Having actually mathed it out, the last step actually requires a similar average time and (depending on the MB) investment to complete as the original Novus stage did. Which is to say that it's still a lot of time and gil, but hardly an unprecedented amount.
It's also not gated by RNG, not closed behind a specific, singular activity, and not restricted to being done with any particular class. After putting things in perspective, aside from a lack of originality I honestly don't see much worth complaining about here.
It's also not gated by RNG, not closed behind a specific, singular activity, and not restricted to being done with any particular class. After putting things in perspective, aside from a lack of originality I honestly don't see much worth complaining about here.
V'aleera's Wiki - https://wiki.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/pages...eera_Lhuil
V'aleera's Tumblr - valeeralhuil.tumblr.com
V'aleera's Tumblr - valeeralhuil.tumblr.com