(10-02-2014, 02:32 PM)Jaques Wrote: Dear Phoenix,
There are several small moths in the kitchen and I can't figure out where they keep coming from. Often I see their disgusting little grubs crawling across the ceiling or up a wall! One even landed in the soup I was preparing last night! How do I get rid of them aside from burning my kitchen down?!
The frustrated cook
Dear Frustrated Cook,
Since you are, I'm hoping, a cook worth his salt so to speak, you should have everything you need to drive the little bastards from your kitchen. An old Gridanian recipe is to take a clean cheesecloth (something any cook should have access to), and then bundle it up with the following things in any given larder: Bay leaves, cedar shavings, cinnamon sticks, cloves, eucalyptus leaves, lavender, peppercorns, rosemary, wormwood. I also recommend making sure all of your various clothing pieces you wear or keep in the kitchen area are fully cleaned and kept in a dry place.
Of course, you could always do nothing about it and hope for the best; as I understand it, some Wood Wailers subsist entirely on grubs and maggots for protein if they become lost in the Twelveswood. And if it's good enough for a desperate, starving man or woman, it's good enough for any moth-infested cook's kitchen.
The Phoenix