To say I'm not trying to have a hook with Allagan heritage is not to say it'll never be brought up or used. It's saying that my character isn't going to revolve around her heritage. I personally don't believe one trait or another, whether personality, talents, or heritage should be the main focus of my character's development. My character should be developed by a life and the events that occurred, with heritage and culture forming how she thinks and who she is.Â
As I said, I've decided against this idea. A combination of the obvious challenges and my dislike of red eyes in general, has made me decide a different heritage. Though I really appreciate all the input; definitely glad I asked before I used a fantasia to make it happen :)
As I said, I've decided against this idea. A combination of the obvious challenges and my dislike of red eyes in general, has made me decide a different heritage. Though I really appreciate all the input; definitely glad I asked before I used a fantasia to make it happen :)