Ruins by Ul’dah
- Spriggans
- Seem interested in Aetherical displays
- Hold up their stones at varying intervals
- Do not wish them taken, however
- Occasionally dart to odd places within the ruins
- Ruins (Knowledge from Lafiaht)
- Once city called Sil'dih
- Competed with Ul'dah to point of war
- Rivaled in economic prosperity
- Magic involved in its fall
- Ul'dah may have covered up the history purposely
- Lafiaht claims it is not related to any Aetherical disturbance
- "The cruelty of the society is as destructive as any natural disaster.."
- Did not finish her thought.
- Said it could be found in a text book.
- Miqo'te Keeper of the Moon
- Arcanist or familiar with such studies
- Interested in more than three things~
- Only may or might be interested in matters of ruins, Aetherical disturbance, and artifact seeking~
- Apparently staying about and close to Ul'dah
- Doesn't bother Spriggans often
- Twitchy ears
- May return to the ruins
- Not a teacher