(12-16-2015, 03:59 PM)Warren Castille Wrote: Soul Without Life
You need an Astral Nodule and an Umbral Nodule to continue the quest. Your new friend Syndony has what you need, but she needs a few things first. Crystals, namely. Very rare, very specific crystals. Crystals that only come from completing FATEs in Heavensward zones at a low rate. Eighteen of them. No, they're not at all related to these "atma" things, what are you talking about? Anyway, you'll need:
3 Luminous Wind Crystals from the Sea of Clouds
3 Luminous Fire Crystals from Azys Lla
3 Luminous Lightning Crystals from Churning Mists
3 Luminous Ice Crystals from Coerthas West
3 Luminous Earth Crystals from the Dravanian Forelands
3 Luminous Water Crystals from the Dravanian Hinterlands
Wait hold up hold up hold up...
All you need is the nodules? Not to do it as the specific class?
If so, I'm fucking laughing all the way to the bank.