosse looks displeased. She grins her jaw for a moment before saying, "I get it. Hands off. Eyes straight."
Lamandu Tyremandu smirks, "Yes. That is more like it."
Loughree Desfosse looks at the walls and doesn't respond, waiting patiently in her professional stance.
Lamandu Tyremandu scrunches his face, "Did you have something you needed to say?"
Loughree Desfosse: Just waiting to be dismissed, sir
Lamandu Tyremandu chuckles, "Such a good subordinate... Remind me one of these days why I keep you around." he shakes his head slightly, "You are dismissed, Lt. Desfosse."
Loughree Desfosse exits the office quickly. In fact, she exits the entire building in a huff, delaying only an instant to throw Rururaji a death-glare.
Lamandu Tyremandu lets out a large sigh after the Miqo'te leaves his office.
Lamandu Tyremandu gets back to his earlier paperwork.
"Song dogs barking at the break of dawn, lightning pushes the edges of a thunderstorm; and these streets, quiet as a sleeping army, send their battered dreams to heaven."
Hipparion Tribe (Sagolii)Â - Â Antimony Jhanhi's Wiki