Some random basics
Polyamory is interesting in the sense that it has no set structure to go off of (see Polyamory wiki link for further details). It is slightly different from relationship to relationship and with the preferences and comforts of those involved adding to the playing field. So even in a roleplay setting it adds a LOT of flexibility. Also can offer unique boundaries as well. Some example of these possible boundaries are...
Being allowed to have emotional relationships with other people but being restricted when it comes to sexual play or involvement.
Having a primary or secondary be comfortable with your involvement with members of your same sex (or sometimes those who are fluid or nondefining, but that's a topic for another day), but not comfortable with those of the opposite gender and/or sex.
The list can go on. For those who enjoy romantic or relationship oriented roleplay, it brings up a plethora of interesting scenarios and complications to spice anything up.
In polyamorous dynamics, it can get REALLY confusing as to what to call those you're involved with to someone on the outside when there's three or more involved. In the real world, they even made a phone app for that shit. Usually you have a few basic categories for organizations sake. Some characters I've seen even made pet code names to keep it covert while also expressing it publicly.
Note: Multiple people can fit into a role. You can have more then one primary, secondary, etc. The app link above even shows that lol.
Primary: Title speaks for itself. They are your main lover. Your first and foremost. Usually the one you've been involved with the most or the most intimately (emotional or otherwise). Think status similar to a wifey or a hubby in terms of rank and scale. In FF14 it could be the primary 'mate' or whatever suits best.
Secondary: Again, title speaks for itself. They are next to the primary but still have a very special place in your heart.
These two keep it basic, and anything after this is also to one's discretion or how the characters might define one another based on the experiences and the RP.
There are many common misconceptions about polyamory both in roleplay and in reality. Many of them speak for themselves and are even pointed out in some of the above articles. For those who don't want to read all of that, I'll list a few of the big ones here (note I use 'you' mainly in reference to a character/persona/etc.):
If you are involved with someone but are messing around emotionally or physically with other individuals without your partner's consent, knowledge, or they know but don't care for it, this isn't polyamory. This is, by definition, cheating. Polyamory is nothing without informed consent from all sides.
Just because you canoodle the doodle or poodle of other people on a regular basis and have some pieces of buttcandy on speed dial on the linkpearl doesn't make one polyamorous. To quote from wikipedia:
Quote:...the practice, desire, or acceptance of having more than one intimate relationship at a time with the knowledge and consent of everyone involved. It is distinct from swinging (which emphasizes sex with others as merely recreational)...
The final basic is such a huge one that it gets its own special little section.
A n d i t i s . . .
C o m m u n i c a t i o n
Big red text and everything to highlight its importance, with more obnoxious big text to follow. This also goes for IC as well as OOC if things are to go smoothly. I've met people who both ICly and OOCly are not comfortable having a character involved with another who is poly or participating in other open relationship practices. Which is their right and their comfort zones should be respected.
On a personal note, I try to let people know OOCly if I see their character getting close to one of mine who happens to be poly. Most of the time, players like to see how the RP goes but there have been those who were grateful for the heads up so it wasn't a shocker later. Some don't care for those types of surprises in roleplay.
ICly (using my own experience yet again), my characters are all rather open about what they're involved with. I have monogamous Lili, nonmonogamous and mostly tradtional Keeper of the Moon Xelra, etc. Some characters can be far more private about this sort of thing, and if so is when I point back to the above note on perhaps letting others know OOCly should it come up. Ultimately, it's up to the player how they want to handle it based on those involved, situation, blah blah blah.
If you have a character in a polyamorous dynamic with another: OOC communication is especially important. Unless said otherwise, usually a best bet to give your RP partner a heads up if a development occurs that could affect their character or your own based off a shift in their own personal land of poly. Sometimes though players and characters would rather not be in the know, and if that's been specified ahead of time then that's something else entirely.
Until then? It never hurts to ask questions for clarity's sake and make sure everyone (both player and even character wise) are on the same page.
First and last update until after Christmas festivities! Happy Holidays everyone!