Framboise Zakuro cordially invites Drifters and friends to the 1st annual
Peach Blossom Viewing Party
(yeah they're sakura in this hanami picture so sue me.)
When Is It? Wednesday, March 12 // 7pm CST to 9:30 CST
Where Is It? the Min Khetto Amphitheatre in Old Gridania
What Will We Do? This is a casual meet and greet sprinkled with events and entertainment. Participants often bring dates to flower-viewing parties, along with a smorgasbord of home-made delectables amounting to a sizable feast for all.
These parties often carry on to the late evening, due in no small part to the large amount of alcoholic libations consumed by all. This party is nearby the Canopy for good reason, everyone!
Join us for the serene (?!?!) pleasure of the freshly-blooming peach blossoms, marking the advent of Spring!
More details and entertainment sign-up here!