(12-14-2015, 01:28 PM)Warren Castille Wrote: I have forever been a Roman Reigns fan for biased reasons: He is basically the real-world equivalent of my make-him-in-every-game-since-wrestlemania-2000-on-the-n64 CAW. I like the guy and what he brings, when he's allowed to actually use it. Don't give him a mic. Don't make him cut witty Cena-esque promos. Just let him go out and do what he did last night.
He looks good when he's smashing people with chairs. I think the superman punch and spear are weak looking moves, and if he replaced them with actual wrestling moves I would be much more impressed. I want to like him. I really do. He just needs to be allowed to do his own thing and I think he'd be a really great star. I cut my teeth on the Attitude Era, and I get the feeling guys like The Rock and Stone Cold were given a lot more chances to break out and be their own people than the roster does now.
The women's division is putting on some killer matches. Sasha and Becky put on a good match on the pre-show, and that super long commercial, on a service that I pay for, DURING THE CONTENT THAT IS THE REASON I SUBSCRIBE just pissed me off. But man, when they are allowed to to their thing for longer than five minutes, they put on awesome matches. The WWE has so much great talent right now. Management is terrible.
But for wrestling that has never let me down...
No Gods and Precious Few Heroes