Lore permitting, these are my two basic ideas:
Male Au Ra Dark Knight, he sides with the Dravanians, and hunts down Dragoons to kill the threat to the dragons.
Female Au Ra Astrologian (OOC class), a gambler, triple triad enthusiast and chocobo jockey. She lives and works at the Manderville Gold Saucer and seems to act like there's nothing out of that world of fun and entertainment!
Male Au Ra Dark Knight, he sides with the Dravanians, and hunts down Dragoons to kill the threat to the dragons.
Female Au Ra Astrologian (OOC class), a gambler, triple triad enthusiast and chocobo jockey. She lives and works at the Manderville Gold Saucer and seems to act like there's nothing out of that world of fun and entertainment!
To be an interesting, intriguing, well-written character, there needs to be something to allow the audience to relate to them. That is what the problem is with who wants their character to be "perfect". Perfect characters will never be strong, and strong characters will never be perfect, because WE (those who read, who watch, who RP) are not perfect.
"What makes a strong character is how they deal with their flaws, their fears, their turmoils, their troubles that get in the way. That's what makes them relatable." -- N.C.
"What makes a strong character is how they deal with their flaws, their fears, their turmoils, their troubles that get in the way. That's what makes them relatable." -- N.C.