(12-22-2015, 07:17 PM)Olivia Wrote: Honestly, they woefully missed the mark on this grind. The most efficient method to grind is spamming Alexander Normal 620 times. This means old content is only really being populated briefly during step two. In a lot of cases, people will just use premades and run ARR dungeons unsynced. What they could have do instead if put the items in a roulette, but made it so multiple dungeons/trials awarded the same amount. That would actually get people to repopulate old content and make up the monotony of Alexander spamming.They are a Japanese developer though...So i am guessing old time traditions of grinding in the game still resides. Most MMOs, both F2P or P2P from Japan/China/Korea pride themselves on the grind. Take for Example Monster Hunter Frontier Online (Still going strong in Japan btw). If you played a monster hunter game...Imagine that, with new monsters to fight every update and new armor/weapons with double the element weapon types you can get (Like Wind element)with gear skills and leveling up pets...Grinding is the name of Monster Hunter, and the online game is triple the amount of time you will grind.
To do the method you suggested is more sensible to an american market.
Take for example (And i know i can't shut up about it) World of Warcraft. The Legendary ring has a few steps that you need to do and they were all during content stuff. First step was run a certain heroic for the base ring then do three heroic specific dungeons for items and the current first raid (Highmaul) to get stones and kill last two bosses for their items. After those steps you get the next level and have to do the next raid on that same dungeon (Blackrock Foundary) and gather 900 Elemental Tablet fragments (300 per tablet but they dropped a hefty amount each boss) while also getting the three needed items from the end bosses of the three wings (Kromrok, Maidens and Blast Furnace). Once you got the three items and the fragments, you needed to kill Blackhand for his item and get the next ring.
After that it's the 6.1 stuff which was filler and follower
Then 6.2 was the last step. You needed to do work on the Shipyard (Full detail in the link below) to get a map and needed 33 tomes of the legion from the current raid (Hellfire Citadel) at a 50% drop chance from the 14 bosses in it. Once you got all those items GRATZ! you got your legendary ring- oh wait...Hold on. There is one more thing to grind.
100% optional but...
After you get your 735 ring, you are free to leave it as is...or do normal or harder Archiemond each week to upgrade the ring by 3 Ilevels up to a max of 795. Total of about 20 kills to max out one ring (Meaning multi spec classes may have to spend 40 or 60 kills to max their other rings)
Better detail down below.
After finishing all that on my mage (Besides feeling like WOD was a major letdown as an expansion) it was at least fun and the catch up mechanics they added helped for alts and people behind on the quest. Because each week you run the raid, you DO make progress towards the ring, Albet at a 'fixed' rate. some get lucky while others get theirs 2-3 weeks behind, but it's not to the point that you get jack shit in the end...Unless you were one unlucky person in my guild who had one whole week with only getting one tome out of the raid of 14 bosses

If they went the way you suggested Olivia, it would at least make me do more dungeons (But the FATE grinding has got to fucking go)
If anyone has other examples from other games of these "artifact/legendary/Atma" weapon/gear systems, i would love to hear them.