This is the collection of IC journals and short stories of Xheja Rajhera, and as such, no information here is intended to be utilized ICly by other characters without good reasoning. Likewise, any portrayals or interpretations of others' characters and/or events in these journal are from a strictly in-character perspective. So, they very well may not reflect my feelings OOCly or even be truly accurate, as they're colored by Xheja's perceptions.
While she does usually carry this small leather bound journal on her person and it would be possible for her to drop it/have it stolen/etc, I would prefer that you ask me first OOCly before this is brought into RP.
Finally, if you have an OOC comment to make, go right ahead! I'd love to hear your comments, suggestions, questions, etc.!
This is the collection of IC journals and short stories of Xheja Rajhera, and as such, no information here is intended to be utilized ICly by other characters without good reasoning. Likewise, any portrayals or interpretations of others' characters and/or events in these journal are from a strictly in-character perspective. So, they very well may not reflect my feelings OOCly or even be truly accurate, as they're colored by Xheja's perceptions.
While she does usually carry this small leather bound journal on her person and it would be possible for her to drop it/have it stolen/etc, I would prefer that you ask me first OOCly before this is brought into RP.
Finally, if you have an OOC comment to make, go right ahead! I'd love to hear your comments, suggestions, questions, etc.!