(08-26-2014, 07:33 PM)Zyrusticae Wrote: Scholar I can understand, but is there a specific reason you need her to be a White Mage?
Keep in mind that you don't necessarily need to pay too much heed to the game mechanics - you don't HAVE to have your character have that class IC just because you happened to level it up. White Mage, in particular, is one of those classes that's really not conducive to having multiple PCs running around and still have it play nice with the lore (especially since just being a white mage is reason enough for others to be skeptical and wary of your character). She can just be a good Conjurer, for example, which alone is enough to be a fairly competent healer. I find that trying to force the "I can be everything!" class system into your character's background is just going to make something of a monster... which your OP is certainly pushing towards.
I also have to say that there's a kind of odd dissonance between someone who knows both arcanum AND conjury yet is also proficient in melee combat. Not saying it's impossible, but it takes some doing to explain, especially since the educational background behind any of these is generally quite divergent from one another. Is there a specific reason she pursued martial arts after spending so much time working on arcanum and conjury? Some kind of event or inspiration that sparked her interest?
It may be better in the end to put some hard limits on your character instead of having her branch out so much, unless it's essential to her character in some form or fashion. Simply having a lot of interests isn't really an excuse for actually being skilled in many or most of those interests, and it doesn't really make for an interesting character.
So she's could be just a conjurer/scholar then on the mage side?
She was supposed to be taught the noble "knightly" arts (in FFXIV this would be Gladiator/Archer/Lancer), and the basics of magic (particularly arcanima as it also has a mathematical application, but in order to truly understand arcanima, you also need to understand the external-internal aether thing that conjury and thaumaturgy is built upon) as the only heir of her family from the time she could walk and talk.
But her master in War disciplines saw that she sucked at Gladiator and Lancer, and since it was supposed to be for her self-defense as well, he decided to teach her pugilism and some rouge techniques (this means that she's been studying magic and melee since she was about six, and in Real Life, you are generally good enough to be a teacher, even if you aren't a master, after around 10 years of constant study, and by the time she left home, she had 17 years of formal studies in melee and magic, and that's with aether).
Maybe I should add that she wasn't allowed friends outside the household when she grew up (and she was a brat until one of the servant kids let it slip that no one would play with her if she wasn't the masters' daughter, after that, she basically had no friends her own age, and certainly no friendly relations that weren't being paid by her parents, something she became very self-conscious of), so she basically spent every hour of every day studying and training (this, of course, means that she has trouble approaching other people).
Basically, since the Calamity, there is only one weapon (axe) that she picked without any preliminary studies/similar experience (and she's currently considered intermediate at it), and she's talented and very interested in magic, so further studies in arcanima and conjury (since she fails at thaumaturgy) was one of the few things she found easy after leaving home, she may or may not have either the Echo or something like Sylphie, I haven't decided yet, so any input would be gratefully received.
Basically, she has an agile body and mind for (certain kinds of) magic, but has trouble dealing with people, and is still not totally "grown up" and free of her oppressive parents (one of the reasons why she became an adventurer after the Calamity, was because her parents knew she never could say no to them, and they kept taking her money to pay for their lavish lifestyle because they didn't have any themselves, so she took a profession that would send her all across Eorzea, making it nearly impossible for them to contact her (they can't afford Moogle Mail anymore since they're without profitable skills, without their business, and with no friends after the family scandal broke), and thus, she doesn't have to say no to them).
She also has a few less serious problems (she's veeery short, and admires tall people, ergo, she dislikes her height, for example). She's also terrified of the undead (mainly, she's grossed out by them and doesn't want to be touched by them). Oh, and true to her cloistered upbringing, her alcohol tolerance is low, and she's still feeling the culture clash of her pseudo-aristocratic, impersonal upbringing, and the ragtag, personal adventuring life.
Ah, does that answer any questions?