(12-27-2015, 05:29 AM)Nikobi Eyre Wrote: You walk into a location and overhear/see a handful of people RPing. As it turns out, they are discussing something that your particular character might find of interest or relevant to them and their story. My question is.. is it considered poor etiquette to jump in and join their particular RP without a formal invitation to do so?Â
What is acceptable etiquette in this situation?
I tend to walk right up and stick my nose in if I was ICly in the area. Â I tend not to shift IC/OOC states for something l like this. Â Just understand that people may ICly tell you to buzz off if they don't want you jumping into it, or being slightly hostile if it's something they wanted kept secret.
If people really don't want folks eavesdropping they tend to take it to party chat or private rooms in housing areas, at least from my experience.
Emoting first to let them know they've caught your attention might be a good way to let them know it's coming, and give folks time to spread slow their conversation a bit to give you a chance to jump in, or to silence themselves if they don't want someone overhearing / noticing.