Dear Phoenix,
There are several small moths in the kitchen and I can't figure out where they keep coming from. Often I see their disgusting little grubs crawling across the ceiling or up a wall! One even landed in the soup I was preparing last night! How do I get rid of them aside from burning my kitchen down?!
The frustrated cook
Dear Phoenix,
Yer advice is a crock o chokoshitt. Tha tonic got rid o the lice but now al my hair fel out! Ye better prey I never fined out who ya are.
The bald adventurer
There are several small moths in the kitchen and I can't figure out where they keep coming from. Often I see their disgusting little grubs crawling across the ceiling or up a wall! One even landed in the soup I was preparing last night! How do I get rid of them aside from burning my kitchen down?!
The frustrated cook
Dear Phoenix,
Yer advice is a crock o chokoshitt. Tha tonic got rid o the lice but now al my hair fel out! Ye better prey I never fined out who ya are.
The bald adventurer