I would like to add something if I may. Bare with me as this observation comes from my long years of gaming and online rp. Im not surevhow this will be taken so again there is no negativity to this, it is an observation.
From long ago in EQ and NWK there was this free flow of ideas. "Hey wanna rp this?" or "Want to try that?" This behaviour was everywhere. Once my group in EQ wanted to rp we were a small independent kingdom. Our leader would became an ic king and we his knights. It was suggested and so we talked it over calmly and decided... nay not such a good idea. No one lost their minds, accused him (the leader) of god moding. We all talked over the good and the bad of it and agreed to try something else. I think we could talk it out as back then we were not so worried about others in control. We understood it was just a game and if someone did try to run rough shot over us, the player/community would simply ignore them. The understanding that the only person with power over you was you, allowed for more civil exploration of ideas. That fear of "don't tell me what to do" I think is the primary issue and very much a generational thing. Remember that its not just us who have played since the 90s, or 2000's, or even gamers from the last 5 years. Its all of us, multiple generations with differing values, and points of view. That may be where a lot of the misunderstandings come from.
From long ago in EQ and NWK there was this free flow of ideas. "Hey wanna rp this?" or "Want to try that?" This behaviour was everywhere. Once my group in EQ wanted to rp we were a small independent kingdom. Our leader would became an ic king and we his knights. It was suggested and so we talked it over calmly and decided... nay not such a good idea. No one lost their minds, accused him (the leader) of god moding. We all talked over the good and the bad of it and agreed to try something else. I think we could talk it out as back then we were not so worried about others in control. We understood it was just a game and if someone did try to run rough shot over us, the player/community would simply ignore them. The understanding that the only person with power over you was you, allowed for more civil exploration of ideas. That fear of "don't tell me what to do" I think is the primary issue and very much a generational thing. Remember that its not just us who have played since the 90s, or 2000's, or even gamers from the last 5 years. Its all of us, multiple generations with differing values, and points of view. That may be where a lot of the misunderstandings come from.