((The purpose of this thread is to help wrap up the loose ends that arose at the tail end of my rp event "Saga of the Wind Swept Sand" which has just ended. I will be using it to help resolve them based on IC events in-game.))
((In Askier’s cell, resting on the bed he made so neatly before leaving for his trial, sits a note,waiting for any to read.))
To whomever finds this,
This may be my last time sitting down to write, and I will be considering this as my last testament. Â Â The purpose of this testament is to chronicle the past two years, and, more specifically, the past few weeks that have led to me sitting in this cell.
I begin when Saravena was taken, as that was the catalyst for all of this. Saravena and I had been wandering and working as mercenaries for the three years after my desertion from the Empire following the calamity.Â
It was a good life. However, my drunkenness proved our undoing. Like my father, the drink is my vice and I was drunk and loud too often back then. A servant of my former captain during my years in service to the Empire, hence forth referred to as “my employerâ€, recognized me. I do not know how long they followed after us, or planned, but they struck without warning. Saravena found a knife to her throat and I with a choice many say should have been harder to make than I found it to be. I agreed to save Saravena’s life by destroying Ul’dah with a bomb of my own creation.
For the next two years, I moved in secret, slowing shipping in my needed parts a few at a time to keep myself from drawing unwanted attention to myself. I joined the Harbingers of Dawn during this time, hoping to find companionship to distract my mind from what I was doing. Although I found most inside the Free Company to be as full of schemes as I, I did find a few genuine companions, though only one I felt comfortable telling everything to, which I did. Hound, I know you cannot read and I apologize for lying to you about me not being able to do so for so long, but if this should ever be read aloud to you, know you are more than a friend, you are family.
Hound hinted I should stop and try to find another way, but I dismissed her. What could the two of us do against “my employers†shadows? I was afraid and continued on, though I regret now not heeding her.
I was allowed to see my sister during these two years on rare occasions. Always at a location “my employer’s†slave, Jin’li, picked, and only for a few moments. I began to grow impatient, wanting her back.I started making ripples in my haste.Â
Ripples Erik Mynhier began to detect. I realized this and grew angry. I was too close. So I made a move that, in hindsight, saved both Saravena and all of Ul’dah: I confronted Erik.
Erik, should you see this, know that I have always judged a leader by how his enemies view him and his men revere him. 'A friend to all' is the title I bestow upon you. I came to you, trying to trick you into playing this game by my rules, to bend you to my will. But even then you showed me respect as I revealed half-truths to you. I should have realized then, when you let me walk away, that you had already won. You had already placed your prize pieces upon the board,
Kahn'a Od'hilkas and Osric Melkire.
Erik, I don’t know how many moves ahead of me you were or how you intercepted Jin’li’s letter to me, but you played it all so well. There I stood, in Vesper Bay, waiting for the shipping manifest from Jin’li that would reveal where I was to find the final three parts for my device. I recall how my allies and Delial Grimsong… I do not call Delial an ally because she is something more, a schemer as great as myself and as close a friend as one can have with such a dangerous creature. She was using me to help her own ends as much as she aided me out of a kindred bond to save our siblings. I have digressed.
There we stood, with the manifest in hand, my eyes reading over it greedily, when Kahn’a and his allies attacked us. Looking back, I realize just how far Kahn’a has come since Vesper Bay. Back then he was just a scared kit while now he… during Vesper Bay, he was no real threat. The only reason I lost the manifest was a result of the hyur the woman, Daphine, smashing my eye with her book and Osric attacking my flank while I recoiled in pain. Osric certainly would have captured me and ended it all then and there had my chocobo, Drumstick, not come to my aid.
After Vesper Bay, I nursed my wounds in secret. Delial did what she could for me, but my eye never healed properly, and even now, bright light causes it to weep blood profusely. I wanted revenge and so I hunted for it during the week until my last three parts would arrive. I found Kahn’a in an alley and thrashed him violently, hoping that my assault would stop Kahn’a for good. Instead, my violence caught the eye of my Harbinger of Dawn superior, S’honji, and his friend at the time, Kanaria Galanodel. Eager for more guards to help me recover my packages, I lied to them both, pleading for help recovering my shipments for “my employer†saying they were harmless artifacts. S’honji immediately mistrusted me, but Kanaria seemed to be eager to help a man in need.Â
My allies gathered at the “Coffin and Cofferâ€, being Delial,Hound, Siha, Kanaria, and S’honji. Everything should have been easy. We split into two parties. Delial, Kanaria and Shonji went to The Silver Bazaar. Hound, Siha, and I went to Crescent Cove.
