(08-01-2015, 06:19 AM)Blue Wrote: I think what he was referring to was the main meaning of "conservatism". It derives from the latin "conservare" = save, preserve some thing to its original form, do not allow changes (the same can be found in the etimology of "tradition"). This implies that anything "different" is seen as negative for conservation, such as a new, different race, or simply someone who looks or acts differently from what we are used to. Hence why most of xenophobic-oriented parties will be found in the conservationist branch of a country's politics.
Etymology does not imply meaning, it is used as a basis to explain meaning. The meaning of conservatism refers to either the stated dislike of the change of the current, or a range of political philosophies. Note that "Traditional" does not always cross with "accepted." In addition, "Traditional Conservatism," as stated in the thread title, is an even more specific form of this second meaning.
But we digress.