I want to disagree, because I am almost certain that is just another Miqo'te child, but I can't deny that her stubby tail draws serious attention. I noticed it the first time I saw the screen shot, and I've never found the girl in Mor Dhona yet, but if her tail isn't stubby, then I think there's a story behind that pink haired catgirl. Whether or not she's a hybrid remains to be seen. Her ears look BIGGER than a normal Miqo'te's but they are also shaped differently. Then again, the ears look similar to the child in Mor Dhona. Also, Mithra children in FFXI had different shaped ears than the adults too, also cute stripes on their.... fur? Did they have fur? I'm getting off topic.
Either way this has become an interesting mystery for sure.
Either way this has become an interesting mystery for sure.