But Hound betrayed me.
Just as I had recovered my second part and planned to kidnap Siha, Kahn’a arrived. Hound then stepped forward and raised her axe against me. Outnumbered four-to-one, I was forced to swim for it with my part.  Wet and half-naked, I rendezvoused back in Ul’dah with Delial’s team where we secured the two parts we had recovered and then proceeded to location number three, the graveyard near Camp Drybone.  Osric,Hound, Siha, Kah’na, Daphine, and Jana were waiting for us. After a standoff, we came to blows, though it was my party that was forced to yield, all of us bloodied and beaten, save Kanaria, who proved to be a more dangerous combatant then I had ever expected,certainly more than S’honji, who fell to Osric’s blows swiftly. I broke Osric’s knee before fleeing on Drumstick once more, a battered Delial thrown unceremoniously across my saddle.
That night, I finished the bomb, even without the third part. As my lethal creation hummed intolife and the sinister glow burned into my eye, I will admit I felt pride at all I had accomplished. I had almost, single-handedly, done the impossible, something the might of the entire Imperial military had not been able to do: I had Ul’dah by the throat. In that moment, I was akin to Bahamut, a force of sheer destruction unable to be stopped. The timer on my bomb was ticking and would detonate in one week.
Then my heart sank and my stomach twisted into knots as I realized, without a shred of doubt, I didn’t want to go through with my plan. The reality of what setting the device off would do, and what would happen to Saravena if I didn't let it go off, slammed into me. Depressed and confused, I started to drown my emotions in alcohol.
For the next week, a war raged inside my mind, part of me playing the demon. I encountered Kahn’ain the streets of Ul’dah and my companion Raven and I tormented him, trying to break him of his will to fight. But I saw in his eyes he wasn’t afraid anymore. He was fighting back and I felt fear. I began to grow confused, and in my confusion, I acted, proceeding in an action that had repercussions in my mind and added fuel to my doubt. I might have even killed Kahn’a at that moment had Kanaria not intervened. I left, my mind wrapped in the fog of doubt and no amount of fiery liquor could burn the fog away.
My conscious rose up in me, begging me to seek help. But from who? Hound had betrayed me and it would be some time till we mended our relationship. I thought I was alone again.
I wasn’t. I know now that Kanaria was working with Kahn’a, but she found me sitting on some crates and managed to wring the truth of my goals and who I was from my lips without a bit of force. I was so desperate and wracked by guilt I needed to confess. Kanaria’s response amazed me. She did not shun me, but offered to help me to the bitter end.  I left her, still confused but with the realization I wasn’t alone. I wanted to see Kanaria again, to talk to someone. She used this desire to break down my defenses and convinced me to meet with Kahn’a and Osric. During the meeting, I gave them a copy of the book I had written on explosive magitek as a token of good will. In return, Osric offered a plan:
Ask "my employer†to let me see my sister one last time, but instead of me going, he would and free my sister while I waited with my bomb, swearing to disarm it the moment Saravena was safe.
That night, after the meeting, as I drank by the light of my bomb, I smiled. I remember it. For the first time in a long time, I saw a light at the end of this tunnel and it wasn’t a light of destruction.
But the truce nearly failed.
I had gathered my allies and Delial, still not entirely trusting Kahn’a and Osric. Kahn’a arrived with his troops and my mind immediately took it as betrayal but I waited. I was willing to humor them as they looked on at my bomb with terror. But then I heard Kahn’a say the words that broke my will that night. He looked straight at me and uttered: “Saravena is dead, Askier.â€
My mind snapped, I started dancing around, cackling, wanting to kill everyone and everything, wanting to set off the bomb, and I know I would have, had Kanaria not held me back. My allies and Delial refused to fight, they heard Kahn’a as he tried to explain Saravena was, in fact, still alive; that Osric had saved her after all. In my grief I failed to hear, and I was shot by Kahn’a’s arrow. After that, I remember very little as Daphine drugged me. But I know the bomb was disarmed and I was taken to this cell, where I have resided this past week, thinking.
