Thanks for all the positive responses!
Stick figures are awesome!
And I Lo~ve xkcd comics.
Was surprised to see my drawing being used!
Sent it to Asyria to ask what she thought (didn't want to post it up if she didn't like it), when I checked my PM reply, she'd already set it as her avatar ~♥
Yeah, I'm really not very good at drawing men, much less good at drawing muscles ;_;
Cutness is more my thing *u*
Drawing Azyria in as bad-ass a pose as I could manage was pretty tough! To do a Roeg would be crazy!
Stick figures are awesome!
And I Lo~ve xkcd comics.
Was surprised to see my drawing being used!
Sent it to Asyria to ask what she thought (didn't want to post it up if she didn't like it), when I checked my PM reply, she'd already set it as her avatar ~♥
Tagyr Wrote:I'd ask you to draw Thagyr since I'm jealous of Asyria's Avatar now, but I'd figure that'd be waaaay outside your normal spectrum and into the realm of big muscled manly thingies. Anatomical muscles are hard to draw!
So keep with the cuteness! Though your rendition of Asyria makes her look very serious which is cool.
Yeah, I'm really not very good at drawing men, much less good at drawing muscles ;_;
Cutness is more my thing *u*
Drawing Azyria in as bad-ass a pose as I could manage was pretty tough! To do a Roeg would be crazy!