[The next page only seems to contain a riddle.]
By twos they twine from simple line
   Till left with what is tangled.
     Though threes can play; for fours will stay,
            But some may think that mangled.
                             Or one can run   as   simply spun
                             As any of other         thereafter.
                       No matter the spatter         of number that's gathered
                             There's always   a   coming together.
                       These Ends 'round Bends to form what sends
                  A Distance bound closer than ever;
          What's wrought, held taught, a bind oft fought
Is the nature of this tether.
By twos they twine from simple line
   Till left with what is tangled.
     Though threes can play; for fours will stay,
            But some may think that mangled.
                             Or one can run   as   simply spun
                             As any of other         thereafter.
                       No matter the spatter         of number that's gathered
                             There's always   a   coming together.
                       These Ends 'round Bends to form what sends
                  A Distance bound closer than ever;
          What's wrought, held taught, a bind oft fought
Is the nature of this tether.