Daegsatz eyed the bottle curiously, taking it and nodding at her as he sat on the cot. He placed the bottle gently under the cot, not even deigning to take a swig of it. "Thank ye, lass, though if what ye be sayin' be true, I think I be savin' it fer me release," he said, grinning weakly. "Strong drink be reserved fer celebrations. Mayhaps ye be joinin' me fer this drink on that day?" Daegsatz leaned forward in the cot, folding his fingers together, his face furrowed in quiet contemplation.
"Lass, ye be sayin' earlier...that ye be wantin' ta change Ul'dah," Daegsatz said, an unusually intellectual look on his face. "After bein' in th' gaol for nearly a fortnight...it be givin' a man time ta think." Daegsatz glanced at her. "This goal ye be workin' towards. Tell me 'bout it."
"Lass, ye be sayin' earlier...that ye be wantin' ta change Ul'dah," Daegsatz said, an unusually intellectual look on his face. "After bein' in th' gaol for nearly a fortnight...it be givin' a man time ta think." Daegsatz glanced at her. "This goal ye be workin' towards. Tell me 'bout it."