(01-08-2016, 10:33 AM)Unnamed Mercenary Wrote: Death within RP is complicated. When people say "the right time OOCly", I see that as meaning when one or more of the following can be established from the RP:
- The character's story has ended (whether planned or abruptly, but it "fits")
- There is some form of coordination with other related characters. (As in, if I've been planning all this other RP with people and suddenly decide my character is going to die, I've made the proper arrangements OOC and possibly IC such that I'm not causing damage to someone else's RP/fun because it came out of nowhere).
- My character is not in any other plots or arcs that hinge upon my character being alive or well. (Typically though, I like to RP as a side-character, so this is generally not a concern).
That's basically my feelings on it. At this point in time I would say none of my characters are killable- not that I play any of my characters besides Shoshopu out in the open anyway. Perhaps when the right time comes and it would make for a great narrative effect I will, or maybe whenever I quit-- or maybe I'll try to align those two events for the narrative benefit of my RP partners I'll soon be parting with. If it fits.
That's not to say I've never considered what would happen if she did get killed off. I like to imagine all the time what would happen if something happened to her or Fyrilsunn- who would go first and how would the other respond, etc. It's fun to think about and it might happen some day, but I don't have a timeline for when it may happen. Although RP is a collaborative effort and things may happen spontaneously and unexpectedly, I still have a strong narrative inclination and won't just let my character get killed off by whatever at the whims of someone else.
Now, injuries? Hell yes, bring on the injuries. That's fine. Shopu can take it, she's a tough little potato