I was visited later by Kanaria and Kahn’a, who brought in an unconscious Saravena and placed her in my arms. Osric had kept up his end of the bargain, though they had almost lost her. I confess I wept for hours, both relieved that she was safe again after two years and ashamed for nearly breaking my end of the truce.
But Jin’li isn’t done with me it seems. He still lives and conspires for “my employer.â€Â If I ever see that runt again, I’ll sink my teeth into his throat and tear it out. Kahn’a and Osric tell me that Kahn’a is being forced to play a game for“my employer†much like the one I was forced to, though this time, it is not Ul’dah he wants destroyed, it is me for failing him and letting Osric make a fool out of him.Â
 I feel no hatred for Osric, Kanaria, or Kahn’a. Rather I view them as family. They simply tried to keep what they cared for safe and they were willing to help out a total stranger and his sister while doing so. How could I ever judge someone for that?  Kahn’a especially has gone from my greatest foe to something I find myself surprised by. Raven, Kanaria, Osric, Hound, Kahn’a, Vali,even you Delial, I owe you all a debt I can never repay but will try.
I have one last scheme to play. One, that if all goes well, will free me forever from this madman, though the price will by high for some near to me, but they have agreed and once again I am left in awe of their selflessness. I will stand trial soon and accept my punishment, be it acceptable to me. S’honji plans to convict me and execute me, but I have no plan on dying. Not until I return “my employer†for his years of kindness.
In conclusion, I did not write this for pity or forgiveness. In truth, part of me will always be proud of what I have accomplished, though I am grateful that I never had to set off my device. No, I write this so that, no matter how history remembers me, there will always be a record from my own pen that proves that I am nothing more than a simple Garlean miqot’e, whom was fallible, foolish, and devoted to those he loves.
Askier Mergrey,
((In Askier’s cell, resting on the bed he made so neatly before leaving for his trial, sits a note,waiting for any to read.))
To whomever finds this,
This may be my last time sitting down to write, and I will be considering this as my last testament. Â Â The purpose of this testament is to chronicle the past two years, and, more specifically, the past few weeks that have led to me sitting in this cell.
I begin when Saravena was taken, as that was the catalyst for all of this. Saravena and I had been wandering and working as mercenaries for the three years after my desertion from the Empire following the calamity.Â
It was a good life. However, my drunkenness proved our undoing. Like my father, the drink is my vice and I was drunk and loud too often back then. A servant of my former captain during my years in service to the Empire, hence forth referred to as “my employerâ€, recognized me. I do not know how long they followed after us, or planned, but they struck without warning. Saravena found a knife to her throat and I with a choice many say should have been harder to make than I found it to be. I agreed to save Saravena’s life by destroying Ul’dah with a bomb of my own creation.
For the next two years, I moved in secret, slowing shipping in my needed parts a few at a time to keep myself from drawing unwanted attention to myself. I joined the Harbingers of Dawn during this time, hoping to find companionship to distract my mind from what I was doing. Although I found most inside the Free Company to be as full of schemes as I, I did find a few genuine companions, though only one I felt comfortable telling everything to, which I did. Hound, I know you cannot read and I apologize for lying to you about me not being able to do so for so long, but if this should ever be read aloud to you, know you are more than a friend, you are family.
Hound hinted I should stop and try to find another way, but I dismissed her. What could the two of us do against “my employers†shadows? I was afraid and continued on, though I regret now not heeding her.
I was allowed to see my sister during these two years on rare occasions. Always at a location “my employer’s†slave, Jin’li, picked, and only for a few moments. I began to grow impatient, wanting her back.I started making ripples in my haste.Â
Ripples Erik Mynhier began to detect. I realized this and grew angry. I was too close. So I made a move that, in hindsight, saved both Saravena and all of Ul’dah: I confronted Erik.
