(10-30-2014, 06:05 AM)Xenedra Wrote: Hello! I made a Brolleun Hunter on Balmung for you and went to make one on Gilgamesh as well, but it looks like there already is one, so someone else has you covered there. Let me know (probably by PM) if you want me to delete the character so you can keep the name.
As for the servers, I think everyone here has summed things up pretty accurately.
I appreciate that Xenedra (I got the name on Gilgamesh) and no I am not trying to keep the name but change my current one, as I'm going to transfer my main, as I'm quiet done with Couerl. I'm a returning player and only went to Couerl because of friends whom I had a falling out with.
So throwing away old identities for new ones, and trying out a new home.