For those curious about why: recent toxicity stems from a freedom to bait, troll, insinuate, be passive-aggressive, post non-constructively, derail, etc. We're tired of having to lock perfectly good threads, and aggravated that perpetrators can cower behind technicalities.
That ends today.
Be Excellent to Each Other.
If You Have Nothing Nice (and Constructive) to Say, Don't Say Anything at All.
That goes for everyone... even those aforementioned loophole abusers. ESPECIALLY those persons.
We're going to get called heavy-handed for this, I'm sure. But you know what? This isn't 4chan or SA or Tumblr. We're not here for sniping. We're here to enjoy FFXIV, RP, and FFXIV RP.
Concerns or questions? PM me.
That ends today.
Be Excellent to Each Other.
If You Have Nothing Nice (and Constructive) to Say, Don't Say Anything at All.
That goes for everyone... even those aforementioned loophole abusers. ESPECIALLY those persons.
We're going to get called heavy-handed for this, I'm sure. But you know what? This isn't 4chan or SA or Tumblr. We're not here for sniping. We're here to enjoy FFXIV, RP, and FFXIV RP.
Concerns or questions? PM me.