Erik, should you see this, know that I have always judged a leader by how his enemies view him and his men revere him. 'A friend to all' is the title I bestow upon you. I came to you, trying to trick you into playing this game by my rules, to bend you to my will. But even then you showed me respect as I revealed half-truths to you. I should have realized then, when you let me walk away, that you had already won. You had already placed your prize pieces upon the board,
Kahn'a Od'hilkas and Osric Melkire.
Erik, I don’t know how many moves ahead of me you were or how you intercepted Jin’li’s letter to me, but you played it all so well. There I stood, in Vesper Bay, waiting for the shipping manifest from Jin’li that would reveal where I was to find the final three parts for my device. I recall how my allies and Delial Grimsong… I do not call Delial an ally because she is something more, a schemer as great as myself and as close a friend as one can have with such a dangerous creature. She was using me to help her own ends as much as she aided me out of a kindred bond to save our siblings. I have digressed.
There we stood, with the manifest in hand, my eyes reading over it greedily, when Kahn’a and his allies attacked us. Looking back, I realize just how far Kahn’a has come since Vesper Bay. Back then he was just a scared kit while now he… during Vesper Bay, he was no real threat. The only reason I lost the manifest was a result of the hyur the woman, Daphine, smashing my eye with her book and Osric attacking my flank while I recoiled in pain. Osric certainly would have captured me and ended it all then and there had my chocobo, Drumstick, not come to my aid.
After Vesper Bay, I nursed my wounds in secret. Delial did what she could for me, but my eye never healed properly, and even now, bright light causes it to weep blood profusely. I wanted revenge and so I hunted for it during the week until my last three parts would arrive. I found Kahn’a in an alley and thrashed him violently, hoping that my assault would stop Kahn’a for good. Instead, my violence caught the eye of my Harbinger of Dawn superior, S’honji, and his friend at the time, Kanaria Galanodel. Eager for more guards to help me recover my packages, I lied to them both, pleading for help recovering my shipments for “my employer†saying they were harmless artifacts. S’honji immediately mistrusted me, but Kanaria seemed to be eager to help a man in need.Â
My allies gathered at the “Coffin and Cofferâ€, being Delial,Hound, Siha, Kanaria, and S’honji. Everything should have been easy. We split into two parties. Delial, Kanaria and Shonji went to The Silver Bazaar. Hound, Siha, and I went to Crescent Cove.
But Hound betrayed me.
Just as I had recovered my second part and planned to kidnap Siha, Kahn’a arrived. Hound then stepped forward and raised her axe against me. Outnumbered four-to-one, I was forced to swim for it with my part.  Wet and half-naked, I rendezvoused back in Ul’dah with Delial’s team where we secured the two parts we had recovered and then proceeded to location number three, the graveyard near Camp Drybone.  Osric,Hound, Siha, Kah’na, Daphine, and Jana were waiting for us. After a standoff, we came to blows, though it was my party that was forced to yield, all of us bloodied and beaten, save Kanaria, who proved to be a more dangerous combatant then I had ever expected,certainly more than S’honji, who fell to Osric’s blows swiftly. I broke Osric’s knee before fleeing on Drumstick once more, a battered Delial thrown unceremoniously across my saddle.
That night, I finished the bomb, even without the third part. As my lethal creation hummed intolife and the sinister glow burned into my eye, I will admit I felt pride at all I had accomplished. I had almost, single-handedly, done the impossible, something the might of the entire Imperial military had not been able to do: I had Ul’dah by the throat. In that moment, I was akin to Bahamut, a force of sheer destruction unable to be stopped. The timer on my bomb was ticking and would detonate in one week.
Then my heart sank and my stomach twisted into knots as I realized, without a shred of doubt, I didn’t want to go through with my plan. The reality of what setting the device off would do, and what would happen to Saravena if I didn't let it go off, slammed into me. Depressed and confused, I started to drown my emotions in alcohol.
