My absolute favorite place is Buscarron's Druthers. A large part of our Free Company premise has centered around this great little place in the South Shroud. We even have a whole thread on our board devoted to lore around it. Many of the Miqo'teers have some tie to Buscarron's Druthers in their histories.
Overall, I like the ambiance of the place such as the bar brawl that occasionally happens there with Spencer (and you can learn more about him in other quests taken up later too) and I enjoy the stories, quests and personalities of NPCs that are situated around the place. With comments such as:
"Found yer way to Buscarron's Druthers, did ye? Ye wouldn't be the first to be drawn in by the scent o' quality grog. Don't be afeared to drink your fill lad--Them Redbelly thugs won't give ya no trouble here."
"All travelers are welcome here. Even you."
Back in the day, when there were more MQs, we used to go there often to play darts against the wall with the 'target' (shield) on it. We'd play darts with a dice roll system online but now we can play them with the /random feature in game which is even better. Highest roll wins.
Whenever I see roleplayers around the Druthers it makes me happy and if I run across some I'll often settle in as a background roleplayer to flesh out the scene, choosing one of my characters, sometimes as an unofficial bouncer or hang-about Miqo'te lounger. It's also close to the mysterious Toto-Rak and that dig into Gelmorran ruins. Not to mention: It's Odin Country!
So, it has a lot of things about it that feel steeped in history as much as in plain fun.
(You know, I actually don't know how to post a picture on these boards or I'd try to do so...)
Overall, I like the ambiance of the place such as the bar brawl that occasionally happens there with Spencer (and you can learn more about him in other quests taken up later too) and I enjoy the stories, quests and personalities of NPCs that are situated around the place. With comments such as:
"Found yer way to Buscarron's Druthers, did ye? Ye wouldn't be the first to be drawn in by the scent o' quality grog. Don't be afeared to drink your fill lad--Them Redbelly thugs won't give ya no trouble here."
"All travelers are welcome here. Even you."
Back in the day, when there were more MQs, we used to go there often to play darts against the wall with the 'target' (shield) on it. We'd play darts with a dice roll system online but now we can play them with the /random feature in game which is even better. Highest roll wins.
Whenever I see roleplayers around the Druthers it makes me happy and if I run across some I'll often settle in as a background roleplayer to flesh out the scene, choosing one of my characters, sometimes as an unofficial bouncer or hang-about Miqo'te lounger. It's also close to the mysterious Toto-Rak and that dig into Gelmorran ruins. Not to mention: It's Odin Country!
So, it has a lot of things about it that feel steeped in history as much as in plain fun.
(You know, I actually don't know how to post a picture on these boards or I'd try to do so...)