The mere walk towards K'rahto was agonizing; a painfully, dragged-out trial of it's own as it had turned out. Why in the name of Azeyma was he even looking right at her? Was her approach truly such an interesting spectacle? What in the seven hells was she supposed to do other than casually look right back so as to avoid coming off as confrontational!? There were only so many times she could pretend to have been momentarily distracted by either of the birds alongside her.
Suddenly it felt as though she couldn't walk fast enough.
Luckily enough, K'rahto was the first to speak as she drew to a stop before him, helping to shatter the unusual sense of tension that K'nahli felt had suddenly been growing between them - that is to say, an unusual tension beyond what has always been there.
Having handed one of the chocobo off to K'rahto, K'nahli adjusted her posture to give the appearance that she was facing her own mount as though to attend Suna, but in truth, she was still watching the tia carefully out from the corner of her eye. He wasted no time with tying his own supplies onto to his saddle while she feigned to be inspecting hers. She had a simple question in mind for him of course, though for whatever reason she has having difficult simply vocalizing it. Though she could have sworn she were silently frowning to herself, her expression seemed mostly neutral, closer to being something akin to anxious in fact.
Before the girl realised it, K'rahto had then promptly clambered his way on to a sitting position atop his mount, clumsy as he may have otherwise been, K'nahli didn't seem to notice.
"Ready" was his comment. Short and to the point.
Breathing a sharp but otherwise silent sigh to herself, she firmly, though reluctantly at first, turned herself to face the tia once more. She almost felt guilty at this point - as though she felt somehow responsible for not trying harder to get along with him like he were any other tribes member.
Despite her instinctual unwillingness to throw herself into such a pit of sand drakes, K'nahli forced herself to meet eyes with K'rahto. As always, his perpetual frown only made that amber glare of his seem all the more venomous and menacing - even when she was sure he was not intending to look upset.
"Will you be alright like that...?" the girl asked rather simply - seemingly paying no mind to how easily her question could be misunderstood.
Suddenly it felt as though she couldn't walk fast enough.
Luckily enough, K'rahto was the first to speak as she drew to a stop before him, helping to shatter the unusual sense of tension that K'nahli felt had suddenly been growing between them - that is to say, an unusual tension beyond what has always been there.
Having handed one of the chocobo off to K'rahto, K'nahli adjusted her posture to give the appearance that she was facing her own mount as though to attend Suna, but in truth, she was still watching the tia carefully out from the corner of her eye. He wasted no time with tying his own supplies onto to his saddle while she feigned to be inspecting hers. She had a simple question in mind for him of course, though for whatever reason she has having difficult simply vocalizing it. Though she could have sworn she were silently frowning to herself, her expression seemed mostly neutral, closer to being something akin to anxious in fact.
Before the girl realised it, K'rahto had then promptly clambered his way on to a sitting position atop his mount, clumsy as he may have otherwise been, K'nahli didn't seem to notice.
"Ready" was his comment. Short and to the point.
Breathing a sharp but otherwise silent sigh to herself, she firmly, though reluctantly at first, turned herself to face the tia once more. She almost felt guilty at this point - as though she felt somehow responsible for not trying harder to get along with him like he were any other tribes member.
Despite her instinctual unwillingness to throw herself into such a pit of sand drakes, K'nahli forced herself to meet eyes with K'rahto. As always, his perpetual frown only made that amber glare of his seem all the more venomous and menacing - even when she was sure he was not intending to look upset.
"Will you be alright like that...?" the girl asked rather simply - seemingly paying no mind to how easily her question could be misunderstood.
Characters: Andre Winter (Hy'ur) / K'nahli Yohko (Miqo'te)