(03-28-2015, 07:11 AM)ArmachiA Wrote: Right, I don't expect personal shyness to fall on the community (Hence why I'm against complete hand holding [obviously some hand holding is okay]) but was me actually asking for myself. I want to help shy people, since I'm not shy myself, and want to know from shy people how I can be a little more open and understanding without having to completely be in their face all the time.
I'm going to throw up a disclaimer that I'm an assortment of abnormalities so what helps me might not help other people.
Though, I know something that helps me is just being friendly if and when I do apporach. It's a more passive thing, but it goes a long way. I always, always, always, stare at someone's name for a few minutes before I PM them and ask myself if I'm possibly bothering them. (ThenwhenIworkupthecouragetheyendupinaduty.) But I know most of that anxiety can be washed away by just having a friendly response.
Maybe a passing hug or hello in PMs. Doesn't have to be everyday. I don't talk to everyone everyday, nor do I expect everyone to talk to me everyday. But mostly it's just being apporachable, really. That does worlds.
[5]<Kayllen Stormbringer> I'm kinda wondering if Rhalgr and Halone's relationship
is like strong independent warrior queen and her tourettes-ridden father with a drinking problem.