Welcome back!
 Returning player and planning to form New free company? Sounds like you have interesting plan for future ^^ and that is good! It might be hard work to start new fc but like they say.. hard work rewards
If you need new contacts for rp , I am willing to offer one  There is two rp linkshells I am in, so be in touch and I try to get you into one atleast ^^ they are full mostly tho but there is change always!
welcome back again!
 Returning player and planning to form New free company? Sounds like you have interesting plan for future ^^ and that is good! It might be hard work to start new fc but like they say.. hard work rewards
If you need new contacts for rp , I am willing to offer one  There is two rp linkshells I am in, so be in touch and I try to get you into one atleast ^^ they are full mostly tho but there is change always!
welcome back again!
Proud officer of Free company: Pathfinder Society (PF-RP)
     Characters:            Delni Vaiqio                 Jerciex Lanquairt
     Avatar made by: Yuleth
     Characters:            Delni Vaiqio                 Jerciex Lanquairt
     Avatar made by: Yuleth