For the next week, a war raged inside my mind, part of me playing the demon. I encountered Kahn’ain the streets of Ul’dah and my companion Raven and I tormented him, trying to break him of his will to fight. But I saw in his eyes he wasn’t afraid anymore. He was fighting back and I felt fear. I began to grow confused, and in my confusion, I acted, proceeding in an action that had repercussions in my mind and added fuel to my doubt. I might have even killed Kahn’a at that moment had Kanaria not intervened. I left, my mind wrapped in the fog of doubt and no amount of fiery liquor could burn the fog away.
My conscious rose up in me, begging me to seek help. But from who? Hound had betrayed me and it would be some time till we mended our relationship. I thought I was alone again.
I wasn’t. I know now that Kanaria was working with Kahn’a, but she found me sitting on some crates and managed to wring the truth of my goals and who I was from my lips without a bit of force. I was so desperate and wracked by guilt I needed to confess. Kanaria’s response amazed me. She did not shun me, but offered to help me to the bitter end.  I left her, still confused but with the realization I wasn’t alone. I wanted to see Kanaria again, to talk to someone. She used this desire to break down my defenses and convinced me to meet with Kahn’a and Osric. During the meeting, I gave them a copy of the book I had written on explosive magitek as a token of good will. In return, Osric offered a plan:
Ask "my employer†to let me see my sister one last time, but instead of me going, he would and free my sister while I waited with my bomb, swearing to disarm it the moment Saravena was safe.
That night, after the meeting, as I drank by the light of my bomb, I smiled. I remember it. For the first time in a long time, I saw a light at the end of this tunnel and it wasn’t a light of destruction.
But the truce nearly failed.
I had gathered my allies and Delial, still not entirely trusting Kahn’a and Osric. Kahn’a arrived with his troops and my mind immediately took it as betrayal but I waited. I was willing to humor them as they looked on at my bomb with terror. But then I heard Kahn’a say the words that broke my will that night. He looked straight at me and uttered: “Saravena is dead, Askier.â€
My mind snapped, I started dancing around, cackling, wanting to kill everyone and everything, wanting to set off the bomb, and I know I would have, had Kanaria not held me back. My allies and Delial refused to fight, they heard Kahn’a as he tried to explain Saravena was, in fact, still alive; that Osric had saved her after all. In my grief I failed to hear, and I was shot by Kahn’a’s arrow. After that, I remember very little as Daphine drugged me. But I know the bomb was disarmed and I was taken to this cell, where I have resided this past week, thinking.
I was visited later by Kanaria and Kahn’a, who brought in an unconscious Saravena and placed her in my arms. Osric had kept up his end of the bargain, though they had almost lost her. I confess I wept for hours, both relieved that she was safe again after two years and ashamed for nearly breaking my end of the truce.
But Jin’li isn’t done with me it seems. He still lives and conspires for “my employer.â€Â If I ever see that runt again, I’ll sink my teeth into his throat and tear it out. Kahn’a and Osric tell me that Kahn’a is being forced to play a game for“my employer†much like the one I was forced to, though this time, it is not Ul’dah he wants destroyed, it is me for failing him and letting Osric make a fool out of him.Â
 I feel no hatred for Osric, Kanaria, or Kahn’a. Rather I view them as family. They simply tried to keep what they cared for safe and they were willing to help out a total stranger and his sister while doing so. How could I ever judge someone for that?  Kahn’a especially has gone from my greatest foe to something I find myself surprised by. Raven, Kanaria, Osric, Hound, Kahn’a, Vali,even you Delial, I owe you all a debt I can never repay but will try.
I have one last scheme to play. One, that if all goes well, will free me forever from this madman, though the price will by high for some near to me, but they have agreed and once again I am left in awe of their selflessness. I will stand trial soon and accept my punishment, be it acceptable to me. S’honji plans to convict me and execute me, but I have no plan on dying. Not until I return “my employer†for his years of kindness.
In conclusion, I did not write this for pity or forgiveness. In truth, part of me will always be proud of what I have accomplished, though I am grateful that I never had to set off my device. No, I write this so that, no matter how history remembers me, there will always be a record from my own pen that proves that I am nothing more than a simple Garlean miqot’e, whom was fallible, foolish, and devoted to those he loves.
Askier Mergrey,