(02-24-2015, 01:05 PM)Gegenji Wrote:combo effect +10 stun(02-24-2015, 12:53 PM)Erik Mynhier Wrote: *Chachan, Clio and others, at the Bronze Lake Hotsprings event..... (Alternate timeline)
Chachan: "I've never had "the talk" before."
Clio: "How old are you?"
Artemis: "Never? You need to."
Nathan: "I'll be your wingman."
Clio: "No need. I got this." <turns to Chachan, unties top, flashes the boy, reties her top>
Artemis: <lol> "Classic Clio.... Hey? Where did Chachan go?"
Chachan: <deep voice> "Right here..... what the?..." <iz now a highlander male>
Clio: "Oh, sorry. I forgot that happens sometimes." <giggles>
Ah, the fabled Fantasia Flash.
too sexy to keep unhidden