(03-27-2015, 12:32 PM)Unnamed Mercenary Wrote: On-topic, the only real advice I can try to provide in a thread like this (because I am part of the problem by being antisocial, or getting tied up in a plot that does not allow me to really be social with new people right now) is to try having more social characters? Anti-social works find, but to make an anti-social character work, one must either force them out of their IC comfort zone and MAKE them be social, or have some premade group of people to do that. Passive emotes won't do much for that. Your character won't initiate speaking? That's fine! STARE AT PEOPLE. Find a way to interact with them. Maybe walk and "bump" into them. Or spill a drink.Berrod had terrific advice on this, its absolutely fine to play an anti-social character, but the situation really doesn't change: if you want to meet people you still have to be prepared to broach social interaction yourself. To respond to potential interest, or contrive some means of starting something while remaining in-character.
Warren, in another thread, suggested that non-verbal communication can be a starting point as well. Body language speaks volumes, and may be able to get things started.