"Please look forward to future development." is an answer to the first part of the question ("What is with the small Miqo’te that can be seen in that one area?").
"It’s difficult to implement races that have expression limitations and other issues." is an answer to the second part of the question ("Is this something we will be able to choose as a new race in the future?").
"By the way, Lalafell heads are too big to treat them as children!" is an answer to the unspoken rebuttal that "wait, Lalafell look just like them and they don't have 'expression limitations'!, thus firmly crushing any dreams of such a thing becoming a playable option in the near future.
It still makes no sense, really, but that's what I've gotten from it.
"It’s difficult to implement races that have expression limitations and other issues." is an answer to the second part of the question ("Is this something we will be able to choose as a new race in the future?").
"By the way, Lalafell heads are too big to treat them as children!" is an answer to the unspoken rebuttal that "wait, Lalafell look just like them and they don't have 'expression limitations'!, thus firmly crushing any dreams of such a thing becoming a playable option in the near future.
It still makes no sense, really, but that's what I've gotten from it.