I think there is a general misunderstanding here. I am not trying to pose as an Ul'dahn NPC. Blue is a Lominsan character, who is travelling with her friends, and their stays are pretty long, because moving to another country is kind of a big deal.
So I want to dress her in Ul'dahn typical attire, much like you would if you moved to temporarily live in another nation.
So I want to dress her in Ul'dahn typical attire, much like you would if you moved to temporarily live in another nation.
To be an interesting, intriguing, well-written character, there needs to be something to allow the audience to relate to them. That is what the problem is with who wants their character to be "perfect". Perfect characters will never be strong, and strong characters will never be perfect, because WE (those who read, who watch, who RP) are not perfect.
"What makes a strong character is how they deal with their flaws, their fears, their turmoils, their troubles that get in the way. That's what makes them relatable." -- N.C.
"What makes a strong character is how they deal with their flaws, their fears, their turmoils, their troubles that get in the way. That's what makes them relatable." -- N.C.